664 Hidden Cat

"Be quiet! Still in class!"

Liao Wushuang criticized them.

"Hum, you are not qualified to criticize us!"

Murong Ai finally blew up this small powder bottle, pointing directly at Liao Wushuang.

"Don't think I don't know what you think, Xiao Sao's hoof, don't want to be close to Li Fan!"

Murong Ai said loudly, "Li Fan is my brother-in-law! My sister Murong Ying's fiance!"

Blockbuster bomb!

The entire class was blown up!

Oh my God!

Who is Murong Ying, the school manager?

The relationship between the manager and the student is ... an unmarried couple? Is this really possible?

All students are not convinced, but looking at Murong Ai's serious expression, it is not like telling lies!

Could it be true?

Many boys who have a crush on Murong Ying are going to collapse. I can't believe this fact. Li Fan was also very embarrassed at this time. He didn't know whether to explain well or not.

He sat there awkwardly, enjoying the attention of everyone.

"What happened to the fiance?"

Unexpectedly, Liao Wushuang even said something amazing, "Before you get married, you have a chance ... mainly, mainly, Li Fan is still a student and should not fall in love so early."

Although Liao Wushuang added a sentence, the meaning in her words was already obvious!

The two goddesses of the school!

The director of the school Murong Ying and the teacher Liao Wushuang all favor Li Fan?

"Don't think about it! You are too old! You don't understand Li Fan at all!"

Lin Yuexian suddenly interjected, "Only I know what he wants!"

Many boys crashed directly, which is not fun!

Even the school flowers are favored by Li Fan! They can't wait to become bullies themselves!

Whoever can marry one of them in this life is considered a blessing from three lives and three generations! This Li Fan, He De Ho Neng, even took three at the same time? And they are jealous of him!

It's not fair! God, you are so unfair!

Except Li Fan, who is better than us in other aspects!

Wang Qiang wanted to cry. This Li Fan was not as handsome as himself! It's just an ordinary person, at least a little bit more spiritual. How can He De, let the three sisters love him for him?

Not three sister papers ... three goddesses of excellence!

Why do they despise such a good family condition?

What's worse than the bully!

After having this idea, Wang Qiang secretly drew a mouth from him directly. Grass, almost have to make life difficult with Li Fan! Don't be dead, there are women, but there is only one life! I don't want to be an enemy of Li Fan, I definitely don't want to!

"Well, don't bother you anymore!"

It was found that other sisters were watching the movie, including Liu Zhu, and looked at herself gloatingly. Li Fan finally couldn't help but got a little angry and growled. This time, the three women were honest, looking at Li Fan dullly.

"Let's go to class! Can you study hard!"

In a word, Li Fan drew the common eyes of the three women!


Liao Wushuang laid a stack of papers in front of Li Fan.

"Do it! Before the end of the evening study, finish it!"


Li Fan almost collapsed, hurriedly looked at Lin Yuexian, Lin Yuexian snorted, holding his arms and turned his head.

Li Fan looked at Murong Ai again, and the little girl stuck her tongue out, saying that love could not help!

Day! It's all the trouble your girl has caused me, and now I have abandoned him!

Li Fan wanted to cry without tears. Looking at Liao Wushuang's a little angry look, he had to sit down and obediently began to make papers.

And Liu Zhu secretly took a large number from Li Fan's paper and took it for him.

The tears moved by Li Fan were full of fun.

Seeing that Liu Zhu had taken the initiative to help, Murong Ai and Lin Yuexian secretly took a few photos to help Li Fan start sharing.

Xia Yan also wanted to help Li Fan share it, but Li Fan rejected it.

I wipe, the level of the cultural lesson of the little sister ... is not much better than myself, still not bothering her to help.

A few people did a self-study class, and felt that the whole person was convulsing, and finally all the papers were barely completed.

It's not easy.

Li Fan breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking he could go home to rest, but immediately after leaving the classroom, he was blocked by Lin Yuexian.

"Why go?"

Lin Yuexian asked.

"Go home."

"Who sent you home!"

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes.

"After school, where don't you go home?"

"Okay, I'll make you better, look at you, what it looks like now!"


Li Fan did not clean himself up for a long time. His hair is very long and messy now. He doesn't know which big brother left the school uniform.

"I said that, I am your image design consultant, and I will leave it to me in the future!"

Lin Yuexian couldn't help but say, he took Li Fan and went out.

But Murong Ai had long been carrying her schoolbag and was waiting outside. When she saw Lin Yuexian taking her brother-in-law, she immediately reached out and embraced them.

"Where are you going?"

"You have a wide tube."

Lin Yuexian looked at Murong Ai unhappy.

"You woman, don't think I don't know what you're thinking! Huh, brother-in-law won't follow you, I'll watch it!"

Murong Ai said, stepping forward and holding Li Fan's other arm.

"What's your look, I'm taking him today!"

"I won't let you take it away!"

The two girls quarreled like this in the corridor, and they both held Li Fan and no one let go.

Li Fan didn't know what to do, it was embarrassing.

Lin Yuexian suddenly turned his eyes and released Li Fan's hand and said, "Murong Ai, let's make a bet. Whoever wins will take Li Fan away. How?"

"Okay, how do you gamble?"

Murong loves her self-confidence, and the little girl is also very proud and an acting school. Sometimes she can't guess what he thinks.

"Let's play a game. We take Li Fan and hide in one place. Whoever finds the other will win."

Lin Yuexian said confidently.

"Okay, is this a school?"

"Well, not out of this campus. I have an IQ of 140 and don't want to bully you. You take Li Fan to hide it first. I will count 100 here and go to you after 100.

"You don't need to let me, you come first! I'll find you!"

What kind of temper is Murong Ai?

"Really? Then you lose."

"Impossible, you are too conceited!"

Murong Ai said, leaning against the wall, she had already started counting.

"Well, Li Fan, let's hide it."

Lin Yuexian pulled Li Fan downstairs, and walked all the way to the school gate.

"Well? Don't hide?"

"Hiding his sister!"

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