739 Benefits

Bai Linluo followed Su Su, and when the two arrived on the island, Su Su couldn't help but rejoice.

"The air here is really good."

No matter it is Kyoto or the northern city a, smog and pollution are relatively serious.

But in this island city, the pollution is almost zero, and the breath is sweet.

"Amitabha, when you get here, you are like your own home."

What Bodhi said made Bai Linluo roll his eyes.

"Fuck, that one in this place doesn't want me to fight myself! Little tiger!"

Bai Linluo ordered, Le Xiaohu jumped up from the boat, turned around in the air, and easily fell to Bai Linluo's side.

"Secretary, what do you tell me?"

Compared with the last time Li Fan met, Le Xiaohu's strength has improved significantly.

He was originally infused with the power of the three tigers by Li Fan, in the stage of innocence. Now I rely on my own practice to gain the strength to enter the room!

The speed at which Le Xiaohu grows up, even if Li Fan sees it, must be envious.

"Ready to start."

In the power bureau, the only effective combat power is only himself and Le Xiaohu. Su Su is a killer specifically targeted at men, and is a conditional attack.

There were two women standing next to Le Xiaohu. One is Wang Xiaoyuan, a silver-white lion armor, and the other is a brown armoured striker Liu Yannan.

Two people attacked and defended, just to **** Bai Linluo.

"I know almost everything about the island."

After Bai Lin Luoden Island, he set out to lay out.

At this time, several more ships gradually approached the dock.

One of them was an extraordinary security company's ship, and Liu Zhennan paid for a medium-sized passenger ship.

Twenty extraordinary security fired with live ammunition from the ship were all armed with chrysanthemums.

In order to occupy this small island, Li Fan and Liu Yannan gave their blood.

Each extraordinary security wears a nano-suit developed by the US Emperor, which not only has a strong defense force, but also assists the user's physical ability.

All extraordinary security also wear multi-functional glasses, strengthen their sight and information analysis capabilities, and improve everyone's reconnaissance ability.

Liu Yanan specially equipped them with the latest m4a1. The pistols are all Colt, and like tactical daggers, electronic grenades are naturally essential.

Seeing such a team come down, Bai Linluo was a little relieved.

At this time, another ship came ashore.

There was a wolf head logo on the ship, and then a group of mercenaries with wolf head logo on their shoulders came, a total of fifteen people.

The first man stood with a white pony tail and wolf-skin hat, looking wild.

He glanced at Bai Linluo, took out his mobile phone, and checked the photo again.

"Are you Bai Linluo?"

This buddy was originally a foreigner, but now he speaks English and asks.


Bai Linluo nodded. "Who are you?"

"Battle Wolf Mercenary Regiment, Captain Max."

This dude is very capable, "You can call me a white wolf."

"Is this the future sir?"

Next to the **** enchanting silver-haired beauty, wearing a black wolf-head military uniform, carrying an svd on the back, this svd is particularly well maintained. At first glance, this silver-haired beauty is a gun-loving person.

This is Eva, the deputy head of the War Wolf Mercenary Regiment.

"It's really depressing to cooperate with such people. How did Liao Yue introduce such work to us?"

Eva complained.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what kind of task, we can do it!"

A big blond man next to him, full of fortitude.

"Several people, this island is all ours."

Bai Linluo immediately threw bait to lure-confuse these mercenaries, even the mercenaries recommended by Liao Wushuang.

Without the right benefits, they will not come out to die.

"Not just yours."

As soon as Bai Linluo's words fell, a man in a suit and leather shoes stepped down in a van next to him. Although he is a suit, he is a hero.

"The President of the Resistance?"

Bai Linluo has checked the information and can see the identity of the man at a glance.

The president of the rebel army is about forty years old, full of vitality and without any decadence.

Seeing him, Bai Linluo was slightly worried.

The War Wolf Mercenary Regiment is very easy to pass, they can be bought with money, as long as they give them benefits, they can use them.

But this rebel president is different. He is an ambitious man. I'm afraid he will be the biggest threat after the island is taken away from government forces.

"Mr. President, everything is empty talk before the government forces are defeated."

But Bai Linluo was also an expert in negotiations. He immediately said, "I represent an extraordinary company and welcome everyone to discuss cooperation."

Bai Linluo is the full power representative of Li Fan, so there is a bit of domineering between the words.

These people have nothing simple, they are all dragons and phoenixes. If you want to suppress them, you must have domineering.

"This is not the place to talk."

The president said with a smile, "I have prepared a banquet for you, and I look forward to your visit."

"As long as we have money, we will be fine."

The leader of the War Wolf Mercenary Corps Max said frankly.

"Let's talk first."

Bai Linluo didn't say much else, so he decided to find a place to talk about it.

Glass bar.

There are not many entertainment facilities on the island, and the entertainment bar is one, but it is a little hidden.

This glass bar was built in the basement of a glass factory. There were many customers in it, and they all seemed to be rebels.

Several rebels drank here, and when they saw Bai Linluo coming in, they all looked at them.

After the president came in, the rebels saluted him.

"Looks like this is your place."

Bai Linluo only brought Wang Xiaoyuan with him, the others were waiting outside.

Even Liu Yanan of Sagittarius was standing at the door, holding a bow and arrow, to guard Bai Linluo.

"Rest assured, they are only responsible for our safety."

The president smiled. "We're on the front, right?"


Bai Linluo thoughtfully said, and looked at the president again.

This president doesn't know what abacus he has.

"Please, come in."

The president sent Bai Linluo into a "vip room" that looked a little humble.

There were only three places in the room, Bai Linluo, the president, and the leader of the wolf Max, sat down.

Bai Linluo stood beside Wang Xiaoyuan, Max stood beside Eva, and the president stood beside a black bodyguard.

"Although it is rude here, at least we can talk frankly."

The president looked at them, "I want to ask, Mr. Bai, what do you want on this island?"

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