No. 424

Li Fan was a crane hand and patted the elder's sword. At the same time, the other hand cast a white crane and nodded, knocking on the temple in front of the elder's chest, passing the last elder to death!

These Huashan people were shocked. What kind of strength was Li Fan, so easily defeated the four old men in Xuanyi?

It's kind of like dreaming ...

The most important thing is what kung fu is used by this kid? Why so weird, it seems like I have never seen it before! I heard that Li Fan, the little overlord, created a kung fu of seven chivalrous fists. Could this be his seven chivalrous fists?

"Don't be afraid, he's only one!"

Yang Yuansheng felt that everyone's momentum had weakened somewhat, which is not a good sign!

He immediately pointed at Li Fan and said in a loud voice, "Brothers, everyone goes together! No matter who killed him, he can get the title of Little Overlord!"

The names of rivers and lakes are indeed very attractive!

Yang Yuansheng's sentence resonated with everyone. Those who are willing to follow him are all ambitious masters! At this moment, the Earth Sword School, the Xuan Sword School, the Yellow Sword School, and even some of the disciples of the Sky Sword School could not bear it and rushed towards Li Fan!

More than a hundred swordsmen, more than a hundred swords, pointing at Li Fan, it seemed that he was going to be cut into pieces!

"Oh my **** ... there are too many people ..."

Xia Xuan couldn't help worrying, "Little Master, run away ..."

"Don't worry, I have my own method."

Li Fan took a few steps backwards. A few hundred meters behind him was the burial sword pond in Huashan.

Li Fan took a deep breath and entered the state of swallowing toads.

The burial sword pool in the distance suddenly heard the sound of vibration! The swordsmen who were preparing to attack were stunned. What happened to the funeral sword pond?

"Three thousand world!"

Li Fan growled suddenly, the sound was like a thick Hong Zhong!

In the burial sword pool behind him, the dense sword suddenly trembled, then pulled out of the soil, floated into the air, and flew behind Li Fan, suspended there, like a huge sword wall !!

Li Fan used his three thousand worlds and drew these swords to himself!

All Huashan disciples were shocked! Including Tang Yao, when he saw this scene, cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Inconceivable ..."

"Come! Fight fast!"

Li Fan provoked loudly, those disciples, look at me, I look at you, more than a hundred people, brave each other, and rushed towards Li Fan together!

Li Fan stretched out his hand, swallowing Tianchan's internal forces to the extreme! There were at least thousands of swords, and they immediately flew towards those disciples just like the rain!


Those disciples of Huashan were hard to resist Jian Yu, many disciples could not resist, and were chopped by Jian Yu!

"Oh my God ..."

And Xia Yan also looked at it. The day before, the little master couldn't even take out a sword. Today, he even pulled all the swords out!

After a while of sword rain, those Huashan disciples, with a dozen or so individuals still standing barely, were all wounded. The swords were full of them, which proved the shocking scene just now!

"Who can stop me!"

Li Fan shouted loudly, and those Huashan disciples who barely blocked Jianyu turned away in fright, and no one dared to oppose Li Fan again.

At this moment, Li Fan was standing there, as if a **** of war, let people look at it, and he was afraid!

"Brother Yang, it looks like there aren't any people under you."

Li Fan looked at Yang Yuansheng on the opposite side and said, "Maybe Brother Yang can go with me two ways, how?"


Unexpectedly, Yang Yuansheng really agreed.

"It's time for me to show my strength."

He walked slowly forward, and at the same time slowly pulled out his sword.

Almost in a blink of an eye, he suddenly swept over a distance of thirty meters, and in front of Li Fan in an instant, at the same time a sword was beheaded towards Li Fan!


Li Fan raised his right hand, holding a qi in his palm, blocking Yang Yuansheng's sword.


The ground under Li Fan's feet cracked, showing how heavy Yang Yuansheng's sword was!

But Yang Yuansheng's sword was just a false move. His right hand was working behind him, and his entire hand was like ruby. It was so red that it was printed directly on Li Fan's chest.


Li Fan was spit out a spit of blood, and took two steps backwards. The clothes on his chest were cracked, and a **** palm print was printed on his chest!

At this moment, Li Fan felt as if a fire was burning inside his body, and his blood was boiling, making him very painful.

"Hematitis fingerprints!"

Tang Yao's eyes were about to stare out, "Yang Yuansheng! You are so corrupt!"

Hematitis fingerprints, this is the only skill I have to teach!

"You have learned the magic of Kungfu! You, you ..."

Tang Yao's temper has always been very good, even if he was stabbed with a sword, he was not angry. But at this moment, he was spitting out blood in anger, apparently anxious.

"Head, please take care."

Wang Runliang rushed to heal his injuries. But internal injuries and traumas can be treated, and heart injuries are not.

Tang Yao's eyes were red, pointing at Yang Yuansheng, "this seat ... without you apprentice!"

"Hahaha, Tang Yao, what dreams are you still doing!"

Yang Yuansheng laughed, his smile was terrible. Xia Xuan saw him and looked at the old master who was familiar but strange at this time, and could not help but take two steps backwards.

Is this still your own big brother?

"You're not a big brother ... who the **** are you?"

Xia Ling also asked very simply.

"I'm your master!"

Yang Yuansheng looked at Xia Ye, and smiled gloomily. "I am your real master! Little sister, follow me, you can be the lady in charge, hehehe."

"I don't know you! Get away!"

Xia Yan pushed Yang Yuansheng's hand away.

"Little sister, you are toasting instead of eating and drinking."

Yang Yuansheng was furious and raised his hands like ruby, ready to fall towards Xia Yuan.

"Thief, dare!"

Chen Junhua yelled and threw out the sword in his hand, headed straight for Yang Yuansheng to fly over.


Yang Yuansheng picked up the flying epee. He took out all the hidden strengths, and was still a master at peaking. Although Chen Junhua's swordsmanship is powerful, he is also a master who entered the room.

When Li Fandeng entered the room, it was even more difficult to defeat the peak of the summit!

"Those who follow me prosper, those who go against me die! Little sister, regret going to hell!"

Yang Yuansheng said, slap down to Xia Yan's forehead. Xia Yan had already closed her eyes in fright, and seemed to be desperate to die.

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