Chapter 474: Bodhi Monk Bodhi

Regardless of Li Fan's willingness, three days later, they had arrived in a small town near Yaowang Valley.

"The monk said by Master Yuxu is waiting for us here."

Murong Ying, accompanied by Li Fan and the gold and silver swordsman, sat in a black Toyota Alpha.

Li Fan has to admit that this Murong Villa is indeed a big business ... even this place has the Murong family's industry.

"That ... mother, what exactly is Murong's family? How can you have yours everywhere?"

Li Fan really couldn't help curiosity in his heart and asked.

"real estate."

Just three words, Li Fan understood.

Rubbing, it turned out to be real estate. No wonder it can spread such a large industrial chain.

Li Fan was already a little admired. He seemed to have found an incredible wife. Well, her status as the leader of the martial arts league is even better.

"He should live in this hotel."

The car stopped in front of a small hotel, and Murong Ying glanced at the name of the hotel.

Night life.

This hotel is also a bunker. Even if this name is directly named, it might as well be called a gun room!

"I'm drunk too, a monk living in a place like this ..."

Li Fan said, "You wait in the car, I'll take a look."

He pulled the car door, jumped out of the car, and walked into the inn.

In any case, it is better than the hotel Li Fan saw at Golden Eagle Fortress, at least it is formal.

However, there are only guest rooms in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, but a row of red lights on the second floor, which can not help but produce all kinds of messy ideas.

The boss is a middle-aged man. He was drowsy, but he was shocked to see Li Fan.

"Brother, have fun?"

The boss asked directly.

"No play, I'm looking for someone."

Li Fan asked, "Are you a monk here?"

"Brother, I'm a regular hotel here. How can I leak the information of the guests at will?"

The boss said with a smile, rubbing his fingers at the same time.

Regular hotel? Li Fan wanted to laugh, and some regular hotel also had a gun room upstairs!

He slaps on the counter, leaving a slap print that is one centimeter deep.

"Boss, do I need to ask again?"

"Oh ... brother ... me, I was just polite ..."

The boss looked at the clear slap and was scared to pee.

"Well, the monk doesn't know ... but a bald man lives on the third floor ..."

"which room?"

"303 ..."

Li Fan turned upstairs, leaving a shivering boss.

Li Fan is not incapable of giving money. Such a person is easy to pass, and a few hundred yuan can let him say everything. But Li Fan was unwilling to be threatened by him!

The name Xiaobawang is not for nothing!

Li Fan went straight up to the third floor. Two women in cool clothes stood on the stairs on the second floor.

But who is Li Fan, there is a beauty girl in the family who doesn't say, there are many extreme reds outside. He doesn't look down on this kind of goods.

Li Fan went to the third floor and felt this sweat come down.

A woman yelled excitedly throughout the corridor on the third floor. The shout was endless, echoing in the hallway with a clapping sound.

Li Fan wiped the cold sweat, which is unbearable, and started to dry in the daytime.

Li Fan asked himself to ignore the love concerto as much as possible. He found room 303, and the concerto was like a tsunami.

I rub ...

Li Fan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Could he be wrong?

He took a closer look, and it was indeed 303 written on the door! Li Fanxin said that even if his level of education is low, this Arabic number will not be wrong!

What went wrong?

Is the boss messing with himself?

Anyway, Li Fan decided to try it first.

He went to the door and knocked.

However, the sound of humming and collision inside was still endless, Li Fan was very embarrassed.

These two people are in a good state, have they reached the state of ecstasy?

Li Fan was slightly speechless, but it was absolutely impossible for him to wait here.

He is a bully!

Li Fan directly filled Zhenqi with his voice and shouted.

"Bodhi! Where are you!"

Although Li Fan's voice was loud, he was only introduced to the 303 room in front of him under the envelop of energetic. After all, Li Fan didn't want to alarm other guests, so as to avoid extravagance.

Li Fan's voice was still effective, and the sound of the concerto in the room stopped abruptly.

There was a thick and powerful voice, "Wait a minute, how about wearing pants?"

Li Fan's black line seems to be a monk in the mouth of Master Yuxu, Bodhi ...

What the **** ... are you 嫖 chang?

Li Fan didn't know what to say.

After a while, the door of room 303 was pushed open. A woman with slightly wet hair pushed open the door and walked out. She looked at Li Fan indifferently, and then sorted out her **** squeezed out by clothes. .

She blew a kiss into the door, and said diligently, "Little monk, the old lady you are doing is so comfortable, and the money is spared for you."

After that, she also flew a blindfold at Li Fan.

"Brother, do you want to make one? The second person is half-price."

The woman squeezed her eyes at Li Fan. Li Fan had a terrible headache. Seeing that Li Fan was not interested, the woman did not make much effort, smiled slightly, twisted her **** and turned away.


A monk in a suit and leather clothes stepped out and put on a red tie. He folded his hands in front of Li Fan and said politely.

"Excuse me, is it Li Fan, is it Li Shi?"

"I'm ... are you Bodhi?"

"Amitabha ... it's the little monk."

The monk in a black suit nodded. He was handsome and about 30 years old, but he was a lust!

"Did you come out?"

Li Fan couldn't help but ask.

"Amitabha, Li Shi has a heavy emphasis."

However, Bodhi said, "Since the young monk found that there is too much greed in the world. The world does not wake up, the young monk comes to save the world. Only then, the young monk just did his best to save those female donors."

"Fuck you, you're so nice to them, you don't even need any money!"

Li Fan wants to scold his mother.

"Amitabha ... it was the little monks who awakened their wisdom roots, and they realized ..."

"Episode your uncle! Go downstairs to Lao Tzu!"

Li Fan grabbed Bodhi's neckline, pushed it into the house, and dropped it directly from the window.

The Bodhi fell from the air, but his hands were folded together, and his feet stepped on the ground with two sounds, stepping out of the ground with two footprints.

Li Fan fell lightly, and Bodhi complained a little.

"Lord Li, you are so impatient."

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