Chapter 463: Qin Meng

Sun Jialiang stood in a very hidden office, and he looked at the time.

"It's almost there, he should come."

As soon as the voice fell, the door was pushed open, and Shakanov stepped in with a robust step.

Sun Jialiang couldn't help but admire that this Russian mercenary was really stout. Look at the muscle mass on his body, the little arm is almost catching up with his own legs!

"Sure enough it was on time."

Sun Jialiang admired, "Shakanov, I arranged a few teammates for this operation. You should see them when you come in."

Sun Jialiang speaks pure Russian. He used to travel between China and Russia all year round, so this Russian is well grasped.

Shakanov froze for a long time and didn't say a word.

"Mr. Sun, it's not good! Everyone outside has been killed!"

A younger brother stumbled in and reported to Sun Jialianghui.


Sun Jialiang's brow frowned suddenly, "Must Li Fan already start?"

"Anyway ... Mr. Sun is dangerous, so let's get out of the back door!"

"Got it."

Sun Jialiang also cherished his life. Before he left, he stomped his feet and patted Shakanov's strong shoulder.

"The rest is left to you. Follow him, and he will naturally tell you what to do."

Sun Jialiang pointed his own younger brother, and he could also speak some Russian.

"it is good……"

Shakanov secretly wiped the cold sweat.

He followed the younger brother, got out of Santana, and headed towards the old town.

After Sun Jialiang left, he also got into a black Mercedes-Benz car.

He was driving a younger brother who had been with him for a long time, and that younger brother was his confidant.

"Only Shakanov alone is not enough to get a master like Li Fan."

Sun Jialiang took out his pipe and filled it with expensive tobacco shreds. "So, the woman named Qin Meng will help me solve everything."

Night fell, and the moon hung high.

A woman in a long black coat with an umbrella in her hand was walking on the roof.

She walked lightly, like a cat.

A city has snow all year round, and it is the same today, and the sky is snowy.

A black wild cat ran by, and his body was like a breeze.

The woman frowned slightly, then pulled a bayonet from the umbrella, and stabbed it out instantly.

The wild cat didn't have time to scream, and ten blood caves appeared in his body instantly, then fell into the snowdrift, and the blood and Baixue merged into one.

"A great piece of snow sword."

A woman in a hooded vest is standing on the top of a nearby telephone pole, squatting there with a black knife around her waist.

"The magnificent Qin Meng with a sword sealed his throat", Qin Meng, was not in Li Weiwei's side. He would run into such a small city.

"It's not the same with the unrelenting sword."

Qin Meng looked up and looked at Yu Xi on the telephone pole. "It seems that this small city is really popular."


Yu Xi reminded Qin Meng, "I don't know who you are facing?"

"Well, Li Fan, he's naturally more expensive."

Qin Meng smiled, "But if you add it, it will be more expensive."

"The revenge of one glance is paid today."

Yu Xi touched his blindfold with his left hand

"It's a pity you still have one eye."

Qin Meng looked at Yu Xi's other eye. "Your eyes are too beautiful. They look a little bit more beautiful than me. To be honest, I'm a bit jealous."

Qin Meng is a famous killer in the rivers and lakes.

Her purpose here today is to take Li Fan's life.

Qin Meng held her umbrella and blocked the falling snowflakes. "If you don't mind, can you leave the other eye?"

"If you have the ability, come and get it."

Yu Xi touched the black knife. "Black guard, ruthless sword, come to slay you."

Yu Xi's voice hadn't landed yet. Qin Meng's body seemed to shuttle space. In the blink of an eye, she reached Yu Xi's body. At the same time, the sword in her hand went straight to Yu Xi's black crystal-like eyes.

But Yu Xi's movement was not slow, he instantly drew a knife, the black knife brought the afterimage, and went straight to Qin Meng's cheek.

Both shots were almost lethal moves!


The two took a step back at the same time, and the two weapons collided, sparking.

No one else can see it, but the two have already fought more than a dozen moves at that moment!


A bloodstain appeared on Yu Xi's neck, and Qin Meng's chest placket was also cut open, revealing the black corset inside.

"So you like this bite."

Qin Meng laughed, "Say it early, I don't mind showing you more."

"I'm not interested in poor milk."

"I'm C Cup."

"It'll be gone soon."

Yu Xi started off with a knife and a black light appeared in the air!

It seems that even the moon is missing a corner, even Qin Meng couldn't help frowning.

Qin Meng's body instantly appeared on the roof in the distance, and a sword returned to the umbrella.

"It really improved ... but it was a little worse than mine."

When Qin Meng was talking, Yu Xi's lower abdomen had bloodstains.

Qin Meng's sword just stabbed Yu Xi's lower abdomen.

"Peerless sword, after all, is not as good as my movie snow sword."

Qin Meng smiled at Yu Xi, "Next time, the sword is your eye."

A piercing sword appeared in Yu Xi's eyes. This Qin Meng used his own skills. Yu Xi could not escape!

"I closed this eye."

Only Qin Meng's voice remained in his ear.

But at this moment, **** were handed out, and the bayonet was popped open.


Qin Meng exclaimed, looking at this stinger with some disbelief.

"Yu Xi, you are too big."

Li Fan was wearing a gray down jacket, standing next to Yu Xi, and stretched out two fingers.

He squeezed Yu Xi's waist gently with one hand, and said in her ear, "Fortunately, I'll come and see, otherwise your beautiful eyes will be lost."

"How did you come!"

Yu Xi looked at Li Fan dissatisfied, "You are here, what should I do?"

"Relax, I'll be back soon."

Li Fan looked at Qin Meng, who was holding an umbrella in front of him. "Is this the invited master? The taste of underwear is good."

"Really, you like it."

Qin Meng held an umbrella, and also looked at Li Fan in front of him, as if looking at him, what is different from ordinary high school students.

"She is a well-known killer in the rivers and lakes, nicknamed 'a sword seals the throat'!"

Yu Xi introduced Li Fan, "Be careful of her sword, very fast!"

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