723 Concubine Zhou

With Bodhi's undefeated Vajrayana bodyguard, Liu Kunan and the mixed-world demon king are better off.

But other people are not so lucky, although they are already dead.

All the soldiers present were constantly pumped out by Li Fan, and slowly formed a vortex shape in the air!

Star Luo upside down!

The vortex formed by the qi, like a huge vortex, floats overhead.

Li Fan can no longer control his own exercises, and the Xingluo God's Divine Skills are automatically lighted up, constantly running, extracting the vitality from these soldiers and sending them into the vortex overhead.

The vortex is turning faster and faster, and the sense of the universe is getting stronger and stronger.

Even Bodhi felt a terrible pressure.

He turned the skills of the undefeated golden body to the strongest, and the whole person glowed golden light. These golden lights condensed into a three-meter-high golden Buddha, which firmly protected them.

"Bang, bang!"

The golden Buddha continued to radiate radiance, and the power outside was eroding this undefeated golden body like a virus.

But Bodhi closed his eyes tightly, chanted the Buddha's gold, and the seven tricks bleed.

At this moment, the nine golden dragons on the coffin that had been closed seemed to come alive and began to walk.

The nine golden dragons, like nine locks, quickly moved away from the coffin, swam into the back wall, and turned into a Kowloon wall.

In Li Fan's astonished eyes, the coffin was slowly pushed away.

A skinny hand slowly reached out from the coffin.

Li Fan, they just feel creepy!

Another corpse stitching!

A skinny, long-haired woman slowly sat up from the coffin.

Seems to be intentionally or unintentionally, the woman glanced at Li Fan them! Those eyes are two holes, like black holes.

At that glance, the hair on Li Fan's body looked up!

Is this woman alive?

The corpse-like woman had black hair and suddenly took a deep breath. The vortex above her head seemed to be attracted, and immediately rushed into the woman's mouth.

The swirls are getting smaller and smaller, and the skin on women is getting better.

Like fast healing and re-growth, the woman quickly recovered.

A beautiful woman, as if the beauty from ancient paintings.

Her eyes are full of spring, and her skin is like snow.

Not only them, but even Li Fan's eyes couldn't help being a little straight.

This woman is really so beautiful, she's not as beautiful as a human.

Such a woman is simply a fairy falling from the earth.

"If I could follow her, it would be worth the death!"

The assassin murmured to himself.

"Even if he goes to hell, the poor monk is willing."

Bodhi muttered.

"Hey, you two!"

Liu Minan reached out and patted the heads of both of them.

Li Fan is a little bit better, who is this monster-like woman?

"Sleeping well ..."

The woman was very lazy and stretched.

She wore a long white gauze and did not know what material it was made of. After hundreds of years, there was still no slight decay.

The woman's smirk attracted people's eyes, making people reluctant to remove their eyes.

Under her beautiful halo, all men seemed small. They wished to turn into a fly, flying around the woman every day.

Li Fan can be slightly better, after all, he has seen many beautiful women, and his immunity is higher.

"What dynasty is it now?"

The woman slowly stood up from the coffin, with her pretty little feet bare, and stepped on the wet ground.

"But am I the Ming Dynasty?"

The woman looked at Li Fan's clothes and seemed a little strange, tilting her head slightly.

"It's weird looking at your clothes. Is it the night clothes? But the materials are a little different."

The woman spoke a little bit old-fashionedly, but not too rigidly. In ancient times, not everyone spoke classical Chinese. Only some family members who understand culture like to talk in classical Chinese. The following people in the market talk in vernacular.

The woman may not be a family member, but she is lying in the royal coffin.

"Who are you?"

Li Fan asked.

"This palace is a concubine, Concubine Zhou."

"Zhou Guifei?"

Liu Yannan frowned, "I have only heard one queen of Zhou, but I have never heard of Zhou Guifei!"

"Queen Zhou?"

The pretty woman thought for a moment, "Did you mean my sister?"

The woman's speech became more and more incredible, and Liu Yannan just didn't believe it. How is it possible for a woman who has lived for hundreds of years?

"It's your turn to answer your question."

The concubine asked suddenly this week, "My palace ... how long have you slept, what dynasty is it now?"

"If you are really Zhou Guifei, you have lived for at least 300 years."

Li Fan thought of "The Great Rirui Heart Sutra", an evil kung fu that can make people die!

Xingluo, who just exhibited himself, turned upside down and was passively performing! And this woman actually absorbed all the vibes of the soldiers, and then came alive. So, she must have something to do with the undead evil Buddha.

"Did you sleep for so long ..."

Zhou Guifei gently covered her lips, a little surprised, "So long ... everyone has become an old woman ..."

"What do you have to do with the undead evil Buddha?"

Li Fan asked immediately.

"Undead evil Buddha?"

Zhou Guifei chuckled, "It seems to remind me that this palace really has such a strange nickname."

"Are you an undead evil Buddha?"

Li Fan's eyes widened.

And just then, the array of underwater graves turned again.

Corpse surgery was launched, and more than a hundred soldiers took up their respective weapons and entered the battle again.

"Sorry, this palace is still talking to the guests. Can you disturb us?"

Zhou Guifei said.

But more than a hundred soldiers did not have their own thoughts at all, and they rushed towards Li Fan under the control of the large array.

"It's wanton!"

Zhou Guifei seemed a little angry, she sighed at the more than a hundred soldiers in front of her!

All the soldiers' bodies suddenly became rigid, and then turned into dust and scattered on the ground.

Li Fan was shocked, lying in a trance, blowing into the wind, this trick is too great!

Zhou Guifei is indeed a little capable, is she really the legendary "undead evil Buddha"?

"These men in this palace don't understand the manners, I'm really sorry."

Zhou Guifei sat gently on her coffin, as if this coffin was her throne.

"Come on, you can talk now."

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