My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 677: Just a trifle

No. 677

Lin Yuexian has a headache. These women are like crazy people.

The most annoying thing is Murong Ai, who has climbed to Li Fan's back!

Too ridiculous!

"Give me the command!"

Lin Yuexian exploded. "I am the monitor, everyone must obey my arrangements! Otherwise, Li Fan will not play!"

"Well, in order to be with my brother-in-law, I will promise to come down for the time being."

Seeing Murong Ai's looks, she seems to be aggrieved.

Lin Yuexian was very helpless, these women, one by one, can't wait to put it on Li Fan's crotch!

The girl's hold!

"Okay, if you don't have one group, you don't have one group. You can win."

Ling Yue immediately stated her position.

"With me, the championship is not your turn."

Jin Jiumao held his arms, then turned to look at Cheng Mohan, "Don't drag my hind legs."

Cheng Mohan seemed to have a good temper. She didn't get angry when she heard this, but nodded with a smile. "Okay, I'll do my best."


Tsujiu nodded with satisfaction, it seemed that the winning ticket was in hand.

"Will we not lose too!"

Xia Yuan's competitive spirit is also very strong, especially here, she always feels that she has no place. In order to leave his place in Li Fan's heart, he must be shown that he is also very powerful!

Even a few women can't win, how can she be a little sister of Li Fan!

Li Fan must be made aware of his value!

Li Fan is also very speechless. These women, obviously, are rivals with other talents. Why did they compete first? Isn't this for outsiders to read jokes?

Sure enough, the people in Experiment 1 watched straightforward, especially Bai Jie, holding her arms, proud of it.

"A dog bites a dog, its mouth is full of hair."

Lin Yuexian was too lazy to care for her, this woman is mentally ill! I've had trouble with myself since I was a kid, I want to surpass myself in everything, and I haven't messed with her, why are there so many farts!

Although Bai Jie looks lively, there are still many boys in Experiment 1 who are envious of Li Fan who are dying!

This kid ... is it a big job, why are so many women around him!

He even rushed to cooperate with him! What a ghost!

I will win this man's vomiting blood for a while, let these sisters see what is the real man!

In the first experiment, the team was immediately formed in the order agreed before, because there were many powerful physical students in the class. They were all seed players in the city and even in the province!

This little obstacle is nothing to them!

Spike the second private school, it is simply a matter of ease!

Almost instantly, Li Fan became the public enemy of all men!

"Wang Chen, come here!"

Bai Jie shouted at a strong man. The strong man immediately obediently walked to the ground, waiting for Bai Jie to lie on his back.

"Wang Chen, the seed player of the provincial track team ..."

Lin Yuexian couldn't help but want to roll his eyes, "Bai Jie, you are still as shameless as that year."

"What's wrong, he just transferred to our experiment one recently. This is the charm of our experiment one, how can you understand it?"

Bai Jie sneered at Lin Yuexian, "You still have to wait to lose! Hahaha, the first four are in our experiment one!"

Lin Yuexian doesn't want to talk to Bai Jie, this woman, the more you take care of her, the more she pushes her nose on her face.

At this point, Li Fan said nothing, but just silently picked up Lin Yuexian.

This is nothing, to the surprise of Bai Jie, Cheng Mohan is carrying Jin Jiumao and Xia Ye is carrying Murong Ai ...

The two girls' combination is just fine, and seeing Ling Yue picking up Liu Zhu ... Bai Jie almost wants to curse!

In any case, this team is also amazing!

Girls back girls, so why bother girls back boys?

This private secondary school is too discriminatory for women!

Looking at yourself, the track and field seed players are all responsible for obstacle running below, one by one, strong and strong.

It seems that this game, they have given up. Oh, yes, after all, the opponent is Experiment 1.

"The game is ready to start."

Liao Wushuang and the male teacher looked at each other, and then ordered.


Eight groups of horses, immediately started!

The first two hundred meters are hurdle obstacles, each of which is one meter high! If it was weekdays, those sports students jumped straight away. But now they are all carrying a girl, so they can only bend down and drill down quickly under the hurdle.

Bai Jie was so proud of their speed that they were absolutely fast enough to drill the hurdle, as well as their peers.

At this speed, the students in the private secondary school can't catch up at all?

Bai Jie was so proud, then her eyes almost glared.

I saw that Li Fan was carrying Lin Yuexian, regardless of the hurdle, he jumped directly, he jumped more than one meter high, and jumped from the hurdle.

And looking at the other girls, they did not want to be outdone. Following Li Fan's pace, they skipped the hurdle one by one and chased the man running in front!

"They are catching up! Hurry!"

Lin Yuexian looked back and saw the three people immediately following him, immediately reminding Li Fan.

"Got it."

Li Fan nodded, and he began to accelerate, and Ling Yue was also unwilling to show weakness and followed Li Fan closely.

This hurdle of meters seems to them worthless to mention!

Even those in the track and field team are stupid. What is the situation, are they still human?

Who can jump one meter high with a load?

But Li Fan, they can no longer care to appease the guys in the first experiment. Several of them scrambled and soon came to the first match point!

In front of the crowd were eight white boards, each with a math problem.

The difficulty of math problems is of the order of the math, and it takes time and difficulty to solve these problems.

Seeing Li Fan stopping at the match point, Bai Jie was relieved.

These guys are so despicable. I guess they took some terrible stimulants to win the game!

But stimulants don't care about their brains. The difficulty of this math problem is enough to keep their footsteps! They ordinary people, without an hour or two, this kind of question cannot be answered at all!

"Okay, let's go."

But two minutes later, Lin Yuexian had finished writing her answer.

The staff took a look and waved their hands to let them pass.


Bai Jie just arrived here, and saw Lin Yuexian, who had set off, exclaimed.

"How could you answer so quickly!"

"I haven't done all the math problems here ten times."

Lin Yuexian said easily, "Not worth mentioning, is it?"

Bai Jie completely choked, a deep frustration appeared in my heart.

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