My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 597: The enemy is against you

Chapter 597: The enemy is against you

For the blonde man, Carlos, head of the Knights of the Holy Light, his life can only be described in two words, that is arrogance!

The supreme identity, powerful power, these are the capitals that make him proud!

He led the entire Knights, and everyone saw him respectfully. Even the chairman of the Joint Humanitarian Military Commission in Geneva is polite to talk to him!

The Chinese monkey in front of him, what kind of thing, how dare he treat him like this!

Carlos's unique hobby ... No one in the Cavaliers knows it.

But now ... nobody knows!

Carlos was furious, and at this moment, the cultivation he had learned, all fed the dog. He just wanted to do one thing now, that is, kill the Chinese monkey and feed the fish!

The elegant head of the ordinary day pulled out his gold-encrusted sword and was so furious that he slashed at Le Xiaohu!

Although Le Xiaohu has some special abilities, his body is still an ordinary person. He only saw a flash of gold, and the big sword had reached the top of his head.


But with the dragon and Beidou, Carlos will never have a chance to hurt.

Beidou boxed and twisted Carlos's sword, shocking Carlos.

This old man is so old that he can use his fist to strike his sword! I have practiced swordplay since I was 5 years old, and have the Holy Light to protect myself. The head of the Holy Light Knights is not in vain! Characters like yourself are hard to meet with rivals in the world!

But where is this old man?

Carlos glanced at Beidou.

And all the knights behind him have already raised their long swords, it seems that they are about to go to war at any time.

"Head of Carlos, we are the people of China Shield, these are also friends of China Shield."

Susu knows that if you don't keep quiet, things will probably get worse.

"If your Excellency speaks to us again, I am afraid that it will rise to a diplomatic incident. Do you know that His Excellency Carlos can afford this responsibility?"


Carlos tidy up his long hair, then put away the sword, "Hum, thank you! If you are my enemy, you are now in a different place!"

"You are really violent."

Li Fan grinned, "I'm not as bad-tempered as you. If you're my enemy, you're looking for teeth all over the floor ... No, you should be looking for underwear all over the floor."

"court death!"

Carlos's hand was pressed on the hilt again, and Susu hurriedly pulled the frame. "Well now, Li Fan, you can say a few words, the task is urgent."

"Rest assured, I have a good temper."

Li Fan stood with his hands on his shoulders, "I don't know anything like Erbi."

Carlos apparently couldn't understand what the two ratio meant. He asked Li Fan, "What does the second ratio mean?"

"That's what it means to call aristocracy."

"Oh, I'm really a two. Remember, we will always be different and understand your identity!"

Le Xiaohu couldn't help laughing, hahaha kept laughing.

Carlos was not a fool, he immediately understood.

"Asshole! Do you scold me on purpose?"

"How can you do wrong?"

Li Fan would never admit it. His rogue appearance made Carlos want to kill some people!

"Don't worry, this account, let us calculate slowly!"

Carlos finally put up with this tone, these **** Chinese monkeys, in this place, they will not be arrogant for long!

"By the way, the one who hosted us, except you, didn't order any normal people?"

Li Fan asked Mr. Yang while they were leaving.

"Well, it's your pleasure to be here in person!"

Carlos grunted.

"Okay, when I didn't ask anything."

Li Fan was very helpless and shrugged his shoulders. This person, with his eyes above the top, probably feels that he is the most noble person in the world.

Although Yan Kai is also arrogant, it is absolutely terrible that he has not reached such a level.

Such people are destined to have no friends!

"Master ... when do we go back ..."

When Le Xiaohu first arrived in Geneva, he was still very fresh. But seeing the people here were so unfriendly, and the language was inaccessible, he soon became bored. So I couldn't help but approached Li Fan and asked.

"When the infamous guys are brought to court, we will leave."

Li Fan asked, "Why, don't you like this place? Don't you have many beautiful big horses?"

"These big horses are boring, but our Huaxia sisters are tender!"

Le Xiaohu was young, but pretending to be a veteran-looking wolf, he kept talking about his feet.

"A lot of people are in good shape. They have chests and buttocks."

Li Fan said, taking a subconscious glance at Su Su, "It's not like some sister paper ... it's all hopeless ... how will this child drink milk in the future ... it's about to die ..."

"Li Fan, do you want to also try the taste of the end?"

Su Su smiled, stretched out her right hand at Li Fan and squeezed it out of thin air. Le Xiaohu and Li Fan shuddered at the same time ... Nima, this is terrible!

"Still no more ... I suddenly feel that Su Su's figure is also very good."

"That's right. Sister Su Su is so shy. How many men want to pursue Sue Su Su! If I were five years old, I must chase Sue Su Su!"

You said these words to me, and spoke to each other.

"You two, talk about cross talk!"

Su Su was feeling better, rolled her eyes, and then Jiaoyan said, "Let's go aside, seeing you two is annoying."

"Several people, calm and a little bit. I don't want to quarrel, it hurts kindness."

Mr. Yang was kept in a cage, but was very calm, and said slowly.

"You're quite calm."

Li Fan glanced at this Mr. Yang, "It is about to be tried soon, and it is likely to be executed publicly, aren't you afraid?"

"I gave my life to the gods long ago."

There is no slight fear on Mr. Yang's face, and his eyes are just like water-stopping, "For me, death is not terrible, what is terrible is that the tasks of the gods cannot be completed. And, for me, mortal judgment Meaningless. They don't understand me, so why should I care what they think? "

"You ... are either good or evil!"

Li Fan looked at this Mr. Yang, and there was some cold air behind him. "If you let me choose, I really don't want to be your enemy."

"Brother Li, you say so much to me."

Mr. Yang laughed. "After all, if I choose, I don't want to be your enemy. Smart people want to be your friends."

Then, he took a look at Carlos intentionally or unintentionally, "Only two comparisons, I want to be against you."

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