My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 736: Sacrificed monk

736 Monk Sacrifice

Behind the government forces is the Philippines to support, the purpose is to take control of this island!

This Philippines secretly supported some weapons and also some funds.

The commander of the three armed forces distressed his subordinates. He was also the boss of a mercenary regiment, but was later hired by the Philippines to become the military representative of the new regime.

In order to ensure his own strength, he spent money to hire the Storm mercenary regiment, and let them send troops to help themselves to solve these **** rebels!

As the commander of the Three Armed Forces eagerly expected, a tank, three mechas, and a troop transporter were slowly coming.

A total of twenty stormy mercenaries were loaded on the personnel carrier trucks, each of which was an elite and murderous master.

The commander of the three armed forces spent a lot of money in order to kill this so-called "Rebel Army" base.

"Storm mercenaries?"

Sun Qingchen they had already supported the periscope, and saw a group of war machines outside through the lens.

"Good guys, this group of people has done a great job, even the storm is invited!"

"The infamous Storm mercenary ..."

Liu Yannan frowned. "This time, it doesn't look good."

"there is always a solution to a problem."

Assassin began to fill cannonballs for rpg. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't have any fear.

"Big deal to send them a big shot!"

The ascendant demon began to be annoyed, "I knew I should bring a nuclear bomb when I came!"

"Wipe, you think you're ****!"

Sun Qingchen glared at the demon king, "Now the priority is to escape ... Bodhi, can you **** us out?"

"Amitabha, the poor monk is not afraid of these people."

Bodhi stood there with his hands folded, "But with so many enemies, I'm afraid I can't protect you."

"That's the same, so many of us, just a monk of Bodhi, can't protect him."

"Aren't there me!"

Yin Tiantian shouted bravely.

"You can't do it, you have more attacks, you don't have enough defense."

Bodhi said quickly, he glanced at the standing Lion Murong Ying, and muttered in his heart, if only the sister could help them. What a pity. What a pity.

Bodhi is a bit sorry, but Sun Qingchen doesn't know where to find the map of the hotel and is studying it.

"This fortress-like hotel should have an escape route."

Sun Qingchen looked at the map and studied it very carefully.

"What channel to look for, tell me to do it!"

Assassin's devil patted his chest, "Let Lao Zi blow up a blood path for you first!"

With that said, the assassin tore ripped off his coat, revealing a circle of detonators tied inside.

"You can be honest!"

Sun Qingchen almost died of anger, this guy is too suffocated, he is really a jerk!

"Let's go authentic."

Liu Yanan chose a way, "It's a little more stable. As long as we get to the airport, we will win steadily."


Sun Qingchen pointed towards the map, "According to the map, there is an underground passage at the location of the parking lot leading to the highway outside the city."

"parking lot?"

Liu Yanan looked at the map. "Outside the hotel!"

"Well, it's not difficult."

Sun Qingchen quickly set up a mission, "Bodhi, you have to attract the attention of these guys. We, a few, wait for you to attract the enemy's attention, then go to the parking lot."

"Is the poor monk ... a victim ..."

Bodhi blinked his eyes.

"Well, I think it should be called a great warrior."

Sun Qingchen said, "You will do well."

Sun Qingchen said in his heart, you are a human shield!

"Amitabha ... I will not go to hell, who will go to **** ..."

"Okay, everyone else will follow me."

Sun Qingchen picked up two Uz charges, grabbed them, and walked out directly from the room door.

Outside the storm mercenaries had arrived, a tank stopped outside, and the gun barrel was aimed at the hotel building.


As soon as the commander ordered, the tank fired a direct shot!


The hotel's building was immediately blown a corner, and the building shuddered.

At this moment, Liu Yanan and they were already waiting from the hall with people.

"One more shot!"

The commander was very excited. The long-range bombardment of this tank, Junk's defense system!

These three mechas don't seem to need to be used!

What a waste of money to spend so much!

The commander's mind has been absolutely secure. As long as this wave of resistance is eliminated, the resistance on the entire island should stop. As the saying goes, kill chickens and tamarins!

The tank was loading, the barrel moved a bit and was heading in the other direction of the hotel.


The shells hit and the fire exploded.

But after the fire had dissipated, the hotel was safe and sound. A bald monk stood there with his hands folded, and the cricket on his body was a little bit ragged.


Bodhi slowly said in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, "Can you please talk peacefully, donors?"

"kill him!"

The commander briefly talked, and a shell shot at Bodhi again!

Bodhi stretched out his palm and blocked the shell with his palm.

There was a thunder, and there was fire.

But Bodhi was still intact, and palms were still smoky.

"Amitabha, can't you have a good chat, donors?"

Bodhi said bitterly, "I am compassionate and willing to give you a vitality!"

"This guy is evil! Kill him, kill him!"

The commander felt a panic, and he immediately ordered the mercenaries of the storm to set fire on the monk!

Three mechs popped out of the missile trough and fired at the monk.

Dozens of satellite missiles fired, drew a few arcs in the air, and landed on Bodhi.

"Boom boom!"

Missiles exploded and bombarded Bodhi one after another.

Bodhi was unmoved, like a King Kong. Those missiles blew up without any harm at all.

"It doesn't seem to make sense."

Bodhi sighed and seemed very disappointed.

The commander's heartbeat accelerated. What is this man, and what is his body made of, even the missile is invalid?

In fact, Bodhi has its limits. His body withstands this kind of attack, but it is also consuming a lot of true energy!

Bodhi is not invincible. When he runs out of energy, the undefeated golden body will be broken. By then, he would be no different from an ordinary person, and one shot would take his life.

In these rounds of attacks, Bodhi has gone a lot. But he insisted, waiting for Liu Yannan to escape.

The existence of Bodhi is what attracts firepower!

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