My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 616: Ambush circle

616 Ambush Circle

The first officer rushed over and stabilized the helicopter at the moment of life and death.

"Pull up! Pull up!"

Long Qingyun didn't bother to say anything else, he kept shouting to pull up the helicopter.

He pulled up to a distance of more than a thousand meters before he was relieved.

Flying to this height should be no problem. Sure enough, Liu Yingnan, who was wearing a bronze armor on the ground, lowered his bow and arrow.

Long Qingyun was completely relieved.

This group of dogs are all ghosts, so high that even a bow and arrow can shoot up!

Bai Linluo is also hidden deep enough, with two a-level cards, which have been hidden until now.

Li Fan could not help asking Liu Yanan, who had been staring at the helicopter waiting for the opportunity.

"Your uncle, say, is there any hidden goods?"

"It's gone ..."

Bai Linluo quickly shook his head and showed his card package to Li Fan. Sure enough, there are some c-level and d-level waste cards, plus Wang Xiaoyuan and Susu two b-level cards. Both of the a-level cards have become human form, following the team.

Everyone was killed in this battle, especially when Bai Linluo saw so many pictures through the prophets. This has always brought a class of summoners to avoid the casualties of mutant students as much as possible.

"The canal is ahead."

Su Su had already seen the hope of victory, and she ran to the riverbed with a group of mutants and a few teachers.

At this moment, a black figure suddenly fell into the sky, as if a black thunderbolt was splitting at Li Fan!

Li Fan's hair rose suddenly, he didn't hesitate, and immediately jumped out two meters away!


The ground cracked and a pit was hit.

A man wearing a long black vest with a long black coat and a black brocade guard hat was standing there with one palm on the ground.

This ground was photographed by his slap!

Jin Yiwei?

And a black guard!

Li Fan frowned and looked at the man who suddenly fell in front of him.


He didn't wait for Li Fan to respond at all, and suddenly, with a sound of thunder and lightning, rushed to Li Fan!

Li Fan raised his right hand and slapped him!


The palms of the two touched each other and took a step back.

Li Fan's right hand was a little numb. It seemed to have been hit by an electric shock, but he didn't respond for a long time.

"Thunderbolt, Ouyang Lei."

From this palm, Li Fan has guessed the identity of the other party.


Ouyang Lei's face was gloomy, and he was about thirty years old. Asako with a look on his face, his hands turned, as if with the power of thunder.

Thunderbolt Palm, these are the three palms that are as famous as Ben Leizhang and Stele Opener! This thunderbolt has been practiced, it can break gold and jade, and it is powerful! At this time, Li Fan suffered a hidden loss!

Li Fan was also shocked. As soon as the so-called expert shot, he knew if he was there.

This Ouyang Lei's internal strength is even higher than Yu Xi! Unexpectedly, among the black guards, there are such super strong masters.

Four **** guards, Li Fan has seen three people. There is also a funeral soul song that Li Fan has never seen.

"Your Lao Zizi's" Seven Chivalrous Fist "is nothing but embroidered with fists, how can it be compared to the thunderbolt handed down from generation to generation!"

Ouyang Lei also did not give Li Fanduo a chance to think. He slaps his hands together towards Li Fan's temple, which is a double-peak trick!

The sound of thunder sounded in my ears!

But Li Fan was so calm and calm that he was lifted from his body and merged into his palm!

Black bear pats the door!

Li Fan came out with both palms and met with Ouyang Lei again!

Although my right hand was still a little numb, but this time instilled in the palm of the hand, so I met with Ouyang Lei again!


The air twisted a bit, the palms of the two did not separate, but a strong burst of energy broke out around them, the surrounding soil was lifted up, blowing everywhere.

At the same time, Bai Linluo escorted a group of people to the side of the canal with Su Su.

Su Su didn't hesitate, took out the annunciator prepared before, and pressed it down.

The water of the canal was very quiet, but the next second, it started to flow!

A ship more than thirty meters long, emerged from the bottom of the canal, and the river continued to slide down, forming a strand, and it just flowed down.

But at this moment, many mobsters got out of the woods next to them, and they seemed to be lying in ambush long ago.

"Hahaha, that's stupid enough, do you think we don't know there are amphibious ships here?"

Long Qingyun's voice was released through a trumpet, echoing in this grove.

"We've been in ambush for a long time, and I'll wait for you to throw yourself in!"

Looking at these sweepers, the students are scared.

Bai Linluo is the highest fighting force here, although other students have some abilities, such as Wang Bo, who can harden their bodies. But at this moment, he had frightened his courage, and cried for a long time.

Bai Linluo, as the director of the Power Bureau, was responsible for protecting these people. Li Fan is still entangled with the black guard of the Jin Yiwei!

It seems that the two of them have no distinction between high and low skills, and played a match for a while.

But Bai Linluo understood that neither of them was doing their best. Wudoujia competition is like this, they like to test each other, and then use their full strength.

Li Fan has been alert to the other party, and did not go all out to try to find out the bottom of the other party first.

Here are Bai Linluo's two a-class good guy cards, Li Fan is a little bit relieved.

But at this moment, a truck suddenly broke the bush and rushed out from the side.

The truck had an unknown thing on it, like a big horn, and suddenly lighted up!

A silent sound wave spread out, and all the mutants all fell to their knees, screaming with their ears covered!

Li Fan's heart was stunned!

Although he didn't know what it was, he understood that this thing must be for mutants!

All mutants are screaming again and again, no one can withstand such a sound. Bai Linluo fell to his knees, covering his ears with pain.


Long Qingyun's laughter echoed, and he laughed excitedly, "This is the sound wave specifically for your mutants! This time, I'll blow you all away!"

"Long Qingyun, you are crazy!"

Li Fan knew that Long Qingyun would be able to hear it, and he scolded angrily, "Here are all the power bureaus. Do you really want to kill them?"

"They are all mutants, they are threats! And, Li Fan, you shouldn't have flowed this muddy water! But you must be stupid! I invited the black guard's thunderbolt, this time, you can't run Drop! Obediently leave your life here! "

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