My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 501: I am your grandpa

501 I am your grandpa

Yama Sima Fang, wearing a black jade.

This is a sentence left by Sima in the rivers and lakes!

His name can be used to stop children crying at night!

At this moment, the only reason why Sima Fang appeared in this inn was that his nephew was arrested.

Sima Tian's stupid ... The kung fu is not good, the ambition is not small. Although Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai are not really good masters, they are also rising stars. Sima Tian is far from trying to confront them both!

So careless, how do you deserve to be a Sima family person!

But the Sima family is different from the Murong family. The Sima family is a united family. Even if it is an indifferent guy, he is also a Sima family and must keep him alive.

The dignity of the Sima family must not be defiled!

Sima Fang stood downstairs, looking at this not so big inn. Each inn on the Llama Road is equipped with a horse shed. At this moment in the stable, there was only a horse of red. This steed is not ordinary, it should belong to that Guan Wenbao.

It seemed to feel a little uneasy, walking around in the stable.

It was a very intelligent beast, because he knew that his master was going to die.

"Is Sima Tian in there?"

He inquired about Yan San, the most loyal dog of the Sima family.

"Yes, sir."

Yan San quickly said, "I have never seen Master Sima Tian go out."


Sima nodded and said, "I have been here for so long, and I haven't let go. It seems that they are not going to let go."

He said, facing the inn above his head, took a straight shot!


A large part of the inn's window was broken, and Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai stood there. The two of them were carrying the moon knife and the other holding a big sword ...

"Where is my nephew?"

Sima opened the door to see the mountain and asked.

"He's a guest here, and he's very happy."

Yan Kai smiled at Sima, "It's a bit lingering and I'm going to leave for a while. I guess he doesn't want to go home anymore."

"It's up to you or him."

Sima Fang said coldly, "If you let people go now, it will make you die happier."

"Sima Fang, I know you're great."

Yan Kai said, "But we, as darts, take money and dart for others! Sima Tian, ​​I can return it to you, but you have to return it!"

"Oh, you seem to have made a mistake."

Sima sneered, "You guys, you are not qualified to talk to me about the conditions."

Speaking, Sima Fang stretched out his hand, and it was another king's palm!

Yan Kai and Guan Wenbao hid at the same time, and the walls behind them were penetrated by a huge palm print!

"Old pass, come on."

Yan Kai and Guan Wenbao descended from the sky at the same time, the two left and one right, and flung towards Sima!

The moon knife in Guan Wenbao's hand brought a blaze, and Yan Kai's sword held the same force as a black hole!

The two masters are playing together, and the momentum must be put on Sima first!

But Sima Fang didn't put them in his eyes. He chuckled a little, but just slapped them back.

"You two have good skills, but you can't defeat my emperor's palm."

Sima is a well-known master in the rivers and lakes, and even has songs! His level, but almost the same day Jin Yiwei sent the king!

Although Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai are also good in strength, they are still a little worse than the senior masters like Sima Fang.

The two were repelled and landed on the ground embarrassedly, barely holding their figures.

"Laoguan, my brother may be a pair of mortals today."

"Go away, who will do the same for you!"

Guan Wenbao was unwilling, "I still have to save this life, to kill En Gong!"

"Ji, I don't want to die, but I'm afraid I can't escape today! Are you afraid of death?"

"Anyway, he must be wounded."

Guan Wenbao clenched his Yueyue knife and stared at Sima Fang, as if looking for a flaw in him.

"You two, it's time to lie down."

Sima Fang's body did not know when he appeared beside them.

He held a dagger in his hand, blood on his sword.

The calves of both Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai were cut, but they didn't see how Sima Fang used the sword.

"The Bliss Nine Swords, the Nine Swords killed."

Sima Fang said with a smile, "You all have eight swords and enjoy."

After killing them, go to rescue Sima Tian.

Sima Fang said, the figure flashed, and blood marks appeared on Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai!

This sword was put on the lower abdomen of the two of them.

Fortunately, the two were extremely physically fit and locked their blood vessels with muscles.

But if this continues, they are indeed waiting to die.

Nine swords of Bliss, the tenth sword is never needed to kill!

Moreover, his two guards were so angry that they had no defense effect at all, and they were easily pierced by Sima Fang!

"Give me a chance! Dao wants to cut him!"

Yan Kai was furious. He held the sword and wanted to pierce Sima Fang's head!

But Sima worked hard, he couldn't get near!

Guan Wenbao also used Guan's knife method to the fullest, and seemed to want to preach for Yan Kai! Sima Fang just held a dagger, and easily played Wen Yue's moon knife.

"You two are too weak, too weak."

When Sima Fang spoke, he had already cut eight swords on Guan Wenbao!

One more knife, the blood system of these two people will completely collapse, and the two will die completely!

Just as Sima Fang was preparing to issue his final sword, he suddenly stepped back, nailed two flying knives in front of the ground.

"Red Fly Sword?"

Seeing these two flying knives, Sima Fang seemed to remember something.

This flying knife seems to be from the Yin family.

Sima Fang suddenly felt a threat and fell from the sky!

He looked up, and a man fell down in the sky and slaps himself at him!

"court death!"

Sima puts himself in the palm of the Emperor's palm to learn, how can he be afraid of others' control!

But what he didn't expect was that when this palm collided, he was beaten one step back and squatted directly on the ground!

Sima put a stuffy chest on her chest and was very shocked!

Who is this

Sima opened his eyes wide, and a teenager stood in front of him.

The boy held a palm and glared at himself.

"Want to kill my brothers, pass me first."

"Engong ..."

"Fuck, Li Fan!"

Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai almost cried when they saw this boy!

Nima, it's too timely to debut!

"You are Li Fan?"

Sima Fang looked at the young man in front of him, the little bully Li Fan. Is this too young?

"I'm your grandpa."

Li Fan said, slap in the head of Sima Fang!

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