743 Negotiations

To Bai Linluo, it was like a paradise.

Mutant Paradise.

Bai Linluo stayed in the office, one hand was touching the Prophet's skull, and he was communicating with the Prophet.

The knowledge provided by the prophet in his mind kept Bai Linluo constantly enriching himself.

The amount of knowledge of the prophet is very huge. These are like nutrition, making Bai Linluo hungry and thirsty, swimming in this ocean of knowledge.

The prophet is like an artificial ai, following him, helping himself to constantly find what he wants.

Every time Bai Linluo communicated with the prophet, he couldn't help but raise some philosophical problems.

For example, who am I, where do I come from, and where am I going.

The three major problems of philosophy, even the prophets, cannot answer Bai Linluo.

Over time, Bai Linluo did not delve into these issues.

"This is the origin of the world."

The prophet took Bai Linluo and observed the origin of the entire earth.

"and many more."

Bai Linluo couldn't help but had another philosophical question, "Since there is an origin ... So, is there a end to the human world?"

"Of course."

The prophet answered Bai Linluo.

"Are you going to check it out?"

"Sure there is ... I'm going to see ..."

Bai Linluo became very curious, and the prophet pulled him up, passed directly through time, and came to the future.

Bai Linluo stood on a tall building and looked at the city covered with green vegetation.

"This city ... How long has nobody survived?"

Bai Linluo was very surprised, this city has been deserted for at least ten years!

"It's been a long time ... here, it's just the beginning."

The Prophet said, "Because of one man, the entire world has caused World War III. A force more terrible than nuclear weapons has swept the entire world."

"A force more terrifying than nuclear weapons?"

Bai Linluo doubted, "Will there be such power?"

"Of course, for example, the power of our mutants can surpass nuclear weapons when they are stimulated to a certain degree. For example, the creator, if he has the power of Alcatraz, can cause the entire world to lose spirit!

"That's the case ... are there any people left in this world?"


The prophet nodded. "The creator of everything, the creator of the last days, he owns the whole world by himself."

After the prophet had spoken, he pointed a hand away.

Bai Linluo turned his head and saw a man in a black and white coat standing upstairs in the distance.

This man looks very familiar, it is Li Fan, Li Fan ten years later!

He was sitting on the edge of the floor, with a beard on his face, and looked vicissitudes.

"Li, Li Fan ..."

Bai Linluo exclaimed, and at this time, Li Fan suddenly turned his head and looked at Bai Linluo floating in the air.

"You came?"

The effort between Li Fan's speech, not knowing how, came directly in front of Bai Linluo.

A pair of golden flying lion wings appeared behind Li Fan, allowing him to float in the air.

"You, you are ..."

"Go back and stop me."

Li Fan said, a finger was on Bai Linluo's brows.

Bai Linluo felt a sudden pain, suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

And he was shocked to find that a crack appeared in the position of the prophet's skull in front of him, and then shattered into a place.


Bai Linluo tried to pick up these bone fragments, but as soon as he touched one of the bones, the bones turned into white ashes, scattered everywhere.

The prophet is completely gone ...

Bai Linluo felt a moment of fear, what was the situation?

Just now I saw Li Fan in the conscious world of the prophet.

At that time, Li Fan, known as the destroyer of the world?

And he even saw himself and talked to himself!

Most importantly ... the prophet disappeared ...

All these things are too weird!

Bai Linluo felt that his head was not enough, as if his thinking ability had stopped!

Just when Bai Linluo couldn't organize his thoughts, there was a knock on the door.

"Secretary, a diplomat from the government army is here."

"Got it."

Bai Linluo patted his face to make himself more awake.

The disappearance of the prophet made Bai Linluo somewhat panic. But these panics must first be held in the bottom of your heart. You are the director of the power bureau and the person in charge of the island. You must be upset.

Bai Linluo adjusted his mood, and then opened the door.

Susu stood outside, wearing a plain clothes, but it was difficult to hide her beauty.

Such a beautiful woman is around, but Bai Linluo never tempted. Because he always kept a person in his heart, that is, Liao Wushuang.

"Let's go, I'm just Li Fan's representative anyway."

Bai Linluo said, "From the level, meeting this diplomat is not a loss. By the way, call the president and let him meet the diplomat together."

"it is good."

Su Su nodded.

The diplomat sat in the makeshift living room of the glass factory, where there was only a long worn table and the chairs were broken.

Diplomats snorted in their hearts. They estimated where they got the resources to sponsor them.

Behind the government forces is the support of the Philippines and a big country. Where can these small characters fight?

The Philippines has provided them with two excellent troops, which will arrive in a few days. At that time, it was the death of these people.

He came here to delay a few days. As long as some conditions are met for these rebels, they will agree with a smile.

Some greedy guys, hope they know what it is to meet!

Soon, a boy who looked like a high school student came down, and there was a beautiful girl beside him, as well as a familiar guy who was the man they wanted for a long time, the pseudo-president of the Resistance!

At that moment, the diplomat wanted to pull out a pistol and kill the other one!

But he resisted the urge, after all, to show his sincerity, he didn't bring a gun when he came.

"You are Bai Linluo?"

The diplomat stood up and stretched out his hand, but there was some arrogance between the looks.

"I'm a diplomat from the Louvre government. My name is Parker."

"Hello, I am the spokesperson for Mr. Li Fan."

Bai Linluo smiled and sat calmly in front of the diplomat. "Tell me what you came for."

"Okay, Chief Bai is simply."

The diplomat said, "I know you have some strength, but our government is backed by big powers. I think that if you fight with us, it will only be you who perish."

"Is it?"

Bai Linluo smiled. "When did the Philippines become a great power?"

"There is the US Emperor behind the Philippines. Our weapons are the most advanced!"

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