My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 564: Inside and out

No. 564

Nima ... this is really everything!

With so many silk threads, do woolen threads!

Li Fan almost collapsed, and a silk thread was enough. Now that there are so many, isn't this life-threatening!

At this moment Li Fan wanted to scold his mother, but he held back.

Watching the intricate lines of life-threatening silk fly towards himself, forming a net of heaven and earth, waiting to hang himself, Li Fan calmed himself down and entered an ethereal state.

Now is not the time for anxiety. Only by seeing these threads can we remain invincible in this trick!

Li Fan filled Zhenqi with his eyes, and his eyes immediately glowed blue and white. Soon, these blue and white lights condensed into golden red. This is the attribute of Li Fan Chunyang body.

Each of these threads was very clear in Li Fan's eyes. When it comes to silk threads, it is better to say that these silk threads are some kind of carrier, carrying the power of Qi!

These threads are all out, and the power is really good.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girls have entered the state of gas gathering when they played. Gathering condensate has a heavy burden on the human body, but the two of them carry it equally, so it is also a good method to divide the pressure equally.

The two weaved thousands of celestial nets and shrouded them towards Li Fan.

If these silk threads are ordinary nets, they are all extremely sharp, cutting gold and jade, that's no problem.

The Tianluo Di net coming from all directions made Li Fan nowhere to run, as if he had fallen into a dead end.

However, Li Fan had completely calmed down, he entered the state of the law, and at the same time lit the gas and condensed, and his palm was aimed at the cowboy.

Dong Ye, who was watching the war, seemed to have expected something, and frowned.


Li Fan's body never moved, but Niu Lang's body suddenly flew out, with a fist print on his chest!

The Cowherd and Girl Weaver is also a bit shocked. Beidouquan was even learned by Li Fan!

The cowboy spit out blood, stabilized his body again, and adjusted the silk thread in his hand.

And Li Fan scattered the world, and he said slowly, "To fight with you today, I have learned a lot. Thank you for improving my Qixiaquan."

Above Qixiaquan, it is Qihuangquan!

Beidou's life-long learning, Beidouquan, as well as Flying Dragon's lore, Flying Dragon's storm foot, all have great inspiration for Li Fan.

He stood in place, took a deep breath, and slowly the glory of gas gathering again appeared on his body.

Now Li Fan, even if he doesn't use the sky, he has realized some feelings of gathering energy.

The so-called qi gathering is to disperse the qi in one's own body, and then integrate it into every cell of the body, so that the whole body becomes active and merges with qi!

In this way, you can greatly strengthen your ultimate strength!

I heard that this gas gathering is also invented by Liu Jinchen. This guy ... is really amazing.

It's a pity that he is dead, otherwise I really want to fight against him!

Fight with him, it must be very happy, and you can learn a lot of useful things!

I have to say that Li Fan is more and more like a martial artist.

"Li Shaoxia, you are really good, but my husband and wife are going to use all their strength, so be careful."

The cowherd and the weaver girl spoke in unison, ejecting a silk thread and reconnecting with their wife. But Li Fan had already done light work, and he hid to the other side before the cowherd threaded.

Li Fan's feet seemed to have a wind, and it was pasted to the cowboy's side in a blink of an eye. With such a short distance, the Tianluo Di net of Cowherd and Weaver is useless.

But his husband and wife were not surprised, instead they looked at Li Fan with a smile, as if Li Fan had thrown himself into the net.

Li Fan took a closer look. I didn't know when it was around. Many silk threads had been laid out, like a spider web woven by the two of them.

"You have nowhere to run, Li Shaoxia."

The cowherd and the weaver took hold of these silk threads, shaking with anger and sweeping towards Li Fan.

But when both of them started to move at the same time, Li Fan was standing still, with both hands hitting both sides at the same time!

Hit the tiger!

This time fighting tigers combined the power of Beidouquan!

With both fists coming out, the Cowherd and Weaver girls were doing their best, and they couldn't be prepared. All of them hit Li Fan's punch. The body was immediately shaken out by the shock. They flew out more than ten meters away in the blink of an eye and fell heavily on the ground!

Both of them left deep marks on their lower abdomen!

Fighting tigers remotely, now Li Fan's move is truly perfect!

Dong Ye stood there, watching the teenager grow up fast in battle after battle, and set off a stormy sea in his heart.

This boy ... strong, really strong.

Is it right or wrong for him to cultivate and invest in him ... I am afraid that he will be a terrible existence that he cannot imagine.

"Niu Lang, weaver, you two must take him down!"

The elder couldn't sit still anymore, so if he went on like this, he would lose his face!


The Cowherd and Weaver Girl stood up again. They shook the silk thread in their hands, trying to reorganize the rhythm, and took away Li Fan in a wave.

But Li Fan could not let them be slaughtered. He stood there with a long sweep!

The half-moon storm swept out, as if the blade, cut all these threads directly!

With the continuous banging sound, the broken silk thread shook the Cowherd and Girl Weaver two steps back, very embarrassed.


Dong Ye drank, "The Cowherd and Weaver Girl has lost, Li Fan, you have won five games in a row."

"Dongtang Master, do you know, what are you talking about?"

The elder sat there, looking dull.

"To be honest."

Dong Ye's face did not change, "The Cowherd and Weaver's moves have been seen, and it is impossible for them to hurt Li Fan."

No wonder, Li Fan grew up too fast.

Dong Ye is responsible to Li Fan and also to the Twelve Saints of Longtang. The Twelve Saints of Dragon Hall, each one is a treasure handed down by the ancestors. Bai Hu Chen Jialuo, he is still young, and even has no time to inherit, he is dead. For the remaining eleven, Dong Ye couldn't let them go wrong.

"Dongtang Master, you think about it."

"I am worthy of the heavens and the earth, as well as Longtang."

Dong Ye stood with both hands, "Elder Elder, if you feel uncomfortable, you can kick me now!"


The elder flicked his sleeves and moaned in dissatisfaction.

Dong Ye was also depressed, and he didn't have time to play good people here. Inside, inside or outside is either human or he. However, the little Dragon Hall probably could not hold him anymore.

This Dragon Hall is not the Dragon Hall of that year.

"Mr. Changhong, I'll leave it to you this last round."

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