My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 519: Work together

519 Working Together

Yang Ruining laughed, "My young lady, you really love this Li Fan. It's all this time, still thinking about him."

"You think too much."

Liu Yannan remained calm. "I just want to tell the company's people. The boss has disappeared, so let me know, otherwise what should I do if I run away as money?"

"Rest assured, the Red Dragon Club is there, the people in Longtang have already arranged for it. If Nan Nan is really innocent, then let you go back and run your Red Dragon Club, as usual. If you find out that you are The words of the traitor ... I'm afraid that even if I had the friendship of that year, I would not be able to save the young lady who has changed her heart. "

"Yang Ruining, come here less often."

Liu Yanan wouldn't be so afraid of Yang Ruining, "You can check if you have the ability! I'm innocent anyway, you can't find any results!"

"Nan Nan, I like your confident look."

Yang Ruining patted her hand gently, "It's just that, sometimes you can't be too confident ... Remember the ten bodyguards of the Presbyterian, one of them is a bit hard, he is now in a coma. When he wakes up, Everything, the truth of nature is clear. "

"Frighten me?"

Liu Yanan did not move in the slightest. "His life and death have a relationship with Miss Ben."

"It doesn't matter if you say it or not, I say it."

Yang Ruining stood up slowly, "When he wakes up, he will know everything."

"Okay, then you wait slowly."

Liu Yannan said that it doesn't matter.

"Then I won't talk to you much, just stay here. If you have any requirements, just ask your two maids."

"Okay, my request is that you leave quickly."

Liu Yannan rolled his eyes, "The farther, the better, the annoying to see you."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Yang Ruining didn't stay too much. "Let's wait and see."

Yang Ruining stepped out of the room, and Liu Yanan sat in the room, seemingly indifferent, but anxious in her heart.

If that bodyguard really wakes up, he and Li Fan will be finished. But now she has no way to pass information to Li Fan. She is locked in this place, and no external communication can be linked.

What to do now ... Liu Yanan had no idea for the first time.

At the same time, Li Fan received a call from Ling Tian just after school.

"Boss, is there any news you want to know?"

"What news?"

Li Fan was carrying Lin Yuexian to the company. He held the handlebars in his hands and asked Lin Yuexian to hold a mobile phone for him.

"Liu Yannan's news."

When Ling Tian opened the door to see the mountain, Li Fan frowned slightly, not knowing what Ling Tian said.

Liu Yanan is a good lady of Chilong Group. What does her news have to do with herself?

"Now Miss Liu is better than ever."

Ling Tian has her own unique source of information, "She has been locked up by Yang Ruining ... I'm afraid it won't be long before you, your partner, will disappear in city A."

"Impossible, she is also the head of Chilonghui."

Li Fan felt a little incredible. "And her dad also has some energy in city A. Yang Ruining dare to attack her?"

"It is said that she annihilated the Presbyterian Church in City A ... This offended China's largest underworld force, Longtang."

Ling Tian's words made Li Fan more and more frightened. "Once the exact evidence is obtained, the people in Longtang should fight her."

Li Fan felt his head buzz, and he shouldn't have left Liu Yannan there!

"Where is she in? Do you know?"

"This ... IMHO ..."

Ling Tian sighed, "Yang Ruining did a good job of keeping secrets, and my eyeliner didn't detect the whereabouts of the other party."

"The city of A is so big, I must find Liu Yannan!"

This matter had nothing to do with Liu Yannan, but she was involved in it! Li Fan must not allow her to cook for herself, she must find a way to rescue Liu Yannan.

"In the short term, it should not be against her."

Ling Tian told Li Fan, "Otherwise, she wouldn't be locked up ... but we have limited time, and I guess it will be three or two days ..."

"Yes, what about Yang Ruining, where is he now?"

"He's smart, he's hidden."

Ling Tian's answer made Li Fan's heart sink a bit.

Li Fan nodded. "Waiting for me in the company, I let Xiao Si's eyes pass by."

If you want to find Liu Yannan, you may not be able to rely on your own strength. You must let your brothers go together.

In such a short time, it is obviously too late to find the Phoenix King. This phoenix king stands alone and wants to ask him for information and intelligence, he must go to him. Other than that, there is no way to reach this guy.

"there is a problem?"

Lin Yuexian Bingxue is clever and has heard some clues.

"Well, Liu Yannan, she is under house arrest."

Li Fan told the truth, "She and I still have some friendship, and I can't watch her get killed."

"Will such a noble lady like Qian Jin be under house arrest?"

Lin Yuexian was a little surprised, but quickly asked, "You don't know where she was held, right?"

"Yes, that's important."

Li Fan was riding a car, slightly heavy, "If she dies, I'm afraid I won't be able to lift my head in my life."

"Okay, I help you."

Lin Yuexian patted Li Fan's shoulder. "Whenever, don't forget, you still have our brothers!"

"You're obviously a sister. Why do you call yourself a brother?"

"Oh, that's what it means ... don't exclude me this time, okay?"

"Okay, count yourself."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, "Anyway, this time it is not a crime, it is a life-saving, you can participate in it."

"Huh, you know you sometimes commit crimes!"

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes, "I thought you never knew it!"

"My skin is thicker, but it's not shameless."

Li Fan said, "Hold me tight, I'm going to speed up."


Lin Yuexian hugged Li Fan tightly and put his face on his back. In this way, Lin Yuexian has a sense of security.

It's better to keep it ... it's better than that.

Lin Yuexian especially hoped that the two would continue to ride this bike and never stop.

But the better the ideal, the crueler the reality.

Li Fan rode fast. Within two minutes, the two came to Xiaotulou.

The security guards are also already at work. They are standing under the small building and following Guan Wenbao in training.

Both Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuang followed Guan Wenbao to practice further. The two played particularly well, but Guan Wenbao obviously trained them more severely than the others!

Both of them were sweating, and Li Fan waved his hand. "You go on, I'll go upstairs and have a meeting with other people."

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