My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 427: Old acquaintance

427 Old acquaintance

Li Fan looked at the depths with the faint light of his mobile phone.

There doesn't seem to be a hole in the bottom of the well. Li Fan went down to the bottom of the well where the light was shining.

Before that dark shadow went deep, it seems that there are some secrets in the bottom of the well below the burial sword pond.

Li Fan is also a person full of curiosity and loves adventure. Although I don't know what's underneath, Li Fan's curiosity defeated his reason!

He followed the darkness and walked slowly into the depths.

Although the light of the mobile phone is faint, with the help of light, Li Fan's eyesight can basically see the scenery here. Moisture and foul odors are emitted around this place. I don't know how many years it has been rotten and can't ventilate. If it were not for curiosity, Li Fan might not have walked into such a place in his life!

I do n’t know if anyone has died in such a deep building.

Li Fan walked for more than five minutes, and finally, a faint light began to appear in front of her eyes, as if it were some fluorite.

In front of Li Fan, an open underground space appeared, as if there was such a feeling that there was no doubt about the mountains and rivers. In the eyes is a huge underground lake, shimmering with shimmering light. The green awning of fluorite seemed a little weird.

Even more weird is that this underground lake does not seem to be deep. In the lake, there are sarcophagi one after another. These sarcophagi are like guardians, with their branch on an island in the center of the lake.

There is a black sarcophagus on this island. I don't know which rivers and lakes are in it.

A grave was set up here ... Li Fan was a little shocked.

And the dark shadow did not notice Li Fan and was examining the coffin.

"Friend, come out at night to plan the ancestor's grave, isn't it too authentic?"

The figure heard Li Fan's ridicule and turned back in shock.

Almost instantly, three darts had arrived in front of Li Fan, taking Li Fan's life directly!

Very fast darts, Li Fan's seven chivalrous spirits are still sealed, there is no way to pick stars with Dasheng. But he really stood in front of him, just like a barrier. Three darts hit the invisible wall of infuriating, and were directly bombarded.

"Have you been from Tang Men?"

Li Fan touched his chin and thought.

Heiying throws out more darts and hits Li Fan with his head covered. Li Fan stood there indifferently, relying on his body's anger, and let all darts bounce out in front of him, none of which could hit his body.

"It seems we should talk about it."

Li Fan decided to see who the shadow was.

He opened his arms directly, spread a wing of Dapeng, jumped directly from the high platform, and fell lightly in front of the dark shadow. This is a guy in night clothes, he saw Li Fan falling in front of him, immediately pulled out two daggers from behind, and stabbed towards Li Fan!

This man's dagger was used well, and the attack method was very tricky, as if it were a poisonous snake, and inserted into Li Fan's waist and ribs together!

However, Li Fan patted the other's arm, and at the same time kicked him on his lower abdomen, knocking him directly to the ground.

Li Fan is not merciful at all. He lacks skill now and tries his best to control the enemy.


The other side's voice was a little familiar, with a little bit rough in the tenderness, as if I had heard it somewhere.

Li Fan was a little surprised, and the other party had already jumped from the ground, approaching Li Fan quickly from the air, and his right hand became red, and he ran over his head!

"The **** fingerprints, you are a demon!"

Li Fan suddenly understood that he avoided the man's fingerprints on one side of his body, while holding his hands on the other's arm, and flung him out with the help of the other's strength.


The other party smashed into a sarcophagus, and Li Fan took off his mask as soon as he threw him out.

A familiar face appeared in Li Fan's eyes. He frowned, looked at the other person, and groaned.

"Liu Zhu?"

"Huh! I'll let you see what I really look like!"

"Oh, brother Liu, you're really interested!"

Li Fan couldn't help clapping his hands. "Last time in Golden Eagle Castle, I was still thinking about you. I didn't expect that you would come here to plan the grave without rest at night."

"Well! Who plans the grave, this is Huashan Forbidden Land! It is not a circle of graves!"

"That's weird."

Li Fan pointed at the coffins around him. "Isn't it a dead person in it?"

"What does it have to do with you, anyway, you are all going to die!"

"Brother Liu's tone is really big. Do you guys teach in such a special way?"

"What a demon! We teach alone!"

Liu Zhu said with pride, "In the world, people's hearts are too chaotic. The only way I teach is to save the world!"

"That's great, it sounds like a great deal."

Li Fan didn't know if it was satire or praise, but it did sound a bit harsh.

"Huh, you're just a commonplace. You don't understand. I don't blame you."

Liu Zhu turned her head away, not wanting to see Li Fan.

"Yeah, yeah, I am a commonplace, but I have defeated you."

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and said, "Speaking of Liu Zhu, you can't get your hands on Hemitis, it's better than the boy named Yang Yuansheng during the day."

"He did it for the sake of the world."

Liu Zhu sighed, "He will definitely enter the Temple of War."


Li Fan sarcastically said, "It sounds like you are a cult!"

"Ordinary people!"

"I'm a common man, at least I know to cherish life!"

Li Fan is very tired of these enthusiastic believers, "every life is worth cherishing, after all, life is only once!"

"You are so pathetic."

However, Liu Zhu mocked Li Fan, "We died for great ideals. It is worthwhile to pay for everything."


Li Fan's face cooled down, "I've heard enough of your nonsense. As long as I'm here today, you don't want to get any benefits here!"

He pointed at Liu Zhu, "said that the last time you searched the Golden Eagle fortress, and today you provoked the Huashan faction! While Huashan was resting, he ran secretly to Huashan Forbidden Land! Let's go, what are you looking for ? "

"You want to know, but I don't want to say."

Liu Zhu turned her head proudly.

"Brother Liu is too ruthless, anyway, we also grabbed a daughter-in-law."

"Slick tongue!"

Liu Zhu stared at Li Fan fiercely, "Why is your mouth so annoying, I must tear your mouth!"

Liu Zhu said, pulled out his dagger, and rushed towards Li Fan again!

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