My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 484: Twelve evil spirits

484 Twelve evil spirits

The lights in the small factory light up and shine on the second floor. In that corner, a man in a wheelchair was slowly being pushed out. The man had a long scar on his face, from the position of his left eye to the chin of his right cheek. He seemed young, with white hair and some ugly spots on his skin.

This old man is not alone, there are twelve people standing behind him. Every face was covered with a mask of evil spirits, very stunned, as if really crawling out of hell, all stared at Murong Ying fiercely.

"You are not Chinese."

Murong Ying looked at the old man on the second floor and asked directly, "Where are you from and why did you move my people?"

"This girl ... is really sorry. You can call me, old Mo."

The old man said with a smile, "You will like this name, because I like it very much. But for those who break into my village, I will never be polite."

"What happened to you two?"

Murong Ying had a bad feeling.

The old man clapped his hands, and a grimace man threw two people at once.

Both men had passed out, but their bones were broken.

"Breaking into my village, I punished them."

The old man smiled as if crying. This smile matched his face, it was really scary and scary.

"Girl doll ... you guys, you have to be punished like this."

The old man said very politely.

"It seems you really don't know anything."

Li Fan sighed, "Wife, I don't care, you can do it yourself."

Murong Ying said that he and Bodhi would not be allowed to intervene. Just because he didn't have one arm, he simply stood there watching the show.


Bodhi read the chanting Buddha, and didn't know if he was thinking about Murong Ying or these 13 unlucky ghosts.

"This is the twelve evil spirits I have honed, and each of them is a peak of strength."

The old man's face was self-confident, "their twelve masters, any one of them, is enough to send you to the west. Hiding in this Yaowang village, these twelve people are my last guarantee.

Although I don't know where the old man is sacred, Li Fan feels that he may be miserable today.

Li Fan didn't step in, but he would still be curious.

Before the two sides even started, Li Fan asked.

"Anyway, we are also dying today. How about letting us die?"

"This little baby knows a little about herself."

Old Mo nodded. "I admire smart people. If you want to know, ask."

Murong Ying understood Li Fan's intention, so she didn't say anything.

"This old gentleman, where are you from? Why did you choose to hide in the medicine king village where the birds don't shit?"

"Am I?"

Lao Mo's eyes seemed to be full of memories, "The girl doll just said ... I'm not a Chinese person."

He thought to himself that he was a few dead people anyway, and it was okay to talk to them about himself. These things have been in my heart for so many years, I always have to say something to others. The living cannot say that the dead can.

"I'm an islander. My real name ... it seems to be ... Yongsan Koji ..."

It seems that because of too long, old Mo forgot his original name.

He muttered for a moment, and continued, "I came from ... the East City Society of the island country ... At that time ... we were defeated and everyone was retreating to the country. However, a group of dead men were left on the mainland and cultivated underground. Forces, waiting for the Emperor's army to set foot on this land again. "

Suddenly ... Li Fan was a little stunned in his heart. This immortal is still a WWII character?

This guy has to be 70 or 80 years old?

It seems that in Yaowang Village, he didn't eat Tiancaidibao a little, this guy has quite a long life!

"This is our Dongcheng Society ... the fledgling plan that was left back then. And ... a lot of fledglings stay on the mainland and lurk among you. As long as these fledglings are present, the mainland will soon become our hands. s things."

"I think it's beautiful ... Fascism has been destroyed long ago!"

Li Fan was ridiculous and ironic, "You would choose a place and daydream in this old forest in the mountains. I don't think you are too young, so let's get into the ground early, what do you think?"

"Little baby ... you are too naive."

Lao Mo tapped on the ground with a crutch in his hand. "We fledglings ... have grown into plumped eagles! How are your warriors today compared to eagles!"

"is it?"

Murong Ying has almost heard it. She stepped forward and pointed her **** at Lao Mo on the second floor. "Then let me try. What do you call an eagle?

"Well ... the story is over, you should take my secret and go to hell."

Lao Mo said, as soon as the cane struck, a grimace man suddenly disappeared, and then appeared immediately behind Murong Ying, holding a dagger in his hand, it seemed to cut Murong Ying's throat!

Li Fan was compelled to admire his assassination!

This old Mo has cultivated twelve amazing killers.

Twelve assassination killers ... Well, when has it become so worthless.

Murong Ying put her **** up and hit a bullet on the dagger.


The dagger was directly opened, and the sharp blades on it had been rolled up, showing how aggressive the sword qi on Murong Ying's finger was!

"I'm really sorry, you twelve evil spirits, I'm Murong Ying, accept it!"

Murong Ying said, **** have been poked into the evil man's temple!


Jian Qi erupted from the other side of the evil spirit man's head, smashing his skull!

Murong Ying's power, not everyone can stop it!


There is a rare island Mandarin in Lao Mo's mouth, and Murong Ying has already stepped on the light work and jumped to the second floor!

The rest of the evil spirit male protector was eager and rushed towards Murong Ying.

But what a character Murong Ying is, her high heels are stepping on the railings on the second floor, her body is stable like Taishan, her two hands are like a sword, and anyone who is half a meter near her is beheaded by her mercilessly!


Lao Mo saw that Murong Ying was not easy to deal with. He pointed his cane at the Li Fan them below.

"Catch those people and force her to submit!"

As soon as his words fell, two grimace men appeared in front of Li Fan.

Bodhi stood aside, really did not mean to shoot.

And Li Fan's face sank, "Nima, bullying the disabled, right?"

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