My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 721: Daming Treasure

721 Daming Treasure

Li Fan's eyes brightened, this is a huge dragon boat, at least 100 meters long!

The ship was broken into two sections, one on the underwater **** and the other sinking deeper.

"Treasure in this ship?"

Li Fan was a little curious, and followed Liu Yannan to dive into the shipwreck.

The shipwreck was very large, and it seemed to have been patronized by several waves of salvage teams. There were no other treasures except some skeletal remains.

"It seems like someone else has come here, and the valuables are gone."

The demon king pry open a few mouthfuls of boxes with the machine and found that they are all empty, can't help but say.

"If it was a dragon cave treasure from the Ming Dynasty, it should be more than just such a ship."

Liu Yanan has studied a lot of information about the treasures of the Ming Dynasty. "There should be a very hidden dragon cave here. It is only hidden somewhere."


Li Fan sat on a chair covered with water rust and tilted Erlang's legs. "I estimate that this whole dragon boat is used to block the entrance of the dragon's cave."

"That makes sense."

Liu Yannan said through a communicator, "Li Zhiwen, using the equipment on the boat, fished this Ming dragon boat."

"Ah, President Liu, I can't."

"Can't do it? Don't you think you can catch a wreck?"

"It's a small shipwreck ... I scanned this dragon boat with sonar, at least 100 meters long ... even if it's half, I can't catch it!"

"Are you all bragging?"

Liu Yanan couldn't help scolding.

"How come, President Liu, really can pull a small shipwreck!"

"Forget it, go back and calculate with you."

Because she was wearing a diving goggles, Li Fan could not see Liu Yannan's expression, but she must be rolling her eyes.

"Leave it to the poor monk."

Bodhi suddenly headed towards the water, and then his body turned, and the whole person fell quickly towards the bottom like a torpedo!

Bodhi's figure penetrated this already rocky shipwreck and smashed it into a deep hole!

The deep pit leads to a place where I don't know where, as if it opened a new world!


Li Fan floated underwater and looked at the deep pit below.

This dragon boat is still very strong, especially for so many years, it seems that the ship and the sea floor have been integrated.

"The sea floor here is very shallow. At first glance, there is no cave."

Liu Yannan believed his own judgment. After the cave was opened, the surrounding seawater also poured into it. But after a while, the turbulent water flow stopped, as if blocked by something.

"This hole is weird. Do you want to go down?"

Li Fan saw some mystery in the hole and couldn't help asking.

"Of course it is, the treasures of the Ming Dynasty are here!"

Liu Yanan didn't want to just give up.

"Let's go and see first."

After the monk finished speaking, he immediately got into the hole below.

"Fake monk?"

The devil yelled twice, but no one answered.

"Don't worry, wait and see."

Li Fan believes in Bodhi, the body of this monk is forged like Vajrayana, indestructible, and the general damage is basically invalid for him.

"Hope he's fine ..."

The mixed-world demon king is always a little bad.

After a long time, the voice of Bodhi came from the communicator.

"It's all right, come down."

After Bodhi said, several people looked at each other, and then went into the hole in turn.

The hole is deep and I don't know where to go.

Li Fan and Liu Yannan they felt swimming for a long time, for twenty minutes, this was close to the bottom of the hole.

There was originally a lot of water in this hole, but at the deepest place, it fell onto a piece of sand.

Several people stepped on the sand, and the sand immediately flowed, sucking Li Fan into them!

"Puff puff!"

As if being sprayed out, Li Fan brought a body of sand to the bottom of the cave under the sea.

Liu Yanan also fell from above and was hugged by Li Fan.

The assassin fell to the ground with his butt, grinning in pain. Bodhi was standing next to him with a serious face.

"Amitabha, this place ... is uncomfortable."

Bodhi looked around, and there were golden dragons carved one after another.

Not only that, in the forefront of the cave, there are three huge statues, which are the three ancestors of Taoism.

During the Ming Dynasty, the emperors generally believed in Taoism. Therefore, in this royal tomb of the Ming Dynasty, there will be the image of Sanqing ancestors, and it is not surprising.

But this is really uncomfortable for Buddhist Bodhi!

Hundreds of soldiers stood in this cemetery. The soldiers did not know what materials they used to make the sculptures.

The position of these soldiers stood vaguely like a strange formation.

They seem to be protecting and guarding something. Behind the soldiers, a huge coffin was placed.

Nine dragons are carved on the coffin, symbolizing the noble identity of the people in the coffin!

"What kind of emperor will this be?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"It should be Emperor Chongzhen."

Liu Yannan speculated.

"Isn't Chongzhen Emperor hanging on Jingshan?"

"Who knows historical things."

Liu Yanan shrugged his shoulders. "If it's not Chongzhen lying here, it is probably his descendants."

When she spoke, her eyes looked at a distant mountain.

That treasure mountain is full of gold and silver treasures, pearls and jade wares, and there are countless countless ones. At first glance, they are treasures left by the Ming Dynasty.

In front of the treasure stood two generals in gold armor, both of whom were magnificent, as if alive.


Liu Yanan couldn't help but shine in his eyes, that's why he came here!

"A lot of money!"

The mixed-world demon king couldn't bear it anymore, and he lifted his feet and walked towards the pile of treasures.

He had just gone out two steps, but did not know what mechanism he stepped on.

With a click, the shutters on the wall open, and rows of arrows rain shot out!

Bodhi hurried forward, folded his hands, chanted the Buddha, and stood in front of the devil.

"Ding Jing Dang!"

These arrows shoot at Bodhi, they can only splash red Mars, but do no harm.

Bodhisattva's King Kong is not bad, and one arrow can't destroy it!

Some arrows also fell to Liu Yannan and were blown away by Li Fan with his palm.

"Is it just this simple trap?"

The mixed-world devil is a little skeptical, "I'm too sorry for the name of the Daming Dynasty."

"Well, you crow's mouth, can you stop for a while?"

Li Fan gave a fierce glare to the melee demon king, and at this time, there was another change in the cemetery.

The two generals who had stood in front of the treasure suddenly opened their eyes!

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