My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 465: Powerful rescue

Chapter 465: Powerful Rescue

These gunmen were well trained, and two of them were lifted directly, easily across a distance of two meters, and fell to the other side of the door.

Shakanov nodded, allowing the next two gunmen to jump over and jump to the other side.

After sending six people, Shakanov suddenly felt a bit wrong. Too quiet ... it's a little too quiet indeed!

"Past people, speed talk!"

Shakanov winked at the Russian-speaking little brother. The other side was clever and understood, and immediately asked in the intercom.

But no one answered.

The younger brother asked again, still silent.

Shakanov felt bad, and he immediately pointed at the door.

The gunmen immediately backed away for some distance, Shakanov pulled the trigger at the gate and fired a few shots!


The door lock was broken, Shakanov struck the door directly, and opened the iron door.

When the big iron door opened, it was as if a woman opened her legs.

Shakanov decided to raz this place and go and get the employer's bounty!

But the previous six people seemed to disappear from nothing.

One man, however, stood there, carrying two huge Gatling in his hand.

Lying down?

Shakanov almost scared urine, isn't he funny?

The opposite is not someone else, it is the assassin. He smiled at Shakanov, who shouted quickly.


Although it is Russian, other gunmen know what it means!

These gunmen were all scared and turned around to run, but behind them did not know when more than a dozen men with camouflage stun guns appeared in their hands.

They shot instantly, cleanly, and stun guns hit the gunmen.

Everything is coming too fast! Those gunmen didn't respond at all, all of them were knocked to the ground by electric shocks, one by one twitching, foaming in the mouth, and instantly lost their fighting ability!

Only Shakanov was still standing there, a stun gun in his hands beat him, but with his strong physical and physical power, he stood there stiffly!


He growled, and kicked the security guard in front of him!

His body is too strong!

Shakanov raised his hand to grab and fired at the three security!

"Bang, bang!"

Those three security guards were immediately blown out. Fortunately, the security guard was wearing body armor, otherwise he would definitely hang here.

Even so, the ribs of these three people were interrupted, lying on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

But at this moment, a chain was wrapped around Shakanov's neck, dragging his burly body to the ground.


This Shakanov's body smashed the dust on the ground, and the melee devil's hands clutched the chain tightly, entangled with Shakanov, making him unable to break free!

But Shakanov's body was too strong, and he even sat up a little from the ground, pulling the body of the demon king, and he was about to be lifted into the air.

And Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuangfei rushed over, both of them holding army stabs in their hands, poking directly on Shakanov's shoulder, stabbing several times in a row. Shakanov snarled again and again, but he stood still.

"Scolded next door, you're a little King Kong!"

The mixed devil was furious. If it were not for Li Fan's order to kill these people, but to stun him and leave them at the door of the Huangyi regiment's base camp, he would have given Shakanov's heart to the sword. I wore it!

"Give me all!"

Shakanov snarled in Russian, then grabbed both hands with Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuang, like throwing chicks, and flew them directly!


Their bodies were hit in the distance and they fell lightly.

Shakanov grabbed it by the hand and pulled it on the shoulder of the melee demon king, dragged the melee king directly, threw it in front of him, stepped on him, and pulled out a spare pistol, aimed at the head of the melee demon.

Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuang threw out the army stabs in his hand. One army stabbed Shakanov's pistol and another army stab was inserted in his hand!


Shakanov yanked out the spur and threw it backhand.

Liu Qiang raised his arm subconsciously, blocking his face. The army pierced Liu Qiang's arm, and Liu Qiang hit back two steps.

"It's too natural!"

The monk devil screamed, "You can't do it hard!"

Before he could finish speaking, Shakanov had lifted him up, and his hands were cramped around the neck of the melee devil.

The mixed devil immediately felt the suffocation, and his eyes turned out!

Just then, Huang Lei didn't know where it came from. With a baseball bat in his hand, he swept it **** Shakanov's head.

The baseball bats were sunken, and a blood spurt appeared on Shakanov's head. But he yelled twice and flipped Huang Lei to the ground. The melee devil was also thrown to the side and fell lightly.

"Fuck him, is this guy off?"

Huang Lei spit out bitter bile and was terribly in pain.

"Scolded next door ... I'm going to hang up!"

The demon king did not know where to take out a chainsaw, held it in his hand, and turned the motor.

The chainsaw turned on immediately, the saw teeth quickly rotated, and everything that was encountered could be cut into pieces!


Liu Qiang immediately said, "The boss has ordered, don't let him die!"

"His dad, it's all like this, let's not let it go!"

The assassin is going crazy, and Shakanov picked up a stick and walked towards him.

But at this moment, a beautiful figure suddenly fell into the yard.

She jumped and jumped up, almost hanging in the air, and then stumbled against Shakanov's head!

"Bang, bang!"

Shakanov was stunned and stunned, his huge body fell to the ground, and he couldn't stand for a long time.

Yin Xiaoru stepped on Shakanov's head and looked at the four big masters who were standing beside him.

"What are you doing?"

Yin Xiaoru looked at them curiously, not knowing what plane they were flying.

"I rub ... who is this girl ..."

It's the first time that the assassin has never seen Yin Xiaoru.

"I rub, Grandma, you're here!"

Huang Lei knelt down directly to Yin Xiaoru, "You'll come a little later, we will be dead!"

"Who is this silly big man?"

Yin Xiaoru looked at the Russian mercenary under his feet, still puzzled.

"I'll explain it to you later."

Ling Tian, ​​holding a pistol, walked out and ordered everyone to organize the battlefield. "This battle seems to have won us."

"Why are you fighting ... Li Fan?"

Yin Xiaoru asked.

"Is the boss? He just left a message and said he went to Wudang Mountain."

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