Chapter 609 Death

Although the blond man was releasing his terrible power, his eyes shed tears in his eyes.

When Li Fan saw this scene, his body shook slightly.

This guy ... actually crying?

"Dignity, come to such an end now. Are you crying for this?"

Li Fan spread his voice thousands of miles, wrapped his voice with qi, and passed it directly to the blond man's ear.

The blond man didn't talk and didn't have any expression, just continued to cry.

"Retreat immediately."

Scarface had taken all the Warlock teams onto the helicopter, he looked down and said lightly, "Let Zero go all out."

"Are you crazy?"

The chairman of the Joint Military Commission was in a video conference with Scarface, and when he heard that, he was furious, "Are you going to kill the only clue?"

"Watch your tone, I'm the commander at the scene!"

Scarface said politely, "Li Fan's fighting power is amazing. If Zero is not fully open, it will be impossible to defeat Li Fan."

"Zero with full horsepower ... is a world-class disaster!"

The chairman reminded Scarface loudly, "Are you ... going to ruin everything?"

"You have to catch Li Fan, and you have to start Zero. I just have to complete your task."

Scarface said indifferently, "Since Li Fan is so powerful, a disaster can't kill him, but it will be enough to hurt him. At that time, I can of course use the Warlock team to completely defeat him and catch it for you."

"But, but ..."

The chairman who had yelled at zero before, hesitated.

"Do you have a better way?"

Scar's face pointed the camera down and zoomed in.

Li Fan, wearing a golden armor, stood proudly in front of No. 0 with nothing at all.

The surrounding ground was lifted several layers, proving the fear of the blond man.

This scene touched the heart of the chairman.

He was shocked.

"I agree ... to carry out your plan ..."

The chairman ordered that he is now the supreme chief executive at the military commission.

Although he did not have the power to arrest a Chinese interim law enforcer, Li Fan ... must win!

"Everything, for law and justice!"

He vowed swearingly.

Scar's face sneered, then ordered.

"Let the zero number start its maximum horsepower ... then go to Nima's law and justice."

As soon as the voice fell, the helmet above No. 0 suddenly turned on a row of small blue lights. Suddenly, No. 0's eyes opened wider, and at the same time, bloodshot eyes appeared.


Li Fan was shaken by a shock, because from the blond man's body, a powerful force burst out!

The whole island shook a bit, and a crack appeared on the golden lion's defense.

And all the trees and buildings on the island are broken and broken at this moment!

But this is only the first wave!

The blond man opened his arms, and the screams in his mouth began to be harsh!

Waves after wave rushed out, and the whole island began to slowly collapse. The huge black iron walls that closed the island were also shaken to the east and west, causing waves of shock.

Li Fan's cruise ship was overturned again, and on the deck stood the two dragons and Beidou, looking at the island that was about to fall apart in the distance, and frowned. Beside them, there were the bodies of many invaders.

Le Xiaohu hid in the cabin, shivering.

With the island as the center, round waves rolled out from the sea and spread out in all directions.

Scarface sat on the helicopter, looking at the scene below, with a smooth expression, but a slightly shocked look leaked out of his heart.

The zero number, which was launched with all its strength ... is really a disaster, as the chairman said.

"Power ... this is the power of Zero!"

And the chairman who was still worried, at this moment, when he saw this scene in the camera, his excited face twisted, "See? This is power! We, we have this power, we can ... can benefit humanity Yes, for the benefit of mankind! "

On the yellow-gold lion's defense, cracks were scattered. I don't know when it will collapse with this island.

While Li Fan was standing closest to the disaster, he looked into the blond man's eyes.

The blond man was still in tears. This time, red blood shed.

Blood and tears flowed down his cheeks, and when they dripped from his face, they would be broken by his power again.

"do not Cry."

Suddenly Li Fan said, "For better or worse, you must have been an eminent man before. Now it is so pitiful to fall to such a point. I, Li Fan, come to help you."

Li Fan said, pulled out his hero sword, and then flew into the air.

The hero sword immediately spun and flew over the blond man's head, crumbling.

"Get out of here!"

Li Fan suddenly withdrew his true spirit!

At that moment, countless wounds were shaken on his body, blood burst out together!

"Cut God!"

A thunder broke from the hero's sword and hit the blond man directly!

The blond man's mental strength is much stronger than that of Mr. Yang. This lightning flashed down, his body was beaten into coke, but his head was completely preserved.

He dropped his head to the ground, closed his eyes, and smiled at the corners of his mouth.


Li Fan half-knelt on the ground, also spit out a large mouthful of blood.

This blond man ... Jinnima is not mortal, his mental strength is too powerful!

The island began to collapse, and Murong Ying jumped to Li Fan's side, stretched out her hand, and hugged him.

Because there is a full-covered lion gold armor on his body, Murong Ying picks up Li Fan and it's fine.

"Run away!"

Bai Linluo has let Wang Xiaoyuan hold himself and Su Su, and let the twin Su Su fighters take two special fighters and rush to the small cruise ship at sea.

Murong Ying hugged Li Fan, but just jumped lightly and jumped seven or eight meters away, chasing Bai Linluo and leaving them.

But at this moment, Scarface personally piloted a gunship helicopter, headed over them, facing them.

The barrel turned and the bullets were firing on them!

At this time, Li Fan did not have any genuine protection. But Murong Ying turned around quickly and blocked Li Fan with her own back.


The bullet bounced off Murong Ying's back, splashing a golden Mars.

Scar face continued to shoot, the bullet was like rain!

Murong Ying can't move, and the island will sink into the sea completely at any time!

The island had cracked, and a lot of the ground began to separate, following the water to the sides.

In this way, Li Fan, they will be in danger at any time.

Because of the summoner mutants, their summoners have one of the biggest disadvantages ... they cannot touch the sea!

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