My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 555: Deal with Dong Ye

555 and Dong Ye's deal

This gathering of gas is really powerful, Chen Jialuo burned his life, and displayed this trick, so that Zhenqi strengthened his strength.

He was wearing an invigorating coat with a blue and white radiance, and he slammed forward, performing a series of moves toward Li Fan.

The surrounding air was torn, Li Fan couldn't escape, there had been many bloodstains on his body, and injuries were everywhere.

This is not the way to go. Li Fan immediately turned around, and the whole man exerted the light work of the ape.


Chen Jialuo shattered Li Fan's afterimage and felt the cold coming from behind.

This Chen Jialuo immediately turned around and kicked!

"Tiger tail whip!"

This sweep of Chen Jialuo swept through the wind as fast as possible, with a thunderous potential!

Li Fan stretched out his hands and guarded the first block.


His body was swept away by this foot and slid out more than ten meters to separate the water on the ground.


Li Fan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Little master!"

Xia Yan reminded him later, "He is burning his life! As long as you keep hiding from him, it won't be long before he will die and die!"

"He burned his life to fight me, how can I not fight!"

Li Fan said aloud, "Come here, I will take you to Xitian!"

"Okay, worthy of being a bully! I Chen Jialuo serve you!"

Chen Jialuo uttered a tiger howl, the whole person jumped over, one claw fell towards Li Fan!

The surrounding air was torn, and more wounds appeared on Li Fan!

But Li Fan's eyes glowed blue and white, and he had seen the weakness of Chen Jialuo!


Li Fan grabbed Chen Jialuo's wrist with both hands, and kicked with a kick at the same time, right in the heart of Chen Jialuo!


This time, directly crushed Chen Jialuo's heart.

Chen Jialuo was shot without any pain.

After Li Fan killed Chen Jialuo, he didn't hesitate. He grabbed Chen Jialuo's body and jumped up.

He looked like a crane, and stomped several times in the air, almost catching up with Dong Ye's bus that was escaping.

Li Fan jumped over the window of the bus.


Li Fan's feet shattered the windshield in front of the car and fell into the car.

Many dragon blade soldiers immediately raised mp5 and aimed at Li Fan. But Li Fan stretched out his right hand, and a dragon toad soaked in water, dragged these people's mp5 directly into his own hands, and then threw it to the door. He also kicked a dragon blade warrior by the way and stepped on him.

Yang Qianye was frightened and rolled down from his seat, shivering.

Feng Xing stood up, glaring at Li Fan, and Dong Ye quickly stopped him.

"It seems that you must kill us today."

"Not really."

Li Fan threw Chen Jialuo's body to Feng Xing, "I'm here to talk to you about the conditions."

Li Fan stood there, and no one dared to provoke him. These dragon blade fighters knew in their hearts that Li Fan's rank was not on a level with them.

"What conditions."

Dong Ye looked at Li Fan and didn't know what idea he was working on.

"Dong Tangzhu, you don't need to say more. You are a smart person and naturally know what I want to say."

Li Fan said flatly, Dong Ye frowned slightly.

"Longtang will not give up city A, for Longtang, it is bound to be obtained."

"That's because Longtang doesn't know what my temper is."

Li Fan sneered, "It really annoyed me, and I'll go to your Longtang base camp tomorrow!"

"Longtang Twelve Saints, there are many masters."

Dong Ye also reminded Li Fan, "White Tiger Chen Jialuo ... he is not the strongest."

"You can try it, but you should know that breaking the dead net is not good for both of us."

"Okay, we all take a step back."

Dong Ye said, "Since it is negotiation, both sides must make conditions."

"Dong Tangzhu, it seems that you should mention this condition?"

Li Fan is not stupid, he kicked the ball back to Dong Ye.

"Longtang must be held accountable for this matter, and someone must be responsible."

Dong Ye said, "Since your Excellency is already on the bus, then don't leave, just follow me back to Longtang. Go there and see what kind of punishment they give you."

"Dong Tangzhu's condition is a bit excessive, right?"

Li Fan raised his eyebrows.

"Nature won't pit you."

Dong Ye patted his chest, "Since I asked you to go back with me, I guarantee that you have no worries. With me as a guarantee, brother Li, would you like to follow me?"


Dong Ye did not expect that Li Fan really agreed.

"Isn't it Longtang, I haven't been to it yet."

Li Fan smiled, "It's okay to go for a walk."

Talking, Li Fan found a place directly and sat down.

Dong Ye and Feng Xing looked at each other, this Li Fan is really not a mortal! This time, he went deep into the tiger's hole, and he was able to follow it with such calmness!

This Li Fan was really familiar, so he took a seat in the seat, pumped out the mineral water from a dragon blade soldier's backpack next to it, drank two mouthfuls, and then held his arms, so he closed his eyes and recuperated.

He is just like someone who is okay, but Yang Qianye, who got it, is afraid.

"Let's kill him while you take advantage ..."

Yang Qianye advised Dong Ye.

"No, I have something first to keep him safe."

Dong Ye immediately shook his head. "Uncle Yang, do you want me to be a wordless man?"

"But the kid ... too great ..."

Yang Qianye was just sitting in a car with him, and he was scared to pee. "This man can't stay ... if he let him go today, he must be a tiger breeder! Why not take advantage of him now ... ... "

Yang Qianye made a shooting motion.

"Uncle Yang, do you think that you can make a decision for me now? It would be better for the host of this branch to let you sit down?"

"No, no ... it's my fault. Don Tang, don't go in your heart ..."

Yang Qianye wanted to draw his own mouth, but he was also bitter, and his son was still locked in the 101 Mansion. Can he feel at ease?

"Uncle Yang, be calm and calm. Yang Gongzi should be at ease in the mansion for the time being."

Dong Ye said, "I also promised you about this, and I will definitely solve it for you."

"Then rely on Dong Tangzhu ..."

Yang Qianye now talks lightly, so he has to arch. He leaned back in his chair as if looking at the rain outside, but in fact he had planned it out. If you want to rescue your son, it seems that it is no longer possible to rely on Longtang, or you have to find your own way ... It is necessary to do something ... even if you lose your house ...

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