My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 476: Yaowang Village

Chapter 476: Yaowang Village

Murong Ying simply ignored Li Fan, no matter how provocative and provocative Li Fan was on the way, Murong Ying closed her eyes and kept her mind, and didn't say a word.

Two cars drove all the way to a mountain.

The Panshan Road was built on this mountain, but only reached halfway up the mountain and stopped in a small town.

The town is not large. A not-so-obvious stone monument lays next to it, with the three characters of Yaowang Village written on it.

Legend has it that this medicine king village once appeared a talented pharmacist. He rejuvenated with wonderful hands, giving birth to death. At the same time, he was also proficient in poisoning classics. At that time, the court sent people to arrest him into Beijing to serve the royal family. As a result, as soon as he shot, the soldiers in the court could not afford to fall to the ground. In the end, the court also had to give up the idea of ​​catching him into Beijing, and then this person took root here and established Yaowanggu.

Unfortunately, no one will be able to master both Pharmacology and Du Jing at the same time. Yaowang Valley is also divided into two gates, the Yin Gate and the Yang Gate. The two gates do not interfere with each other.

However, Yaowang Valley is still a place like a peach blossom, which refuses to enter by outsiders. The only contact they have with the outside world is through this medicine king village.

The townspeople of Yaowang Village depend on planting medicines for their livelihood. The quality of their medicinal materials is good and their sales are not worrying. Therefore, the townspeople have no worries.

But apart from drug dealers, they are less popular with outsiders.

The car stopped outside the town's gate, because the gate was actually sealed off with a barricade.

Two townspeople, like policemen, dressed in uniform and sat inside the watchtower next to them.

"Which company?"

A policeman carried a cigarette and asked the person sitting in the copilot.

The co-pilot of Alpha sat Murong Ying's local economic adviser. He immediately took out a business card and handed it to the police.

"Brilliance Pharmaceuticals? First heard. What about the pass?"

The police spread his right hand, and the economic adviser was also a personal agent, and said immediately.

"Our company came here for the first time. I heard that there are medicinal herbs here, so I came here to inspect it. Didn't you ask your village chief to open the pass?

"You cannot enter without a pass!"

The police waved their hands and rejected them.

"Boss, what should they do? They won't let us in."

The economic adviser turned to Murong Ying and said, "Don't invest here for more than 10 billion yuan. I will help the boss to find other pharmaceutical origins to set up a pharmaceutical company."

"Hey, you can't even invest 100 billion."

The policeman sneered, "Our rules of Yaowang Village are dead. No one is allowed without a permit!"

"What to do?"

The economic adviser was okay this time, and Li Fan pulled the car door and got out of the car.

"Where does your village chief live?"

Li Fan went up enthusiastically and asked.

"You can't get in anywhere."

The policeman rolled his eyes, and it seemed that he didn't even want to point the way. But at this moment, Li Fan suddenly took a dark shadow, moved behind him, and knocked his hand on his neck.

The police fainted immediately, while another policeman in the guardhouse touched the pistol directly around his waist, and Li Fan reached out and grabbed his head, twisted his tiger claws and clicked, the policeman was stunned and died !!

"Amitabha ... sin and sin ..."

Bodhi folded her hands next to her. "The little monk is a monk and cannot see this **** scene."

"Wipe, you monk, what a fool!"

Li Fan returned to the car again, sorted out his clothes, and said, "Let's go in and find the way to Yaowanggu."

"Get off, let's walk."

Murong Ying reminded them, "This village is not big, and the two cars are too conspicuous."

"Let's go, everyone."

Li Fan thought that five people should not attract too much attention. But the gold and silver swordsmen carried two swords, and their faces were owed millions of dollars. Not to mention the flower monk Bodhi, black suit, bald head, and a code in the back of the head, the whole killer 47!

In addition, a big beauty like Murong Ying seems to be more high-profile than driving!

Forget it, once it comes, let it be safe, Yaowang Valley has not seen yet, how can it be stumped by a small Yaowang village!

Several people got out of the car and walked into this medicine king village. The whole village is really small, and there is a strong smell of medicine in the village. Even though it was freezing cold outside, this medicine king valley was originally in a place suitable for the four seasons. At this time, the inside was still sunny and everything was green.

"Amitabha ... living in such a place will definitely be able to live long."

Bodhi seemed to like the environment here, and Li Fan reminded him.

"Master Bodhi, you are a monk. Does longevity really matter?"

Li Fan obliquely looked at him, but Bodhi folded his hands and explained it quite logically.

"The little monk came to earth to save the world. Being able to live for two more years and more of the world is better than the little monk alone. It is better to say that I will not go to hell, who will go to hell."

Nima ... This is the first person to see a serious calf. Li Fan saw it for the first time!

He and Yan Kai could make up a pair, one pretentious, the other pulling Tiger Pillar banner!

"The entrance to the Valley of Medicine Kings is a big battle."

Murong Ying stood in the village and looked around, "Look at it, where do you think it will be like the entrance to Yaowang Valley?"

"Isn't that easy?"

Li Fan laughed. "Grab someone and ask."

"After walking for a long time, I haven't seen anyone. Who should I ask?"

"It's okay, they're here."

Li Fan said, looking back, there were seven or eight villagers, with hoes and shovels in their hands, and came over aggressively.

"Someone, dare to make trouble in the village!"

"Catch them!"

The expressions of these villagers were very angry, and the people in Yaowang Village were very exclusive!

"Don't be angry, everyone."

Murong Ying arched at them, "I'm Murong Ying, the leader of the martial arts league, and I'm here to visit Yaogu.

"Well, you woman, you look so pretty, you can't speak so well!"

"It's ridiculous that even if the Allies come, they can't enter our village without a pass!"

The opinions of these villagers are very consistent, no matter what Murong Ying said, if you don't let in, you just won't let in!

"May I help you get them?"

Li Fan asked.

"No need, gold and silver swordsman."

When Murong Ying ordered, the gold and silver swordsman immediately stretched out his fingers, and the sword behind him went straight out into the air.

"Just don't hurt them."

Murong Ying instructed the two to realize that they were driving the sword with real energy and hit the villagers!

The two swords were knocked on the temples of the villagers with only the hilt, and they were stunned.

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