My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 429: Five seconds to die

429 5 seconds to die

This short sword turned out to have the same function as the key. Liu Zhu inserted the short sword into the hole in the coffin, and then twisted it.


The lid of the coffin immediately made a loud noise, and then a white ash shuddered and fell on two people.

Li Fan quickly waved his hand to disperse the white ash.

I don't know how long this coffin has been closed, and the white ash is so stingy.

"You can open the coffin now."

Liu Zhu also patted the dust, coughed twice, and said to Li Fan.

"to make."

Li Fan returned to the front of the coffin, stretched out his hands, and lifted the coffin board. Although the sarcophagus was heavy but not locked, it was nothing to Li Fan.

He took a deep breath, the muscles in his arms bulged, and the heavy sarcophagus was lifted up little by little by him.

Inside the sarcophagus was a corpse, and the body was still alive at the moment the coffin was opened. But a gust of wind blew through and the man turned into dust.

The only thing left in the coffin was a small black wooden box and a glittering sword.

"Sure enough!"

Liu Zhu was very excited and picked up the wooden box. "It contains the" Nine Buddhas Classics! "But the glue on it is open when it encounters water."

Talking, Liu Zhu went to the underground lake and was going to put the box by the water.

But when Liu Zhu went to the lake, she suddenly turned her head and gave Li Fan a smile.

"Actually, you are really stupid."

Li Fan raised his eyebrows, and Liu Zhu's foot was stepping on the stone brick next to it, which seemed to be an institution.

A huge iron cage suddenly fell on Li Fan's head, and everything happened between the beards. However, Li Fan reached out to Liu Zhu and dragged him. He was taken on Liu Zhu's body from the air and dragged Liu Zhu into this iron cage instantly!


Liu Zhu exclaimed, and the iron cage had been booming, and he was locked in both.

"I know, you kid, you have no good intentions."

Li Fan sat on the coffin and played with the sword. This sword is a bit like an ancient Han sword. The sword body is cold steel with an unknown beast pattern printed on it. The scabbard also has a brass beast carving on it. At first glance, it is not ordinary, probably the sword used by the ancestors of Huashan.

"Asshole! You big asshole!"

Liu Zhuqi yelled, "Why did you get me in too!"

"Because I'm bored alone, so let's be friends together."

Li Fan was a little annoyed. "Forget it, just bring a deck of cards. By the way, I have five backgammon in my cell phone, shall we play next?"

"Under your uncle!"

Liu Zhu held the cold railing, shaking with anger, "We can't go out now!"

"Wait for the people from Huashan to come?"

Li Fan was not worried, "save a little effort, think about how to explain to the people of Huashan next."

"You idiot……"

Liu Zhu stared at him, "I will not give you this" Nine Buddhas Classics! "

"Brother Liu, everyone is idle anyway, may as well open and study together?"

"You want to see?"

"Yeah, take a look?"

"I won't show you!"

Liu Zhu took the wooden box in his own hands, dangling to Li Fan, "I have the ability to come and grab!

"Wait for a while to play with the sword, anyway, there is more time."

Li Fan is not in a hurry, anyway, everyone is in this cage and can't run Liu Zhu.

"Asshole ... if I can go out, I must kill you ..."

Liu Zhu gritted his teeth, and at this moment, there was a burst of laughter over the entrance.

"Hahaha, it really helps me!"

A figure floated over, he was wearing a yellow dragon armor, and a sword was hanging around his waist!

Seeing him, Li Fan and Liu Zhu stumbled at the same time.

"Yin Wuchao?"

This old guy, how come he ran in!

"I can't find you, I have sent you all to my husband today!"

Yin Wuchao's eyes fell on the box in Liu Zhu's hand. "It just so happens that the" Nine Buddhas Classics "is here, so the old man would not need to find it."

"Yin Wuchao, you are also a senior of Wulin, sneaking here to steal the secrets of Huashan, are you sorry?"

Liu Zhu questioned directly.

"I don't have anything to say to you like this."

Yin Wuchao sneered, "Today, your life and that cheat must be left!"

"Hum, don't think about it, you can't get in anyway."

Liu Zhu took two steps backwards and kept a distance from Yin Wu Dynasty. "You can't tell when the people from Huashan come!"

"It really makes you look down."

Yin Wuchao said, suddenly pulled out the moon knife.

A blade of light flashed through, this hard iron railing was cut off directly!

Liu Zhu swallowed saliva, took two steps backwards, and stood behind Li Fan.

"Don't forget ... we are still working together ..."

Li Fan rolled his eyes, this bastard, at this time came to be close to himself!

"Master Yinbao, you are at will, I'm just watching it lively."

Li Fan asked with both hands, indicating that he did not interfere.

"Do you think you can run away?"

Yin Wuchao looked at Li Fan with red eyes. "Li Fan, you robbed the husband's daughter and let the husband shave his face in the rivers and lakes! Outside, the husband cares about his reputation and can't move you. But here, I kill you And only knowing God, you know I know! "

"Oh, in this case, it would be better for me to leave you the Nine Buddhas, and you can settle accounts with him at ease."

Liu Zhu hurriedly said, "You two calculate slowly, I will go back."

"Who said you could go?"

Yin Wuchao became even more angry. "The demon has killed the old man's prisoner and taken away the old man's" Nine Buddhas Classics! "This account, we still have to count!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Zhu was unwilling, "We didn't find anything in your broken place!"

"Just talk nonsense! You guys, you two, stay with Huashan ancestors!"

Yin Wu chased his sword, his hair stood up, obviously showing that his vitality was working to the extreme!

If it was in peacetime, Li Fan would have confidence to fight the Yin Wu Dynasty! But today, his chivalry is blocked, and he really dare not say that!

"Xiao Bawang ... It seems that we have to cooperate for a while ..."

Liu Zhu lowered her voice and said to Li Fan, "Yin Wuchao is too strong. The two of us don't cooperate. I'm afraid we won't win him."


Li Fan glanced at Liu Zhu with a little distrust. "But what use can you ...?"

"I have learned a unique secret technique!"

Liu Zhu said, "But it takes some time to start ... You can help me hold him!"

Looking at Yin Wuchao, who had already raised the knife, Li Fan hurriedly asked, "How long!"

"Five minutes!"

"I wipe ..."

Five minutes is too long for two rivals!

"Five seconds, my husband will kill you!"

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