440 Bullying too much

"Let me hear your rumors again, and I will knock you."

"Old pass, be a kid!"

Yan Kai said with a smile, "It's also boring along the way. How can you do it without humor?"

"Your sister's silence!"

"Oh! Laoguan also scolds people?"

Suddenly Yan Kai laughed, "This is really an ancient story!"

"Bring me a good one with your little brother."

Guan Wenbao said that he would take off his long knife, and Yan Kai quickly said, "Ah ha ha ... I'm just a joke, don't take it seriously! Everyone goes out, all brothers, right?"

Guan Wenbao rolled his eyes and lowered his hand.

Two people walked in front of the huge Sima family house. The so-called North Murong Nan Sima is correct. The Murong house is already luxurious, but the Sima house is not weak.

The two major families face each other from north to south.

Just the gate of the courtyard, I don't know how many years it has existed, so I just guard the courtyard.

The two giant stone lions at the gate of the courtyard were mighty and domineering, as if staring at Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai.

The huge lacquered gates are inlaid with bronze door nails. Each door has a fixed number of nails, symbolizing the prosperity of the Sima family for hundreds of years.

The family members of the Sima family are all dressed in strong black clothes, all of them are physically strong, and at a glance they are well-trained.

When Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai walked by, a man with slightly curly hair at the door arched their hands at them.

"Guan Shaoxia, Yan Shaoxia, I don't know if the two are here, they are far away."

This man had recognized them without waiting for the two to introduce their identities.

"I've seen butler Yan."

Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai both knew the identity of the man. He was the steward of the Sima family, named Yan San. This man's nickname is "God Operator", and it is said that he knows all things about Pepsi, and there is nothing he does not know about in the entire martial arts.

Therefore, recognizing Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai at a glance did not surprise him. If he doesn't recognize it, it makes no sense.

"I don't know why the two young men came from afar."

The steward Yan was nearly half a year old and had a pale horn, but his mental state was excellent, and a pair of eyes also exuded a certain sharp taste.

Yan Kai couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this. He was very arrogant at first, and even when he heard Yan San's intention to pretend to be stupid, he even got upset.

"Of course you come to wish you a long life, or else you can't come to drink a wedding?"

"Yan Shaoxia, I know that you have some names in the rivers and lakes, and naturally you have a temper. But here is the Sima family. When you come to the Sima family, you need to pay attention to it."

Steward Yan said such a sentence lukewarmly.

Yan Kai wanted to have an attack, Guan Wenbao held him down, and then arched at the steward Yan, "Steward Yan, I'm sorry. The two of them came to wish for a longevity, and brought gifts. I also asked the steward Yan to be accommodating and let us in. "

Guan Wenbao's job is to use darts, and darts need not only martial arts, but also popularity!

When it comes to the south, it is naturally impossible to worship the hill in Sima's house.

The reason why Guan Wenbao whispered is also for the sake of darts.

"Two young men, I'm really sorry. Although you are kind, they are not on the invitation list of our Sima family. These rules are rules, two young men, please come back."

Mr. Yan's steward was like a **** of the gate. He stood at the door and did not let Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai pass at all.

"That being the case, then please ask Mr. Yan to help us send the present up and talk about it."

Guan Wenbao handed the sword, "This sword is a sword of my family, made of cold steel, and no blood was killed. As the so-called sword gives a hero, this time it is given to Master Sima, and also asked the steward Yan to smile on behalf of the master."


Yan Kai was very speechless. He felt that he had misunderstood Guan Wenbao. This guy is usually honest, but she is definitely a big belly! In particular, this ability of making up nonsense makes people doubt whether he has been upper body!

"No need. Our Sima family does not lack a sword. Please bring the two young men back with the gift. Arvin, Abao, seeing off the guest."


The two families stepped forward and drove Yan Kai and Guan Wenbao outside.

A family member reached out to push Yan Kai, but Yan Kai grabbed his palm and twisted it hard.


The Ding's wrist was misaligned and he screamed in pain.

"Yan Shaoxia, what do you mean?"

Steward Yan frowned.

"What do you mean? Sorry!"

Yan Kai snorted, "Your Sima family's hands are too dirty. How can you touch Dao casually! Yan San, you are also a big boss. Take care of the people in your family and know the etiquette!"

"Wutang abandonment, dare to speak up!"

Yan San's eyes were cold. "Beware, your little life stays in our Sima family!"

The family members all pulled out their sabers, and they were fierce. Guan Wenbao stopped Yan Kai, who was eager to move, and said to the steward Yan, "Steward Yan, I'm sorry, my friend is a little impulsive. However, today the Sima family turned us away. This" kindness ", we counted Now. "

"Write down and write down, a small extraordinary dart, our Sima family was afraid that you would not succeed?"

Yan San said in a loud voice, "Don't think that your chief dart has a Murong family as a backer, and you will not be afraid of it! A little white-faced man who also wants to run around in rivers and lakes is really ridiculous!"

Yan Kai's hand didn't know when he caught Yan San's chin.

"I'm really fed up with your stinky mouth!"

Some people say that Li Fan, this makes Yan Kai extremely upset. Although Li Fan doesn't know each other, but at the most critical time, it is Li Fan who stands beside him and regards him as a brother.

Look at those hypocritical people in Wudang, ha ha ...

"You look for……"

Before Yan San had finished speaking, Yan Kai clicked and removed his chin.

"We rely on our strength to break through the rivers and lakes."

Yan Kai sneered and looked at Yan San. "Unlike you, it's a broken mouth."

"Stay here!"

The Sima family disciples around were not vegetarian either. They carried their swords and rushed towards Yan Kai! The family of this Sima family has a lot of seriousness, at least forty or fifty people, densely packed with two people around the center.

Guan Wenbao laughed, stretched out his fingers, and whistleed!

A sturdy war horse rushed into the yard, Guan Wenbao turned over, pulled out the Yueyue sword, wielded the sword, swept across the army, and swept away all the surrounding family members. No one was a place!

"It shouldn't be long here, let's go!"

Guan Wenbao shouted at Yan Kai.

"Yes, Dao is tired of it anyway."

Yan Kai kicked Yan San to the ground with one foot, then stepped lightly and turned over.

Guan Wenbao rode on a war horse, separated the crowd, and jumped out!


I drank too much wine yesterday, and I was totally intimidated ... I barely wrote a chapter. I'm really sorry, but I want to make another chapter today.

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