590 Poseidon

Poseidon looked at the beauty who came over, not knowing why, and suddenly felt cold.

It was a subconscious thought, and Poseidon didn't know why it felt like this!

"My body is protected by water powers. You can't hurt me."

Poseidon took two steps back, setting off a wave of crystal clear waves, apparently releasing some water-related capabilities.

But Su Su ignores all of this, her ability is directly acting on the human body!

She held her palm to Poseidon!


There was a heartbreaking scream on the sea.

When I saw Susu again, Poseidon was no longer angry. As Su Su moved forward, he was frightened back and forth.

"You, what is your ability?"

"The ability to deal exclusively with men."

Su Su smiled sweetly, and men such as Li Fan felt a bit of egg pain subconsciously ...

Su Su's move is truly a magical skill ...

Being a man, she was completely restrained! Who wants to get along with her ... Really have to weigh how hard their eggs are ...

This Poseidon is also an a-level master. In the ranks of martial artists, the combat effectiveness can at least reach the highest level. However, he was so unlucky that he met Su Su on this ship.


"Mr. Poseidon, you've come a long way to help you."

Li Fan squatted on the ground and looked at Poseidon lying there. "I have a few questions for you, would you answer me?"

Poseidon didn't speak, Su Su smiled, and Poseidon was trembling with a smile.

"Wait, wait! You Huaxia, don't you treat the captives!"

Poseidon's cold sweat turned out like this.

The shadow that Su Su left him was too big. No man can stop this trick, it is too unsolvable!

The point is, your own water curtain can block the bullet, but it can't stop the woman's attack!

"Li Fan ... you, you are still not a man, you are hiding behind a woman!"

Poseidon looked at Li Fan angrily, trying to use Li Fan's method on Li Fan.

"That's embarrassing. For me, I'm a pacifist."

Li Fan smiled at Poseidon.

Poseidon's teeth were itchy.

"Li Fan ... you can't escape ... mr. Yang must die, take him, you can't leave this sea alive!"

"Oh? Why do you see it?"

"Li Fan ... as a martial artist, you have entered the mutant world ... you break the rules, you have to bear the price."

"What's the cost, can you finish the talk at once and grind the wool?"

Li Fan rolled his eyes.

"You will ... know our power ..."

Poseidon said, and suddenly patted the palm of the boat!

With a bang, the water was violent, and the ship swayed.

Su Su didn't stand still. She grabbed Li Fan and almost pressed her chest against his arm to stabilize her body.

And Poseidon had already slipped away, he entered the sea, as if he had returned home, Li Fan wanted to find him, it was really difficult.

"This guy runs really fast."

Li Fan instructed Feilong, "Brother Feilong, please trouble me to stare on the deck. Bai Linluo, you and Brother Feilong stare."

"it is good."

The two nodded together, and Li Fan immediately walked towards the cabin.

"What are you going to do?"

Su Su was a little strange. Li Fan didn't stare at Poseidon, what else did he run into the cabin? Is there no gold in the cabin?

"I'll ask for some information."

What Li Fan hates the most is the unprepared stand! And now on his ship, there is a best-seller in this regard, and it is time to use him.

But in the cabin, Li Fan was dumbfounded.

Le Xiaohu is sitting in the glass room and playing backgammon with Mr. Yang on his mobile phone.

"Le Xiaohu!"

Li Fan almost exploded. This kid, are you dead? Or what's the disadvantage in your head?

"Uncle, uncle, you're good at playing backgammon! Don't you say you won't play?"

"It really isn't, it's just some Go."

Mr. Yang smiled. "But it feels like backgammon is not difficult."

Le Xiaohu was very depressed. He wiped his lips and said, "Wipe, there is no computer, otherwise Xiao Ye will play two sets of lol with you, and you will lose all your pants!

"What is lol?"

Le Xiaohu mentioned what Mr. Yang did not understand.

"It's a fancy tube."

Li Fan came in, took Le Xiaohu out, and threw it outside.

"Brother Li, have you been here for a while?"

Mr. Yang laughed. "There is still such a long time, we don't have to worry, take it slowly."

"Mr. Yang, I think everyone will open the door and chat."

Li Fan sat across from Mr. Yang with a buttock and looked at him very seriously. "Who is Poseidon?"


Mr. Yang raised his eyebrows lightly. "This is a master of the Golden Empire. When the Golden Empire collapsed, he was one of the survivors. Because his ability was water, he fled from the sea in time.

"How many people are there in the Golden Empire?"

"I don't know about it. Only five people fled that year."

Mr. Yang said, "Only these five people escaped the Four Knights of Apocalypse and Poseidon. The rest, dead, wounded. But twenty years later, the Golden Empire must have cultivated some mutants. Since Countries can develop mutated drugs, and I think the Golden Empire will do too. "

"A group that has been battered into such an organization and wants to rise again must be supported by someone behind it."

Li Fan asked Mr. Yang, "I need you to tell me what kind of organization there will be to support these guys in the back!"

"That's hard to say."

Mr. Yang shrugged.

"Supporting the Golden Empire, there will be countless organizations profiting from it. Behind this, there will even be support from some major powers."

Mr. Yang looked at Li Fan with a smile, "Brother Li, I think that you should ask some information traffickers for this kind of thing. I have been decoupled from the outside world for twenty years. What is going on outside, how can I know . "

"The information of intelligence traffickers is for money."

Li Fan stated his reasons, "It is free to ask for information from you."

"My intelligence is behind."

Mr. Yang smiled bitterly. "I haven't been out of prison for twenty years. What information do you expect me to know?"

"So do you have any useful information about Poseidon?"

Li Fan persisted and asked. After all, I can always ask something!

"I only know his ability is water."

Mr. Yang said, "At that time, his ability was b-level, but there should be a-level now. This person is very cunning, and he will not let go until he achieves his goal."

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