My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 453: Into the night

453 Night into the night

Liu Xiaoxuan is 22 years old. He usually does nothing.

When there is no money, he takes two dead flies, finds a restaurant, eats a full meal, throws it in the dish, and saves money by using this to spend a few days. . But Liu Xiaoxuan may be a stupid head because he has not received any education.

Finally the boss was angry, and asked a few people to give him a meal!

Liu Xiaoxuan broke his financial path and had to think of other ways. At this time, a little friend of his past introduced him to a more "reliable" job.

Go to the hospital as an ox!

Although he came out early and returned late, he stood and rested for a day and gave 80 yuan a day. It's not just about money. Now Liu Xiaoxuan feels that he is a member of the Yellow Group. Who dares to mess with himself?

Liu Xiaoxuan stood in front of the team, with Mosey's dry hair on his head, and a cigarette in his mouth. The patients around are also afraid to speak, who can make more family members.

"My mom has a terrible stomachache. I'm going to give her an emergency."

A farmer from the countryside, carrying his elderly mother, queued for a long time, but did not get a ticket number. He can only find the ox here under the guidance of the "goodhearted person" and buy a ox.

"Emergency, it looks like appendicitis."

Liu Xiaoxuan has also been in this hospital for a while, and this vision has been practiced.

He wiped the old lady's belly and spoke directly.

"Oh my god, I can see it after a moment! That big brother, please, please give me a number?"

The farmer begged.

"Emergency, one thousand, not two."

Liu Xiaoxuan shook his leg, and almost did not scare the old farmer to death.

"What? I haven't seen a doctor yet, I'll pay a thousand dollars?"

This year's harvest is not good. I just married my daughter-in-law and built a new large tile house, and my family has no money. The old lady also had no medical insurance, and she had to pay for her own medical treatment. According to the old lady's idea, it was to prepare for the funeral directly, and don't burden the son. But where does the old farmer do, he is just such a mother and has to go to the hospital on his back!

But as soon as he heard the call, it would cost 1,000 yuan, and the old farmer jumped in his heart. After seeing the disease after this, I am afraid that these thousands of pieces are not enough!

Just spend a little money, it's delayed my mother's condition.

"Buy it or not? Don't buy it."

Liu Xiaoxuan scolded, too lazy to care about this poor ghost.

"Well, bad luck, no money to see what disease!"

He cursed, and the old peasant made a brief pass and knelt down to him.

"Big brother, help out, I don't have that much money on my uncle, so I have to keep it for my uncle!"

The old farmer begged, and Liu Xiaoxuan went up and gave him a mouth.

"Get out of here! Can't afford it!"

Liu Xiaoxuan is not polite at all. To deal with these gangsters who have no money, they cannot be polite! I am a businessman now, and pay attention to business experience! What is business experience, that is to have money, everything is easy to handle! No money, all gone!

Liu Xiaoxuan thought that his business was good, and the old farmer was frightened. A big man with a crop handle, at this time couldn't help crying.

But at this moment, one hand rested on Liu Xiaoxuan's shoulder.

"Why, buy a ticket?"

Looking back, Liu Xiaoxuan saw a man in a black jacket standing behind him. He was wearing a black peaked cap, black mask, and black paint on his eyes. The whole person seemed to be hiding in the dark.

He put his left hand on his shoulder, and a black finger tiger in his right hand. Liu Xiaoxuan knew this thing. On their side, they are commonly known as hand braces. However, the buddy's hand support in front of him seemed a little special, with a beautiful layer of gold-plated top, set with a circle of small diamonds.

Behind him stood three men in the same black outfit. Two of them were almost tall, and both had a black metal club in their hands. And the other one was tall and burly, carrying a huge wooden stick on his shoulders, with many nails on it, like a mace ...

What the **** is this?

"You want to do ..."

Before Liu Xiaoxuan asked, the hand supporter inlaid with beautiful broken diamonds had hit his chin well.

Drama hits!

Liu Xiaoxuan felt that his chin was hit by a car head-on, and he flew out spinning with several broken teeth!

A group of oxen in the back were stunned, everything happened too fast, like an electric light flint!

It wasn't anyone who punched, it was Li Fan. He bent down, took out a registered slip from Liu Xiaoxuan's body, and handed it to the farmer.

"Thank you, thank you, Daen!"

The old farmer was grateful enough, but Li Fan waved his hand and let him quickly take his mother to the doctor.

"Grass ... who are you?"

"We are from the Huangyi regiment. Do you dare mess with it?"

The ticket dealers of the Yellow Group yelled, staring at each other, seeming to scare Li Fan away with their eyes.

But the four of Li Fan didn't say a word, headed by Li Fan, he squeezed his fists, and slowly walked towards the oxen.

The devil and the two brothers Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuang rushed to keep up. The two seemed to be hungry wolves rushing into the flock. The baseball bat in their hands became a full moon and kept beating on those oxen!

The sound of broken bones and screams are endless!

The surrounding patients were scared. What happened?

More than a dozen men, beaten by four men in black?

There were three or four people who wanted to run, but the assassin who was walking around on the periphery, using the mace in his hand, one by one, knocked according to his thigh, all of them fell down.

With these three companions, Li Fan could almost be said to be beating the oxen, and screaming at the ghosts they beat.

Anyone who wanted to get up and run away was shot down by the assassin demon king again. The nails on the mace cut their flesh and blood, causing them great pain and loss of mobility.

This chaotic state lasted for five minutes! After a while, the siren was heard outside.

Li Fan whistled, and the four of them walked out from the back door of the hospital without panic.

A shabby van with a name tag parked outside the door and pulled the door open. Li Fan and they sat up. Huang Lei immediately stepped on the accelerator. The car, like the hungry old sow who just came out of the cage, slammed out, leaving two rows of tire marks on the ground.

The car drove into the darkness by night, as if it had never appeared before.

Three days in a row.

Huang Baiqiang of the Huangyi regiment is almost going to fry! In these three days, the people under his control did not know how many times they had been attacked!

Hospitals, bars, train stations, etc ...

No matter where the forces are arranged, in just three days, they have been hit like crazy!

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