456 There is a plan tonight

The only purpose for Wang Baiqiang to retrieve the knife was that he was terribly dead every time he had a hunch!

But this guy was going to die, which was unexpected.

Death is dead, and he has done everything to him!

"The two hundred people behind Lao Tzu are all elites who have spent a lot of money!"

Wang Baiqiang has figured it out, tonight must kill the four guys who caused him huge losses! I'm coming back, I must give him an explanation!

"These four people, who can take down their heads, I reward him a million!"

Under the reward, there must be brave husbands!

Before Wang Baiqiang's voice landed, a group of thugs with axe screamed and rushed up! As if in their eyes, these four people are not fierce masters, but a pile of white gold and silver jewelry!

But the leading man took a step back, giving up his position and leaving it to the three people behind him.

Seems like a test.

The three did not stand stupidly. They immediately turned and ran behind.

Four people walked through the lobby into a corridor.

When they got here, the four finally stopped, and the two flat-headed men stood at the forefront. They threw the metal bat aside, then pulled off their shirts, and pulled out a Nepali army knife from the waist. With one hand, he took out a thorny army spur.

Guan Wenbao taught them some swordsmanships. The two brothers Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuang learned the most seriously!

The usual hard work will not betray the master.

The two took the narrow corridor as the main point, waving the saber in their hands, and threw the yellow-clad regiment thugs in front of them to the ground.

The corridor is narrow. When it is inconvenient to swing the sword, the two will puncture the military stab in their hands in time and pierce the opposite person!

It should be the decisive battle tonight! And facing so many fierce enemies, this is not the time to keep your hands!

Whoever shows mercy must die!

The two brothers Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuang have good physical strength. After five full minutes of fighting, they saw a little sweat, and they still blocked the group of elites in front of the strange group called Huang Chong! Guan Wenbao taught them some breathing techniques as well as hard qigong, which allowed them to continue fighting and reduce fatigue.

But they always have a limit. The two of them killed more than forty hitters, but more hitters are still behind, and many beaters have begun to walk around towards the back, ready to attack them from behind. .

The melee king has been sitting on the ground at the back, he put the cans wrapped in yellow paper shells on the ground, and then connected the leads on it.

Although he has a bad temper, he has very delicate methods.

These are all earth explosives made by himself. They are not particularly powerful, but they are not weak.

The assassin looks at the time, and then lights a cigarette.

The door in the back corridor was opened, and dozens of yellow-clad thugs rushed over, each of them cheeky, excited, and manic. They seem to want to tear these four people into pieces!

With so many thugs, the corridor behind is also relatively wide. If they come over, the four-man squad will be drowned instantly!

The demon king of the world smoked a cigarette and smiled at those who came over.

"happy New Year."

Then, he lit the lead with a cigarette.

The lead burned so fast that it almost ignited all the earthy explosives in the blink of an eye!


A series of explosions, the fireworks instantly devoured the thugs.

The strong explosion made the hospital tremble a little bit, but the mixed-world demon king strictly calculated the weight of this explosive, which would not endanger the safety of the hospital. However, this was also carried out under the forceful request of Li Fan, otherwise, for the ascendant devil, he would not care about the lives of the people in this hospital.

A cloud of smoke passed, and I don't know how many people were lying on the ground.

Dead people, missing arms and broken legs. People who live, accompanied by **.

The ascendant devil looked at the channel that exploded next to him and said to Li Fan, "It's done."

"Ok, you go first."

Li Fan waved his hand, and the two brothers, Demon King and Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuang, left the channel immediately.

Li Fan was standing in front of the entrance of the cave.

The remaining thugs took their eyes off the companion's body.

There is only one person left. How can he block the remaining hundreds?

These people have squeezed in, everyone wants to give Li Fan a knife, everyone wants to kill him, and get the **** one million!

And Li Fan stood there, watching the crowd rush to him. He is like a door god, and every time his fists and feet knock out the approaching thugs.

He didn't know about exhaustion at all, and no one could approach him within one meter!

This is the power of Li Fan, no one can win!

Wang Baiqiang didn't know when he came over. He saw his elite was almost half-used and was furious.

"Are you stupid of him? Throw an axe and throw him to death!"

The words fell, and the thugs immediately threw out the axe in their hands and tried to chop Li Fan to death!

The axe slaps his face and shoots at Li Fan, but Li Fan wields his fist and uses his finger to the tiger to shoot the axe in front of him!

Every punch of his is as fast as lightning! Each of his punches is like a thunder!

Wang Baiqiang is stupid. What is this and who is this?

He has a physical body, but can block so many flying axes with his fists! Is this guy really human?

Li Fan calculated the time, "I can't play with you anymore, Huang Yi Tuan, your history is over."

"End? End your paralysis, Lao Tzu's Huang Yi Tuan, run across city A!"

Wang Baiqiang yelled, and at this moment, Wang Baiqiang's ears sounded the sound of a siren.

"Well, here comes the help."

Li Fan laughed and ran straight out of the hole.

Out of the hole, there is still a corridor outside. The hospital is large and the road is long.

But Li Fan slapped the wall directly in front of him. The corridor could not stop him at all, almost several round trips, breaking a few walls, and he had already left the hospital.

There was moonlight outside, and the siren sounded endlessly.

With such a large case, it is estimated that the city hospital will not be too peaceful tonight.

The three of them have ran away by car for a long time. Li Fan himself was convenient. He took a few moments to easily get into the hospital building and land on the rooftop.

He made a leap, rolled over easily in the air, and fell to the top of a quick hotel building 50 meters away.

Standing there, Li Fan stared at the scene below.

The riot police charged with ammunition, rushed into the hospital, and uniformed the thugs in the yellow group!

Wang Baiqiang could only kneel on the ground, raised his hands, and was knocked to the ground by a riot policeman with a stick.

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