My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 787: Open for business

787 opened for business

Cheng Mohan fled back to Jin Yiwei's branch.

The branch in city A was destroyed by Li Fan and Yan Kai last time. The current branch was rebuilt.

Because the current Jinyiwei is short of staff, there are not many people in the branch, not even a commander.

Here, Cheng Mohan is the only person in charge, handling all the affairs of city Jinyiwei.

Under her, a thousand households are busy.

But that thousand households is obviously a guy who is desperate for money. He runs Jinyiwei, but he is also making money for himself.

He did not kill Li Fan at all. To him, Li Fan is a bomb, whoever touches him will blow up!

How many Jin Yiweis have turned over on Li Fan's body, the four **** guards have almost turned over, not to mention those so-called commanders, thousands of households.

Now I want to kill Li Fan. Among the Jin Yiwei, there is only one person!

For Lord Liao, Li Fan must also die. His potential is too great. If he is not killed, the threat to Liao Wushuang is too great!

You must find a way to kill Li Fan, now it's time to do whatever you can.

Cheng Mohan made a good decision. This time, she must give Li Fan a hard shot!

At this time, Li Fan had no mood to think about Jin Yiwei.

His "Extraordinary Dart" has officially opened for business. Although they were operating before, those were underground jobs because they did not have a business license. But now it's different. Under the care of Zhou Tai, the extraordinary dart board got legal formalities, and finally can open up generously and make money.

In particular, Li Fan's business is currently in a slump. Many forces on the rivers and lakes have to give Murong family face. After all, Murong Villa's influence on rivers and lakes is unique in the world. The only one who could barely match was the Sima family in the south.

However, the Sima family did not deal with themselves, and they did not toss their families.

The two big families have offended themselves!

The rivers and lakes are too small, too many right and wrong! The old guy of Murong Bo is too arrogant, he can't let him dominate the king again!

Li Fan looked into the mirror and said to himself secretly as he adjusted his suit's tie.

"Let me help you."

Xia Ling stood beside, seeing Li Fan's busy appearance, couldn't help laughing. The beauty smiled and the flowers were dark. This is the charm of Xia Yi, even Li Fan is a little hard to resist.

It seems that the little sister is getting better and better, and her character is getting gentler. A lot of things in life are taken care of by Xia Ying.

Both Murong Ying and Tie Zhu have left. Tie Zhu used to take care of her life, but now she has given it to Xia Ye.

Xia Ling stood in front of Li Fan, her face was close, and her forehead was in front of Li Fan's mouth. As long as Li Fan lowered her head gently, she could kiss the little sister's forehead.

But she took Li Tie seriously and didn't notice the cricket in the atmosphere.

Li Fan also put away these careful thoughts. Xiao Xia's little sister really treats herself as a younger brother. How can she think of her ... But her hair smells really good.

Li Fan couldn't help but reached out and slapped himself secretly.

"what happened?"

Xia Zheng happened to tie Li Fan and was surprised to see him pat himself.


Li Fangan laughed twice. It's not easy to explain this to her. It hurts, so bear it silently!

"People outside have been waiting for a long time, let's go out."

Xia Zheng helped Li Fan arrange his cuffs again, checked it, and found that there was nothing wrong, so he let him go.

Today is the first day of opening. As the company's boss, Li Fan naturally wants to be more formal.

Today, I did not invite too many customers. Li Fan's reputation now is a little bad. It is estimated that it will not be the same as the previous one. As soon as the security company opened the door, so many people came.

Li Fan and Xia Ye went out of the room together, crossed the corridor, and came outside.

They chose a business suite on a central street, which is quite close to Wanda Plaza.

Li Fan listed "Extraordinary Logistics", the slogan is extraordinary speed and safety.

This is a two-story building with a small attic outside. The first floor is the lobby and the second floor is the office. Li Fan lives in a small attic on the third floor.

Although the attic is small, it is still very welcoming. The furniture inside is all wooden and looks antique. Li Fan likes it very much.

Xia Ye lived in a room downstairs, and the conditions were a little better than Li Fan. However, at the time when he chose, Li Fan fell in love with the loft at first glance, so he disregarded Xia Yi's persuasion and moved everything in.

This real estate was developed by Liu Yannan's group. This house Liu Yannan sold to Li Fan at the cheapest price. Because there are other shareholders in the real estate, Liu Yannan is not good at sending out with a big wave. Fortunately, Li Fan has just done a big vote and has a lot of operating funds in hand, so when buying this small building, he was not stretched.

Xia Ling lived together and took care of Li Fan's daily life, but it made Li Fan much less worried.

He walked out of the room with Xia Ye, and went outside, the sun was shining.

As Li Fan expected, the door was cold and deserted, and no one came to celebrate.

"Little brother, it's windy outside, let's take a rest inside."

Xia Xun did not expect that he was not alone outside. According to Li Fan's previous status in the rivers and lakes, his dart game opened, and many people in the rivers and lakes should congratulate him. But at this moment, it is too much.

"These people in the rivers and lakes, when Li Fan is good on weekdays, one by one is called brother and brother, can't wait to lick your jb! Now, I can't even see a fart!

Yan Kai was gorgeously dressed and handsome. He was sitting in the lobby, but his tone of speech was very bad, apparently he was angry.

"People in rivers and lakes, but Seoul."

Guan Wenbao was like a martial arts statue, holding a moon-moon knife, standing beside him, eyes closed. Hearing Yan Kai scolding his mother, he couldn't help but interject.

Only Chen Junhua has been silent, it seems that he does not care about the right and wrong on these rivers and lakes. For him, the most important thing is to learn the strongest swordsmanship and then become the king of Kendo.

In other matters, Chen Junhua didn't care.

Li Fan knew in his heart that this Chen Junhua was even more foolish than Guan Wenbao. Guan Wenbao likes to practice martial arts, the purpose is to revive the family and let the world know the name of their Guan family again!

Beidou sat there, drinking tea with peace of mind.

"Don't worry, the rivers and lakes are so big, there are always people who need our help."

"Thank you."

Li Fan arched his hand. "But if there is such a person, that's fine."

As soon as Li Fan's words fell, someone behind them pushed in.

"Excuse me, is this a dart?"

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