510 Suddenly Unexpected

Zhao Jiaqi is a little dumbfounded. What he is best at is basketball. Was it given seconds?

This Li Fan is really a bit powerful in basketball ... but at best he is just better basketball, maybe it is better luck!

Hook a three-pointer ... This is definitely not technical!

Who can use the hook to shoot a three-pointer ... Zhao Jiaqi has lived so long and has never seen anything like this!

Zhao Jiaqi took two deep breaths and looked at Lin Yuexian, who was sitting on one side.

No, you have to play a real level, but you can't let Lin Yuexian look down on us!

Today, we must perform well, we must shame Li Fan severely!

Isn't Li Fan good at fighting? He doesn't believe in sports. In terms of sports, I am the real master! True Decathlon!

"The next item is longer than the long jump!"

Zhao Jiaqi has a pair of woolen thighs, strong and strong, has always been his pride!

"Okay, compare it."

Li Fan doesn't matter, anyway, it's the abuse of vegetables.

"I've been the long jump champion in the city, and you're dead this time."

Zhao Jiaqi walked to the sand, moving his legs, "Don't be scared by my jumping ability!"

Talking, Zhao Jiaqi ran wild, approached madly, and finally jumped up at the take-off line, jumping out of the eight-five-meter grade.

This is already a great achievement, close to the world record.

"Wow, it's a long jump!"


These students couldn't help being surprised to see Zhao Jiaqi jumping so far. Even the PE teacher was a little surprised. This Zhao Jiaqi is really a decathlon!

Li Fan didn't even run, so he walked to the starting line in such a leisurely manner. Zhao Jiaqi wanted to laugh. Was this guy shocked by his bouncing power, so this is to give up? Really not a man, even the courage to fight!

Li Fan walked to the front in this way and took a foot shot. The whole man jumped into the air and turned straight in the air.

Li Fan jumped out fifteen meters away, then fell to the ground steadily.

Zhao Jiaqi's feet were a bit unstable, and she almost fell to the ground.

This ... How is this possible? You read it right ...

He just watched Li Fan turn over in the air, especially like the martial arts master in the TV series, just like flying in the air ...

This is impossible ... definitely impossible ...

"I went ... how did I jump out ..."

"Willn't it be light work?"

The students around were also shocked. They all knew that Xiaoba Wang was powerful, but it was too powerful. The physical education teacher rubbed his eyes desperately, thinking that he might be wrong.

"Oh my **** ... your love ... isn't that awesome ..."

The girlfriend also ate her mouth and asked Lin Yuexian, "How did he jump out ..."

Lin Yuexian was not surprised at all. What is Li Fan's strength, others don't know, can she still not know? I'm afraid, this time Zhao Jiaqi's self-confidence is about to end.

"What about the next item?"

Li Fan asked.

"Next, the next is throwing shot ..."

I don't know why, it seems that Zhao Jiaqi has nothing in her snack ...

Why does this man jump so far? It seems that his jumping ability is very powerful, and he can't choose the exercise of the legs ... It is better to choose to throw shots, which he has practiced for many years!

He can throw a distance of 20 meters now, I feel very good today, maybe he can break his own record!

Zhao Jiaqi picked up the heavy shot put on her shoulder.

The people around him kept a safe distance. This Zhao Jiaqi spun up, the strength of his arm brought his waist, and he threw the shot!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Shot put on the ground, and under the watchful eye of Lin Yuexian, Zhao Jiaqi broke through herself this time, throwing a distance of 21 meters!

This distance is already a great distance for a Chinese athlete!

Zhao Jiaqi herself is also very excited! It's amazing, I'm really amazing!

And Li Fan picked up the shot put in his hand and threw it casually in his hand, which made Zhao Jiaqi's eyes widen.

Li Fan threw it lightly. This shot put an arc in the air and was thrown at a distance of at least 30 meters!


Zhao Jiaqi finally couldn't help it, he wanted to scold someone!

How is this possible! Absolutely impossible!

Although the decathlon was only compared to three ... Zhao Jiaqi suddenly felt that this Li Fan, he was a monster!

Compared with this monster's human athletic ability ... myself, I am like a silly fork!

Zhao Jiaqi felt a little dumbfounded. For the first time in sports, he lost to other students!

How is this possible ...

Zhao Jiaqi couldn't believe his eyes. He felt everything was like a dream from provoking Li Fan to throwing the shot.

God, is he kidding himself?

"Well, what's next?"

Li Fan looked at Zhao Jiaqi very leisurely, waiting for him to announce the next game.

"You ... Are you human?"

Zhao Jiaqi finally couldn't help but asked.

"Like a fake replacement."

Li Fan nodded without hesitation, "What's next?"

"I, I gave up ..."

Zhao Jiaqi couldn't get up, and thoroughly counseled.

How does Li Fan compare with him?

Any item in his hands is the same as playing a game! Not to mention yourself, even if the real world champion comes over, Li Fan has to be crushed easily!

Although Zhao Jiaqi was proud, he was not stupid. More than that, he can only humiliate in front of Lin Yuexian!

Zhao Jiaqi didn't know what to do, let him admit defeat, he was a little unwilling.

Concede in front of the goddess ... there is nothing more painful than this!

Zhao Jiaqi was very reconciled, he could not wait to find a place to drill in!

But at this moment, there was a sudden movement over the gate.

A group of lunatics came in like this, each holding an axe in their hands, each fierce.

They had more than ten people, and just walked into the school in such a rushing manner, standing on the playground.

There were a few baffles standing at the door, blocking the exit.

The students on the playground were terrified. They wanted to run, but a leading man, holding a five-stroke hair in his hand, snarled.

"Did he give me a break! Squat on the ground!"

He fired a shot into the sky, and the deafening gunshot scared all the students down.

Li Fan frowned and stared at these people. Bai Linluo squatted beside him, speaking softly in his ear.

"It's the Huang Yi group ..."

All the puppets here are tied with a yellow square scarf around their necks to prove their identity.

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