My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 494: Deal of the Phoenix King

494 Phoenix King's Deal

After thinking about it, Li Fansi fought, and finally decided to reject the opinion of Foxtail Beauty.

After all, he vowed in his heart that for the first time, he could only give it to a woman he likes! Although this foxtail beauty looks pretty good ... but considering her professional problems, it's fine.

"My brother Li is determined so he won't be fooled by you!"

Yin Tiantian touched a flying knife subconsciously, and Li Fan quickly grabbed her little hand.

An ordinary woman in a blue house ... not to use a flying knife to deal with it.

"I'll just sit quietly for a while."

Li Fan closed his eyes and felt the change of Qi in his body.

This Huangquan is indeed a wonderful place. A huge pink institution is the biggest pink industry that Li Fan has ever seen.

And everything is legal here, no police will come to check them!

The king of phoenixes is indeed hand-eye-connected and can make such a place. Being able to spend in this place will definitely not be affordable by ordinary martial arts fighters.

"Do you see the Phoenix King for the first time?"

The foxtail beauty looked at Li Fan with curiosity, "Don't be too nervous, the Phoenix King is actually very good at talking, after all, he is a businessman."

"hope so."

Li Fan slowly opened his eyes. "It's just that I didn't expect that in addition to doing information business, Phoenix King has other industries."

"Do you mean us?"

The foxtail beauty pointed at her chest, "then you are very wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"Because of the Phoenix King's industry, it's just us."

The foxtail beauty smiled, "The Phoenix King, who owns the entire Huangquan ... Here, it can be said to be a paradise for the rich."


Li Fan froze for a moment. So, the industry chain of Phoenix King should be very large.

"The Phoenix King is the underground king here!"

Yin Tiantian also explained to Li Fan, "I heard that there is a gambling city here ... I want to check it out ..."

"I don't go to the brothel, you don't go to the casino. We promised, how?"

Li Fan quickly grabbed Yin Tiantian. This little girl ... would be interested in the casino!

"It's not just the casino. There are many fun places."

The foxtail beauty squinted at them, "I can be your guide, just give me the money."

"Are you willing to be a guide?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.

"A few steps are better than being poked **?"

"Aren't you used to it?"

"I'm used to it, it doesn't mean the model will not change."

Foxtail beauty covered her mouth and smiled slightly, while Li Fan's face was slightly red. Yin Tiantian was okay, she couldn't understand the conversation between the two men.

"We're almost there."

The foxtail beauty gently opened the window and glanced outside, "We are going to reincarnation."

"This phoenix king really has a name ..."

Li Fan glanced out. There was a bridge in front of it, which connected a huge Chinese palace.

"It's kind of building a house ..."

Does this guy live in this kind of palace?

This is not good ... With such a huge underground industry, he claims to be the emperor here, and no one will deny it.

Around the palace, there are guards of the King of Phoenix. They wore gold-red armor, and each had a long knife hanging around their waist.

"This Phoenix King's guards are all martial arts fighters. He is really traditional."

As soon as Li Fan finished speaking, he saw some bodyguards wearing black suits in the city. Everyone brazenly held a Remington shotgun, violence and security coexisted.

What kind of person is this Phoenix King ...

Li Fan didn't dare to imagine.

The carriage was unobstructed here, entered the atrium all the way, and finally came to the front of the hall, and finally stopped.

The foxtail beauty led Li Fan and Yin Tiantian to an elevator, but the foxtail beauty reminded them, "There can only be one person in here. Who do you want to see the Phoenix King?"


Li Fan took a step forward, Yin Tiantian stepped back with interest.

"Brother Li, I'll wait for you here."


Li Fan looked at the bodyguards standing on both sides like towers. The two also glanced at Li Fan, and then held the shotgun again, looking ahead, like a door god.

When Li Fan stepped into the elevator, the foxtail beauty could only be delivered here.

"Twelfth floor!"

Foxtail reminded him.

"I see, thanks for your help."

Li Fan and her said goodbye for a while, then watched the elevator door close slowly.

The elevator shuddered, but instead of going up, it chose to go down.

"I wipe and fall again? This is going to go to eighteen floors of hell."

Li Fan could not help but vomit.

The elevator descended to a certain degree, finally stopped, and the elevator door slowly opened.

In front of Li Fan, it is a beautiful underwater world. Surrounded by walls made of transparent glass, there are also a lot of lights on the outside of the glass, which illuminate the waters.

There are many beautiful fishes swimming around, in groups and beautiful.

It seems that it should be below a certain water area ... maybe the sea area ...

A long crystal corridor leads to a huge desk in front.

A somewhat obese man was sitting behind the desk, smoking a large, seemingly expensive cigarette rod in his hand.

"Are you surprised?"

This fat man seems to be the King of Phoenix, and he really can't see what he has in common with an underground emperor.

This man didn't even have a guard, so he met Li Fan alone.

He smoked his cigarette bag and went on to say, "People who come for the first time will be surprised. But this is human, there is nothing that cannot be done."

"Is Your Excellency the King of Phoenix?"

"Yes, the first king of intelligence in the world."

The fat man nodded, "Oh, I know what you're thinking. But believe me, obesity has nothing to do with ability."

This phoenix king ... Li Fan felt that his eyes seemed magical, and he could even see through himself!

"Everyone, when they come to me, they are asking for something."

The King of Phoenix knocked on his cigarette rod.

"Money, woman, happiness ... of course, and intelligence. Let's say, what do you need?"

He tapped the golden leaf next to it with a cigarette rod, "The Phoenix King has everything he needs."

"I want to know the whereabouts of Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai."

"Oh, the descendants of the Guan family, and that Wudang deserter?"

The Phoenix King nodded, "To be honest, I'm still very optimistic about your dart, do you still accept investment?"

"This ... has no interest for the time being."

Li Fan felt like he had no secrets in front of the Phoenix King.

"Well, it's not difficult to know their information."

The King of Phoenix seemed to be saying something very casual, "But everything that I know from me requires a price."

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