My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 783: The roots of troubles

Episode 783

Although he was ready, Li Fan was shocked.

On this way, the number of people who are hostile to him cannot be counted! Every man, looking at his eyes, is full of badness! It seems that it was not Liao Wushuang who ate with Li Fan, but the most perfect goddess in their hearts!

Even the waiter who served them food at meals looked strange to him. Li Fan still has some understanding. For a beauty like Liao Wushuang, a man who can eat with her will definitely be jealous.

No, it is no longer a question of jealousy, it is these men who hate and do not want Li Fan to survive!

Even the waiter, looking at Li Fan's eyes, wanted him to die!

Li Fanxin said, is he so hateful!

"Miss, your dish."

The waiter respectfully brought up the steak set for Liao Wushuang, and then gave Li Fan a cold look.

"You wait another half an hour."

"I wipe."

Li Fan was a bit angry at that time, was it different?

Liao Wushuang ’s steaks all came up. He just ordered a pasta. As long as that?

"Please enjoy."

The waiter's attitude towards Li Fan was extremely bad, and he was almost driven away.

Li Fan glanced at it. It is estimated that the men here are all trying to drive themselves away!

They thought carefully about this, Li Fan understood it very well. However, understanding and understanding does not mean that they have to take their breath!

"Forget it."

Liao Wushuang saw that Li Fan was unhappy. She gently stretched out her hand and gently held Li Fan's little hand. "I'm with you, don't give them general insight."

"Hey, it's because you're with me that they want to drive me away."

Li Fan said to Liao Wushuang half-jokingly.

"This shows that you have chosen a good woman."

Liao Wushuang laughed and said with confidence, "Is it a reflection of your strong personal charm, shouldn't you be happy?"

"Okay, you make some sense."

Li Fan raised his hands to surrender, and Liao Wushuang said it was true.

No one can make himself so attractive. Other men around are jealous, let them be jealous! Li Fan began to enjoy these jealous eyes brazenly.

But at this moment, a gentle boy next to him saw Liao Wushuang, and Li Yan's light flashed in his eyes immediately.

He is a master of hunting, this woman is a woman with strong desires at first glance! As long as she can conquer her, she will madly repay herself in bed! That's right, you will never read it wrong!

"Bruce, what are you looking at?"

Sitting opposite his brother, was a blond foreign friend.

Although the two people have different nationalities, they are friends who have grown up together in the world. Their biggest hobby is picking up girls together, and then looking for 3p, even 4p!

It is because of this unique hobby that the friendship between this pair of friends is promoted.

"Oh, she is indeed a beauty."

The blonde foreign friend couldn't help but admire, "It looks so beautiful, it's my food."

"I fancy this first."

The brother's English name is Bruce, and he said confidently, "In a minute, I can get her."

"Are you sure Bruce, she has a boyfriend beside her."

"What are you afraid of? How many women have a man's companion, it's not obedient to go to bed with me."

Gongzi is very confident in his personal charm. He can't even figure out a woman. How can he claim to be the third young man in a city!

He is half-breed, handsome, rich, and knowledgeable. There are few women who don't like themselves.

"Also, catch up, don't forget to share it with your good brother."

The blond man smiled at Bruce.

"Relax, I know."

Bruce narrowed his eyes at him, then sorted out his suit, stepped forward, and came to Liao Wushuang's side.

"Hello this beautiful lady, I'm a scout and want to meet you."

The average woman heard that the scout came to dig her, and the first reaction would be happy and excited.

In particular, Bruce has a very good image and is very popular with young girls.

Usually little girls see Bruce without any resistance.

Only Liao Wushuang, she is not a little girl, but a mature girl with a beautiful mind.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in being a star."

Liao Wushuang flatly refused.

"The same thing, you are no different from a star. You see, everyone's eyes are on you."

Bruce is really telling the truth. At this moment, almost everyone is looking at Liao Wushuang, especially men.

No man will not be attracted to Liao Wushuang, and no woman will not be jealous of Liao Wushuang! Her presence has overshadowed all the women here!

"It's a scam, what's so nice about it!"

"Look again to dig out your eyes!"

The women's scolding voices are almost one after another, but they still can't stop them from staring at Liao Wushuang. Liao Wushuang's body seemed to be poisonous, so that everyone had a poison called Aimu.

Bruce was very confident. He looked at Liao Wushuang in front of his blue eyes, and planned to conquer her with his charm.

But Liao Wushuang was unmoved, as if Bruce was just a puppet.

"This lady?"

Bruce saw that Liao Wushuang ignored him, thinking that Liao Wushuang did not hear him. As long as this chick looks at herself, she will be fascinated by her charm!

Bruce was full of confidence, and Liao Wushuang finally glanced at him.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I'm having dinner with my boyfriend. Would you please leave?"


Bruce was dumbfounded that he was rejected by a girl?

How is this possible?

Bruce didn't believe his eyes and even suspected it was a dream.

He has been petted since childhood and mostly surrounded by sister paper. He has never lacked a woman. But today, she was rejected by a girl! This is impossible!

Bruce was a little unconvinced. He was about to continue talking, and Li Fan spoke for Liao Wushuang.

"Don't influence us to eat, thank you!"

Bruce looked at the man in front of him, his eyes narrowed.

He is not stupid. He knows that if he is eager to achieve success, he will definitely make her unhappy. The tactics must be roundabout, and the idiots are hard and positive.

Desperate, Bruce is going to play such a trick with sister paper, let him know what is a true love master!

"That being the case, distinguished lady, I won't disturb you for dinner, we have a chance to see you again."

Bruce turned back to his place and was ridiculed by his blond friend.

"Don't worry, my friend, the show is still behind!"

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