My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 481: Various means

481 various means

"That's right, of course, without rules!"

Little Loli held her hands and said solemnly, "Anyway, the method has been taught to you, the next thing is up to you."

Speaking of it, Little Loli did not care about Li Fan and they turned around and left here.

"Let's go."

Murong Ying is a very simple person, she directly set foot on this restful and clear Yangguan Road.

Yangguan Road, Naihe Bridge ... Li Fanxin said, the people in Yaowang Valley really got their names, and got these two names out.

"Step into Yangguan Road and go straight up to Nine Heavens."

Such a sign was erected on Yangguan Road.

"It's quite loud."

Murong Ying seems to be laughing.

"Tomorrow I will put a sign in front of my dart board."

Li Fan is now learning and selling, "Just write, go up the Yangguan Road, go down to Naihe Bridge!"

"You're stronger."

Murong Ying gave Li Fan a white look, "Beware that someone will go to your dart board to kick the hall."

"Very welcome."

Li Fan patted his hands gently.

"Sooner or later you will lose money."

Murong Ying taunted Li Fan.

"People float in rivers and lakes, how can they not be attacked!"

Li Fan had already looked away, "It's not my personality to swallow my patience. And even if I swallow my puff, those people will only think that I am bullying, and then I will intensify my trouble."

"It is indeed the name of the bully."

Murong Ying nodded, "Yeah, then you can strengthen your strength."

Several people walked all the way across Yangguan Road. There were small houses across from them. Each house had its own chimney.

"It seems that the pharmacists in Yangmen are busy refining medicines."

Murong Ying said, still looking around, she seemed to want to find where Luo Xiaofeng was.

And beside Li Fan, there was a small pendulum clock.

Bodhi glanced up and pulled the pendulum clock forward.

The pendulum clock made a crisp sound, and a lame old man next to him was attracted. He walked here step by step with a cane, and looked at Li Fan for a few moments.

"Who let you in?"

The old man was very polite to ask.

Li Fan took out the token directly, and the old man glanced at him, somewhat surprised.

"Oh? What are you doing here?"

"We're looking for Luo Xiaofeng."

Li Fan opened his door and said, "Where does he live?"

The old man reached for a house and gave them, "But if you can see him, it's hard to say."

"He's not a ghost, and he can't see anything."

Li Fan is very weird. Why are all the people in this medicine king valley stunned?


Just when Li Fan was strange, the house pointed by the old man just exploded!

The black smoke burst out, and Li Fan was a little stupid.

What about Nima ... Did you drop a bomb?

When Li Fan was surprised, the old man was very calm.

"Here again ... it's lucky that he can live to this day."

The old man sighed, "Look at it yourself."

After that, the old man turned away and left without wanting to stay for another minute.

Li Fan and Murong Ying looked at each other, both of them were a little cyanotic. It seems that this medicine is getting less and less smooth!

A man in his twenties with disheveled hair and messy hair, rammed out of a smoke-filled room, knelt on the ground, and coughed.

His house started to burn, and if it continued like this, I'm afraid the house would burn to ashes.

And Li Fan took a step forward and patted it with one palm.

The strong palm wind blows out the flames on the house!

The young man froze for a moment, then his eyes fell on them, Li Fan and Murong Ying.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who we are, we just need an antidote."

Li Fan said, and once again showed the token entrusted to him by Xiao Loli, "Help my fiancee cure Indra, can you do it?"

"Match Indra?"

The young man's face was blackened by smoke. Hearing Li Fan's words, he ran over in excitement, and flung towards Murong Ying.

"Dry hair?"

Li Fan put one hand on the other's forehead to prevent him and Murong Ying from getting too close.

"I first met an Indra person! Let me check it!"

"Traditional Chinese medicine is expected to smell and ask, can you just take a few glances?"

Li Fan was very upset, and always felt that Luo Xiaofeng was like a hungry wolf.

"You can see what you can see! This indra is invisible and colorless, and it only works for internal power! At least, let me give you a pulse!"

"Well, Li Fan, don't be so stingy."

Murong Ying opened Li Fan, "I'll trouble you."

Murong Ying handed out her wrist, Luo Xiaofeng also looked at Li Fan with a worried look, and rested her fingers on Murong Ying's wrist anxiously.

He felt the pulse of Murong Ying's pulse.

Luo Xiaofeng's eyebrows frowned slightly.

"How long has this been for Indra?"

"It's been about half a month."

Murong Ying recalled the time, but Luo Xiaofeng kept shaking her head.

"What do you mean? Has your neck cramped?"

Li Fan was a little worried. Could Murong Ying still be terminally ill?

"The medicine I practise can indeed resolve her toxins."

Luo Xiaofeng said, "It's just that she has been poisoned for too long, and the toxins in her body have become deeply entrenched. Even if I resolve her Indra, the vitality in her body cannot be recovered."


"It's like ... Quan Yan's eyes have dried up, Dan Tian in this woman's body has withered."

Although Murong Ying didn't speak, she could tell from her expression that she was absolutely unhappy at this time!

After finally becoming the leader of the martial arts league, Murong Ying was so proud that she could not accept this result.

The key to Murong Sakura is not because of the defeat of the contest, but because of poisoning, which is more painful than death for her.

Li Fan immediately asked, "Apart from this, is there no other way?"

"As long as I woke up this woman's Dan Tian while I was detoxifying."

Luo Xiaofeng said, "It's just that this is impossible."

"Who said this?"

Li Fan was full of confidence. "Leave it to me, you can detoxify her immediately!"

"Amitabha ... Li Shi, can you be sure?"

Bodhi couldn't help but worry, "This Indra is very poisonous. If you don't get it right, the Murong donor may be blissful."

"Mother, do you believe me?"

Instead of answering Bodhi, Li Fan asked Murong Ying instead.

"Afraid of anything, just come."

Murong Ying's momentum is unparalleled, she said very simply, "What means, Li Fan, you can use it."

"I'm not trying to kill you ..."

Li Fan was very speechless. He turned to Luo Xiaofeng and said, "Luo Yaoshi, shall we start?"

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