My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 699: Live teaching

699 live teaching

"Well, you two have a tie."

Li Fan was a peacemaker and wanted to settle the two women. Unexpectedly, Jin Jiumao didn't eat his set!

"Hum, talk less!"

Tsukusumi looked unhappy, "I obviously lost!"

"No, you just suffer because you haven't seen Mr. Liao's effort."

Li Fan comforted Jin Jiumao, "You still have an advantage in strength and external merit. Moreover, although Teacher Liao put your hand on your chest at the end, even if she started the technique, she may not be able to break your internal merit.

"Around you ... why so many masters ..."

Tsukumo was very upset.

"Personal charm, personal charm!"

"Hum, ghosts believe!"

Jin Jiumao was 100% skeptical of Li Fan's words, which made Li Fan very dissatisfied.

"Hey, hey, isn't it so credible?"

Li Fan rolled his eyes.

"It was originally that you, this guy, is a traitor, and is also very cunning. Where's the charm?"

Jin Jiumao's evaluation of Li Fan was quite low, but this girl also had mixed opinions.

"In my mind, the most charismatic person is our leader, Snow Dance."

When Jin Jiumao raised the falling snow dance, her eyes glowed. "Only the leader of the alliance, she is a real heroine! Her personal charm conquers everything, and we are all willing to surround her."

"Then you surround me, and I don't stop you."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders. "The road goes to the other side of the sky. You lean on the sword and laugh at the breeze. You walk away. I am an extraordinary dart player and go our own. Everyone well does not violate the river water.

"It's up to you."

Jin Jiumao said immediately, "It's your pleasure to see you.

"You little girl, I can't speak."

Liao Wushuang watched silently for a long time. She stepped forward and held Li Fan's arm. Liao Wushuang is tall and wears a pair of high heels, at least half the size of Jin Jiumao.

She almost looked down at Jin Jiumao and said, "Don't you look at it, do we Fan Li lack a woman?"

"Cut, our lord can be different from you, these dazzling goods!"

Tsujima emphasized.

"What's different, isn't she a top ten player?"

"You, what are you talking about, what are the top ten ..."

Jin Jiumao heard a moment and didn't know what Liao Wushuang meant. But Li Fan, the old driver, heard it plainly and couldn't help laughing. Teacher Liao was really erudite, and even stopped Jin Jiumao from asking.

"Since it's not a top ten device, why bother to be the best in the world?"

Liao Wushuang usually has a mild spleen, but she is Scorpio! Once she wanted to retaliate or bully someone, this teacher Liao was transformed.

Liao Wushuang said in a few words, Jin Jiumao was speechless and trembling.

She stared fiercely at Liao Wushuang, and seemed to want to find something that could refute Liao Wushuang. But she racked her brains and didn't know what to say.

Damn it, why is your mouth so stupid!

Jin Jiumao secretly choked himself a few times, angry at his unwillingness!

"Maomao, the tiger-shaped boxing you just made, in fact, there is something that can be improved."

Li Fan broke the topic, he had some sympathy for Jin Jiumao, and if she continued to talk with Liao Wushuang, she would definitely collapse!

What is Liao Wushuang's education background? Jin Jiumao is eloquent. He is really not Liao's opponent!


Jin Jiumao is also a idiot. When he heard what Li Fan said, he immediately forgot the topic and asked Li Fan.

"this place."

Li Fan posed a tiger-shaped boxing gesture. "Your tiger-shaped boxing is too pursuit of rhythm, but you forget one of the most important things, that is domineering. The momentum of tiger-shaped boxing is greater than the rhythm, and you must not put the cart before the horse."

Li Fan said, entered the tiger shape, and then grabbed a claw towards Jin Jiumao!

That claw seemed to cross the distance of time and space, and fell to Jin Jiumao's Tianling cover.

Jinjiu Mao froze a moment, she looked at the palm that came over.

At that moment, Jin Jiumao's mind flew dozens of ways to resolve Li Fan's trick. But no matter which one, Jin Jiumao immediately rejected it. Because she always felt that even if she used any method, the final result was that she couldn't resist Li Fan's claw, and she would be broken through!

No, an unstoppable claw?

How is this possible?

Jin Jiumao couldn't believe that Li Fan was already so strong?

In front of Jin Jiumao, there seemed to be a terrible tiger, with a roar, grabbed at himself.

Unstoppable, domineering!

In the end, Jin Jiumao could only take a step back. Xianghan was dripping, watching Li Fan's hand catch his own forehead.

"This is the true meaning of tiger fist."

Li Fan said, "Nothing more than that, you understand?"

"I, I see ..."

Jin Jiumao lowered his head and began to meditate.

Although his nickname is "Immortal in the Beast", in fact, in terms of Xingyiquan, he is much inferior to Li Fan.

This kid ... it's clear that just after practicing, how can he surpass himself so much in the realm.

I was practicing martial arts at the age of three and practicing internal skills at the age of four. In order to learn Xingyiquan, she spent three full years in the mountains with the animals!

Three years later, when Jin Jiumao stepped out of the forest, only 10 years old, Jin Jiumao was already a master of Xingyiquan.

Luo Xuewu came forward personally and summoned her into the breeze of Yi Jian Xiao.

Among the four heavenly kings, Jin Jiumao is also the most loyal to Luo Xuewu, and even follows Luo Xuewu, almost inseparable.

Although the strength is the weakest among the four heavenly kings. Even Ye Yulou, the comprehensive combat power is better than her.

Not to mention Guo Mingming and Zhan Xiaotian, both of them are too powerful!

But they are all martial arts since childhood. Why is Li Fan Ho De Hen, why is he stronger than himself?

Tsukumo couldn't figure it out.

"Your Xingyiquan is already very good, but it is still a little lacking in the artistic conception."

Li Fan didn't know Jin Jiumao's thoughts, and continued to remind Jin Jiumao, but Jin Jiumao was a little unhappy.

"Well, I live with each other and live with the Tigers for three years. Why do you think your mood is higher than mine?"

"Although you have been with the Tigers for three years, you have no heart for them."

Li Fan instantly entered into the momentum of the Black Tiger King!

Jin Jiumao almost half-knelt on the ground. At that moment, the momentum of Li Fan made her feel terrified.

Liao Wushuang stood next to him, looking at the man he loved with admiration.

A woman does not need much reason to like a man. These are enough.

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