My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 770: Waiting for a return

Chapter 770: Quiet and Returning

Li Fan was about to enter the battlefield with a gun, but when he just hit the door, a violent chill immediately came from the body of Luo Xuewu and poured into Li Fan's body, making him instantly become a zombie!

Li Fan fought a big chill, and still chilling on his body.


All of Li Fan's passions were retracted by freezing!

"Our day ..."

Li Fan's body was constantly shivering, "You, what the **** are you ..."

Luo Xuewu looked at Li Fan with surprise, "What happened to you?"

"You, it's so cold below you ..."

"Hmm ... it should be the reason for practicing" Nine Heavens Xuanbing "."

Luo Xuewu said casually, "I'm not a pure genital body, but there are some sequelae."

"Wipe ... it doesn't matter if you have sequelae ... I can't stand it ..."

The medicinal properties in Li Fan's body were completely frozen by the cold of Luo Xuewu!

He hugged the falling snow dance, set it aside, then sat cross-legged on the bed and began to exercise his power.

The vital energy in his body seemed to have been frozen. Li Fan ran for seven hundred forty-nine weeks, and then the cold in his body was digested.

When he woke up, Luo Xuewu had finished his clothes, wearing only a simple red bellyband, sitting opposite him.

Li Fan is a little speechless. It's all old age, even wearing a bellyband!

"Fu Jun, wake up?"

Luo Xuewu became a little tender, looking at Li Fan, his eyes were like water.

"It's too early for this husband to call ..."

"We all have skin lovers, why not call them?"

Luo Xuewu asked.

"Well not yet!"

Li Fan was quite speechless. "The most critical thing has not been done yet!"

"Don't you touch and kiss again? Don't you want to make ends meet?"

Falling Snow Dance seemed a little unhappy.

"This ... is not what you think ..."

Li Fanxin said that he was so thin-skinned that he had to explain such a blushing heartbeat!

He clung to the ears of Luo Xuewu and told her the key.

"So it is."

Falling Snow Dance seems to understand.

"you understood?"

"Isn't it just the train going into the cave? I don't understand anything."

Luo Xuewu said, "Anyway, you and I are both husband and wife. Come in if you want to come in."

"Wipe, it's not that I don't want to go in, it's you that is an ice cave!"

"Go to hell."

"I guess ... there is no strength to be a husband and wife with you ..."

Li Fan told the truth, "You don't have the skill of a generation of masters to get in."


"Do you still need to ask! Only one generation of masters can practice kung fu to diao!"

Li Fan is also very helpless. Although it was not his original intention to go to bed with Luo Xuewu, anyway, he finally made up his mind to end his manual life for so many years. However, he finally failed.

The road of life is really bumpy!

"Otherwise, do you put that thing on the fire and put it in?"

Luo Xue asked, Li Fan almost didn't cry.

Where can I bake this guy! Are cumin roasted?

"I can't chat with you ..."

Li Fan waved his hand, so chatting was so exhausting!

"We are husband and wife and there is nothing to communicate."

"There is no such thing as husband and wife! Don't say so early!"

Li Fan hurried to remind.

"Sooner or later."

"Then wait until that day!"

Li Fan now just wants to sleep well, the others are unwilling to think about it.

"Are you going to separate tomorrow?"

Luo Xuewu sat on Li Fan's bed and sighed quietly.

"I still have my own business to do, after all."

Li Fan waved his right hand, "And whether or not my right hand is still alive, I don't want to live by leaning on the sword."

"I know."

Luo Xuewu took a deep look at Li Fan, "Then let you develop first, but when you leave, you are still relying on the sword."

"Got it."

After Li Fan finished speaking, he closed his eyes. Although the effect had passed, Jiu Jin came up. Li Fan had a small amount of alcohol. He leaned on the pillow, his head began to faint, and soon he fell asleep.

"You sleep soundly."

Luo Xuewu sighed, she opened the quilt, covered Li Fan's body, and then she voluntarily drew herself into Li Fan's bed.

After practicing the magical skills of "Nine Heavens Xuanbing", his body often became cold. But Li Fan's body was warm, like a small stove. Luo Xuewu could not help hugging Li Fan, warming herself.

Unconsciously, Luo Xuewu also entered a dreamland.

The sword-laden ship finally approached the port, Li Fan got out of the boat, and a Land Rover was already waiting for him.

"Fu Jun, here you are."

Luo Xuewu, dressed in a white suit, stood on the pier and looked at Li Fan, who was full of energy in front of him, "I'm waiting for you to marry me with my sword."

"it is good……"

Li Fan didn't know what to say, but Luo Xuewu's eyes were firm, and he couldn't say a word of refusal.

Li Fan and his party watched Li Fan leave, and he bid farewell to these people and sat in a Land Rover.

Li Fan cleared the boat for a few days, and now it's time to return to h city. The extraordinary darts don't have themselves, and they don't know what they are like now. Does anyone bully them.

"Li Fan, are you really planning to go back?"

Just then, the driver who had been driving silently suddenly spoke.

Li Fan was taken aback. He glanced down the mirror. Sure enough, the driver is a familiar face.

"Liu Zhu, why are you here?"

"I heard that something went wrong, I can't rest assured, come and see."

Liu Zhu saw that Li Fan's right hand was still there, relieved, "I thought your right hand was really chopped, which scared me."

"It was chopped, but it just grew again."

Li Fan smiled, and Liu Zhu almost stepped on the brake.

"What a joke, you are not a gecko!"

"I'm much tougher than a gecko."

Li Fan laughed, "I have no arms or legs, I don't care."

"Go ... it's a pervert ..."

Liu Zhu couldn't help muttering.

"how did you find me?"

Li Fan was very concerned about this issue, but Liu Zhu smiled. "How come you can't see a ship that is so large, relying on the sword! It's really not difficult to follow you."

"So, Murong Bo, can they find me?"

"Yes, do you see the two black Toyotas behind?"

Liu Zhu pointed back, "They are all from Murong's family. They won't let you go so easily."

"It's okay, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover."

Li Fan glanced back, "Let them come."

At this time, a young man named Murong Yu was sitting in a Toyota car behind him.

He is a young master of the Murong family and runs a family business near here. He has been very depressed and has no chance to get ahead. But now, the opportunity has come!

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