My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 622: Seven Love Six Acacia

622 Seven Love Six Acacia 蛊

Murong Ying scolded Li Fan, as if she didn't want him to go to Kunlun Mountain.

Li Fan is a bit strange. Is there any unspeakable secret in Kunlun Mountain? Murong Ying stopped herself, did she let herself go?

Li Fan was a bit puzzled.

Tang An couldn't figure it out at first, why Murong Ying was so inconsistent with Yi Jian Xiao Qingfeng's main hall.

But he turned his thoughts and realized what was going on.

The main hall of Yi Jian Xiao Qing Feng is located in Kunlun Mountain. On the Kunlun Mountain, there is a woman who dominates the Alliance. She is called Luo Xue Wu. Luo Xuewu is different from an ordinary woman, her eyes are higher than the top, her arrogance is abnormal. Many men wanted to conquer this woman, but none of them captured her heart. Including the Dragon Fang of Zema Xiao's westerly wind, they also launched a passionate pursuit of Luo Xuewu. Although I don't know if Long Fangyu really likes this Snow Queen, it is still for the purpose of collecting her alliance. In short, it is difficult for ordinary women to fight against various offensive pursuits.

But Snow Dance was unmoved, and the Snow Queen left only one sentence.

To win her heart, first win the heart of the martial arts leader!

This condition is called harsh! Almost everyone knows who Murong Ying is! Snowfall Dance is the Snow Queen, she is almost the Glacier! Born in the Murong family, he has the charm of a country and is also the leader of the martial arts world. The men who pursue her do not know how many! But for so many years, she has never been interested in anyone.

This Murong Ying and Luo Xuewu became two frosty women.

But now ... Murong Ying already has a fiance, and that is the little bully Li Fan. In this way, the vow of falling snow dance is also broken.

No wonder Murong Ying does not let Li Fan go to Kunlun Mountain, the co-author is secretly jealous!

"Murong, you can rest assured that what our family said on the day of the alliance is just a joke, which is not true."

Tang An arched his hands at Murong Ying, and said what he thought.

When Murong Ying heard this, her face turned slightly red. This Tang An is so troublesome, who told him.

But Li Fan listened a little in the clouds and fog, what's the matter?

"No matter what you say, I do have a trip to Kunlun Mountain."

Li Fan also had a donkey temper. What he determined was that ten donkeys couldn't pull it back.

Murong Ying looked at him and said, "Let's go, be careful when you go."

Li Fan froze for a while, lying down?

What the hell, is this attitude changing a little too fast?

Li Fan wanted to scold his mother a little, but even if she thought of scolding Murong Ying, there was no good result, she just swallowed the words.

"It's late, let's take a night off."

Murong Ying waved her hand. "Early tomorrow, I will help you arrange the horse and the horse."

Since Murong Ying agreed, Li Fan was relieved.

She also arranged a room for Tang An to let him live for one day and set off the next day.

Li Fan took a bath, and then tried to sleep in Murong Ying's room. She was kicked out by her.

"Old wife and wife, why not let it go?"

Li Fan was called a helpless.

"I'm inconvenienced recently!"

Murong Ying gave Li Fan a harsh white look, pushed him out of the door, and dragged the door up.

Li Fan thought to himself, what does this mean, can't Aunt Murong Ying come?

Listen to what she said, and when the aunt passed, could you sleep in the same bed?

Li Fan thought of Murong Ying's beautiful legs, and her lips couldn't help licking. I wipe, a little expectant.

"Auntie, your room hasn't been occupied for a long time. Although it's cleaned, it's lacking popularity."

After Tie Zhu passed the supper to Li Fan, he cast a wink at him. She wore only a simple tulle pajamas, and the tendon meat on that one was much stronger!

She said shamelessly, "Aunt ... you can ... sleep with me ... Oh, I'm so ashamed ..."

Tie Zhu covered her face, stomped her feet, the room shuddered and ran out.

Li Fan was sweating all over, Nima, scared to death!

This iron pillar is too domineering!

Once the iron pillar skills are opened, the world is invincible!

Li Fan was about to close the door, enjoy his supper, and then take a good night's sleep. Then the door came with a movement and a figure came in.

At first Li Fan thought it was an iron pillar, and he really wanted to scold him. Suddenly he found that he was petite, with a scent of incense. With this figure bumping into his arms, Li Fan had already guessed who came out.

He reached out and stroked Murong Ai's forehead gently.

"Little girl, what do you sneak in here for? I'm not afraid I'll eat you."

Li Fanshun closed the door with a smile and asked the little girl in her arms.

"Come, you eat."

Murong Ai was unconvinced, provoking Li Fan.

"I just happened to wash the scent, which is good for tasting."

"Calm down ..."

Li Fan would not dare to provoke Murong Ai, otherwise he will not know who will eat who!

The little girl often ran over to eat while her room was empty, and she ate it with interest, and did not know her unique hobby!

However, in view of his comfort, Li Fan did not stop. He felt his own depravity and was played with by his auntie! No, it's in the tongue!

"You go to rest early ..."

Li Fan felt, let's take this chick back. If things go on like this, something will happen.

He always felt a little uneasy about what happened tonight.

Moreover, the continuous fighting made Li Fan a little tired. After finally getting home, he wanted to have a good night's sleep.

Li Fan's idea is good, but she also has to see that Murong Ai doesn't agree.

"Brother-in-law ... Don't rush me, I'll show you something good!"

Murong loved God mysteriously and pulled out a small black box from behind him.

"What is this?"

"Brother-in-law, this thing is amazing."

Murong Ai said proudly, "This is called the Seven Love Six Acacia magpies! It is a super maggot I used to collect in many ways! This kind of maggots, as long as my brother-in-law hits a woman, that woman will be served in the future You are the master! Otherwise, you will be bitten by the maggots, and you will not die! "

"How can you make this stuff?"

Li Fan was startled, "Don't you say, don't touch those strange things anymore?"

"Well, when did people say that!"

Murong Ai said with a smile, "People are pure genitals, wouldn't it be a waste if they didn't practice such vicious work!"

Murong Ai's righteousness made Li Fan a little dumb. Indeed, Murong Ai has a unique talent in terms of evil power.

"Only in this world, only me and you can practice this unique love and acacia chant!"

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