My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 824: World Dart Board

Chapter 824: World Dart Board

Huang Lei can't martial arts, so after the dartboard is on the right track, he can help, not too much, basically living a retirement life.

Drinking and driving his sister has become his daily life.

After Huang Lei sent Li Fan to the dartboard, he didn't know what he was rushing to.

Li Fan stood at the gate of the dart board and saw the lights across the street and the lion dance to make a dragon.

These people don't know what they're busy with, they seem to have opened a new store. And there were a lot of customers over there, crowded, and the shop was surrounded by water.

"What shop is open over there, so many people."

Li Fan opened the door of the dart board and asked as he entered.

"Oh my boss, you can come!"

In the past, Beidou, who had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai station, couldn't sit still at this time. He directly came up and took Li Fan's hand. "What I want to tell you is the store opposite!"

"What happened to the store opposite?"

"The shop opposite is also a dart!"

Beidou said quickly, "The chief dart is Jiang Feng!"


As soon as Li Fan heard, his eyebrows could not help rising.

"Funny, I don't want to mess with him, he's going to mess with me."

"Master, what are you going to do about this?"

"Even if someone else set up a dart opposite me, I will definitely congratulate him, after all, he will be a neighbor after all. And Jiang Feng and I have always known each other. If I do n’t go, wouldn't it be rude?

Li Fan said, wearing his school uniform, walked out of the dartboard, and then walked across the street.

Across the street was still lively, and several lion dance teams were there to celebrate the newly opened dart board.

Li Fan squeezed the crowd away by his own energy and approached the front.

Jiang Feng, dressed in a gorgeous brocade, stood there, with a Yushu-like appearance, and continued to pay back with the guests.

Jiang Feng kept arching his hands and smiled, unpleasantly.

He seems to be the center and focus of the audience, no one's eyes will not fall on him!

But as Li Fan walked in, everyone's eyes couldn't help changing their personal. Although Li Fan only wore ordinary school uniforms, he had a very special temperament on his body, which made people have to look squarely.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree. Little bully Li Fan is well-deserved.

"Well, isn't this the head of Li Dart!"

Jiang Feng arched his hands in front of Li Fan. "Fortunately, fortunately, how did you come here?"

"Brother Jiang, looking at you as a talented person, you should be a smart person, how could you be confused?"

Li Fan grinned, "You opened a dart in front of my house, can I not know?"

"Your home? This is just your company, shouldn't it be your home?"

"Oh, it turns out that Brother Jiang knows that this is my company. You look at me, it shouldn't be so much. I thought Brother Brother really didn't know."

Jiang Feng froze for a moment, it seemed that Li Fan was not so sharp. But he also paused slightly, and then spoke again.

"Mr. Li, you won't be watching me open your company, right?"

"How come, the rivers and lakes are very big, and they don't know how many darts to feed."

Li Fan laughed, "Everyone has money to make money, everyone to do business, you can come to the dart board, but I'm too late to be happy. By the way, you are very busy here, don't you think I'll bother you?"

When the two met, they were lip-swords, and they were just talking to each other.

"How could that be, Mr. Li's dart is a noble guest, how could I not like you to come?"

"After all, I defeated you at Murongbo's birthday, I'm afraid you have no light."

With a word from Li Fan, Jiang Feng almost broke a silver tooth.

Damn a chicken, this man is definitely intentional! But Jiang Feng ’s city is very good. Although he lost his face in front of so many people, he just couldn't help it.

This city government is not something ordinary people can have. However, Jiang Feng didn't plan to spare Li Fan so lightly. He grinned and said, "How can you beat me? It is your ability to defeat Mr. Li. But today is the day when the shop opened. It is my pleasure to be willing to send congratulations. "

Said, Jiang Feng glanced at the dart master next to him, the dart master was very clever and immediately interjected.

"Li Fan, you are also a chief dart head. This fellow is opening. If you come to celebrate, you must bring a congratulation. I see you are empty-handed, afraid that you are not prepared?"

"Hey, what did you say?"

Jiang Feng reprimanded the dart master, "Is the head of Li Dart the kind of person who doesn't know how to be polite? Besides, even if the head of Li Dart doesn't bring anything, others come, that is respect for me!"

"It is right that the chief dart head learned from me. I am abrupt. I also ask the chief dart head to forgive me."

The dartmaster immediately arched his hand at Li Fan.

Li Fan smiled, Jiang Feng really would throw the pot.

"I was in a hurry when I arrived, but the gift was not prepared. But this brother is right, I am the chief dart of an extraordinary dart board, and I can't lose the courtesy. I think it is better."

Said, Li Fan came to a lion dance team, stretched out his hand, took over the golden lion head, held it in his hand, "I'd rather improvise for your lion dance, as a congratulation, Brother Jiang, what do you think? ? "

"Mya, mya!"

Jiang Feng repeatedly applauded and said with a smile, "Let Xiaoba Wang celebrate the lion dance of Jiang Feng's darts. This is also a good talk in the future."

"Brother Jiang, I can come."

Li Fan said, put on the lion head, stepped on the lion's feet with his feet, and started improvising lion dance!

Although he has never had such experience before, Li Fan is proficient in the pace of the Tigers. Although lions and tigers are somewhat different, they are the same in momentum.

Li Fan was walking on a long line of tigers, waving a lion's head, lifelike, like a lion king out of the forest!

Everyone looked at it, and they were a bit dazed.

This Li Fan was just an ordinary high school student, but why did he dance? However, this set of kung fu has very little inheritance, and fewer and fewer people are willing to learn.

There are still some masters in the area around Guangzhou, but on the north side, they are basically lost. The masters of these lion dances were specially invited from Guangzhou.

And Li Fan, who is an authentic Northeast man, how can he dance lion?

It's so evil! Could it be Murong's house? Impossible, Murong's family is also a northerner, this skill is impossible!

Li Fan ignored the surprise of these guests. His dance was cheerful and attracted frequent attention.

Li Fan stepped on the steps, stepped on the high platform step by step, and finally jumped over and jumped to the plaque that Jiang Feng just hung up!

"A World Dart!"

The implication of the world alliance, there is a momentum of dominance, it goes without saying!

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