528 Good person card

Bai Linluo's question made Li Fan and Liao Wushuang stunned at the same time.

The two looked at each other. What did Bai Linluo ask?

"This ... is not ... But, I don't agree with the relationship between teachers and students."

"Mr. Liao is also so feudal!"

Bai Linluo hurriedly said, "But Teacher Liao is not in a hurry to oppose it, I believe I will have this honor!"

For the first time, Li Fan saw Bai Linluo being so proactive. Even if it was a task and wanted to plan, he was just like playing a game.

But this time ... he seemed to be moving! It's not easy to see some blood from Bai Linluo!

"Student Bai Linluo, think more about snacks, and the teacher will be very happy."

Liao Wushuang pretended to be serious, and Li Fan heard something strange in his heart.

While he was surprised, he felt a little embarrassed.

Bai Linluo took the initiative to attack and confessed to Liao Wushuang. What about your own relationship with Liao Wushuang ... Ah, why do you think so, isn't there only the friendship between teachers and students between you and Liao Wushuang?

At this time, some students passed Li Fan's side and immediately hid away. They could even hear them faintly.

"Oh my **** ... how dare Teacher Liao get so close to Xiao Bawang ..."

"I heard that Xiaobawang has a gangster ..."

"It looks like this army officer with glasses ..."

"Oh my God, they won't be bad for Teacher Liao ..."

Although these gurgling voices were not heard by Liao Wushuang and Bai Linluo, Li Fan heard clearly.

But what can he say, and he is too lazy to explain to these students.

"Then let's do it first."

Liao Wushuang talked to Bai Linluo for a while, and then said, "I have some articles in the future, just show them to me."

"Thank you Liao!"

Bai Linluo was excited. He pushed his glasses. "I will work harder in this area!"

"Student Bai, in fact, the teacher already has someone he likes."

Liao Wushuang said suddenly, "So I can't accept your confession."


This is a bit of a blow to Bai Linluo, "Mr. Liao, do you have someone you like?"

This has never been heard by Teacher Liao!


Liao Wushuang nodded earnestly. "The teacher has not lied. I like him for a while."

When Liao Wushuang said this, something strange was blinking in his eyes. "I don't think there will be anyone else in my life except him."

"Ah ... Mr. Liao, is there really no chance ..."

Bai Linluo was a little lost.

"Well, I'm sorry ... you're a good person ..."

"I see ... Teacher Liao, leave first ..."

Bai Linluo left in frustration. Li Fan hurriedly greeted Liao Wushuang and went to Bai Linluo.

Will this guy not suffer any psychological blows?

He used to be a weak-hearted guy. Now, will this make him relapse?

"Little four eyes, are you okay?"

Li Fan stepped forward and hooked Bai Linluo's shoulder. "The woman, you can find it when you are gone. Don't have any dark thoughts."

"What do you think, am I the kind of person?"

Bai Linluo touched the flaming badge on his collar. "I'm a Communist Youth League member, my consciousness is high!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I see your eyes are red."

"It's just a bit sad, how can it be so exaggerated ... the man doesn't cry easily when he has tears."

Bai Linluo is also very strong, "I just try to confess to the goddess ... It is normal to be rejected! Teacher Liao also issued me a good card ..."

Bai Linluo was talking about something, his hands suddenly trembled.

No one is around, otherwise you must think that Bai Linluo has committed something wrong!

"I wipe, little four eyes, what's wrong with you?"

Li Fan hurriedly held Bai Linluo. "You really can't stand the blow?"

"No, it's not ... my head hurts ..."

Bai Linluo flushed and struggled to speak.

"Wipe, how can your hands shake with headaches!"

"No, I don't know ... I don't know why recently, my head has been hurting ..."

Bai Linluo knelt down on the ground, panting heavily, Li Fan was agitated, he sent the real energy into Bai Linluo's body, but he didn't find anything unusual!

Bai Linluo suddenly put his hand in his mouth ...

Li Fan is stunned, I'll go ... What's the situation ...

But he slowly pulled out a card from his mouth ... there was a little golden light on the card, and then it faded.

"What the **** ..."

Li Fan was a bit shocked. This kind of thing is beyond his common sense ...

"Sure enough ..."

Bai Linluo sat on the ground, looked at the card in his hand, and smiled bitterly.

"what's the situation?"

Li Fan was very puzzled. "How can you spit a card and make magic with me?"

"I ... seem to have awakened a superpower ..."

Bai Linluo said awkwardly, "I don't know why ... so I tried it twice ..."

"Don't tease, have you been dumped and lost your mind?"

Li Fan looked at Bai Linluo with anxiety.

"Oh, everyone has such a good relationship, why don't you believe me!"

Bai Linluo took out two other cards, "As long as I am rejected now, I will be issued a good card!"

Li Fan looked at the two cards, and one of them printed the appearance of a girl very clearly.

"I'm going, isn't this Wang Xiaoyuan!"

Li Fan looked at the card, and it also wrote a class b.

"Yeah, I tried to confess to Wang Xiaoyuan ... I got this good card."

Bai Linluo smiled bitterly all the time. "If I have got super powers, I'm out of order."

"I wipe ..."

Li Fan still feels a little weird ... but thinking that since Qi exists, it is not impossible to have superpowers ... but right next to him, his own dog-headed military division awakens superpowers?

"Who is this ..."

Li Fan couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the face of another woman on the other card.

"Ah, this is my mother."

"Grass, you even confess your aunt? You beast!"

"What do you mean ... I just tried it and told my mother that I love you ... and then she said that I was a good boy, and I got this card ... Unfortunately, it is c-class ..."

Li Fan really broke down, Bai Linluo ... what happened!

"Okay, even if you have superpowers ... but what about these cards?"

Li Fan looked at these two cards and could not see the clue.

"I'm not quite sure ... I just know that I can get a good card ... but I don't know the specific role ..."


Li Fan picked up Liao Wushuang's card. This is a class A card, which seems very precious.

But the name on the card ...

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