Chapter 829: Together

This water is careless, saying that it is a guest, but not a guest.

She was carrying dumplings and came to visit. No one knew what she was going to do.

Li Fan intends to ask first to understand.

"Thank you Brother Jiang for your kindness, but you will not go to the Three Treasure Hall without any incident. In this snowy day, the water woman will not come in for nothing, right?"

"Now that you ask, it's okay for me to tell you."

Shui Wuxin said, "Today is the winter solstice. The chief dart of my family wants me to ask you if you want to go to the dart master conference together."

"Dart Master Conference?"

Li Fan heard this name, and some wanted to laugh, how could this name sound so painful.

"The darts conference is also called the golden darts conference. It is only held on the winter solstice day. On this day, all darts in the world will come here to hold the golden darts conference."

"Come to city A?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.


Shui nodded intently, "The strongest dart master in the world, Mr. Golden Boy Jin. When he retired, he returned to his hometown in city A, and built a village in the town below city a. Every year, rivers and lakes hold gold darts. At the conference, we gathered at the home of Mr. Golden Boy and elected this year's gold medal dart master. Gold medal dart masters have the privilege of traveling the world. No matter where they go, all the people in Jianghu will help you.

The gold medal dart division is so good?

Li Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the water with no intention.

He didn't know anything about the gold medal dartist and this gold dart conference. And the people in the darts are not professional dartists, they are all halfway monks, and they do n’t know much about these things. And Jiang Feng actually sent someone to come over and talk to him about it, which was a bit puzzling.

This kind of thing, tell Li Fan, is it good for Jiang Feng?

Li Fan really couldn't guess.

"Okay, let's go."

However, Xia Xuan gently pulled Li Fan's clothing corner behind him, and then said for him, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, on behalf of us."

Yang Shuiyue walked over and took the food box politely.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Everyone is a neighbor. Our chief darts also hope that the extraordinary darts can be better."

The words were so sincere, Li Fan said he almost believed it.

"Our chief dart is ready for the car. Chief Li, do you want to go with us?"

"Okay, go with you."

Li Fan wiped his mouth and stood up.

"Junhua, go with me. Yan Kai, Mr. Beidou, I'm bothering you to look after this house."

"no big deal."

Beidou gave Li Fan a reassuring look, "Go ahead, this gold medal dartist, we must get our extraordinary dart game this year."

"There are many masters in the world, and my Li Fan is just one of them. However, I will do my best."

Li Fan arched his hand at Beidou. "But we will never lose our face."

"Okay, I'll walk with you."

Chen Junhua carried the big sword like a door back on his body. Although Chen Junhua is obsessed with Kendo, he also attaches great importance to his appearance. Every time he sees someone, he must dress himself up.

Chen Junhua had a flat head, wearing a black cardigan with long sleeves and a big sword on his back, and Yushu stood there facing the wind.

"The car is at the door, please, two."

Shui inadvertently reached out to Li Fan and asked, Li Fan nodded, put on a navy blue coat, and went out with Chen Junhua.

A white Iveco had stopped outside, and Jiang Feng was sitting in it, watching Li Fan enthusiastically.

"Brother Li, I knew you would definitely come."

Jiang Feng laughed, looking innocuous.

"Today's gold darts conference would not be wonderful without Brother Li."

"Brother Jiang is really polite."

Li Fan looked at Jiang Feng who was sitting opposite him. "I'm ignorant, and I have to thank Brother Jiang for his reminder."

"Hey, what are you doing so kindly to me? Everyone is a dartmaster and a neighbor. Where you should take care of you, we will take care of you! We are all people who have been kicked out of Murong's house. When we go outside, we should also be brothers. Again, are you right? "

"Speaking of, Brother Jiang, are you really willing to listen to Murong Bo's orders?"

Li Fan suddenly asked, and Jiang Feng asked him first.

But Jiang Feng was not an ordinary person, and he quickly responded.

"Although I was expelled from the door, I was a teacher for one day and a father for life. Whether in Murong or not, I still respect Master as much as I can."

"Is it?"

Li Fan no longer said anything, Jiang Feng said nicely, but she understood it very well. When this man looked at Murong Bo several times, his eyes flashed with hatred. Only when I used my eyes to converge and opened my real eyes, I saw this scene, and no one else noticed it.

"If Brother Li can win the gold medal dart division, we have to take care of our little dart game in the future."

"There are many talented people in the rivers and lakes.

Li Fan is very humble when he is humble, and has no one in his eyes when he is arrogant.

"Brother Li's kung fu, we can already dominate the world."

Jiang Feng looked at Li Fan and asked.

"How can it be, there are people outside of heaven."

Li Fan shook his head. "Why is Brother Jiang so polite? Isn't your heart and soul united?"

"Under this day, three people have the strongest talent in martial arts. One is Brother Li, you have a different shape. One is me, who knows the unity of mind and spirit. The strongest person is Murong Ying, who has three The greatest advantage of great talent is turning reality into reality. "

Said, Jiang Feng looked at Li Fan's eyes up and down, "But in my opinion, you seem to have awakened some power of turning into reality recently, and you are also proficient in some demon abilities. In this way, you Li Fan Take three talents and have all kinds of flowers. Who are your opponents in this world? "

"Brother Jiang joked."

Li Fan Yakou denied, "The alien transformation is indeed my talent, but the unity of the heart and the demon, and the realization of the truth, I only know a little bit, and can not be compared with you and Murong Ying. Raise me so high It's not interesting, let's talk about something important. What do you think? "

"What is it?"

"Let's sit down and talk about how to deal with Murong Villa together. What do you think?"

"I never had that kind of thought."

Jiang Feng quickly shook his head. "You better not have it."

"I'm talking anyway."

Li Fan stretched out lazily, "If you don't do it, it's your own business."

"I'm just curious."

Jiang Feng's eyes flashed, "Why do you want to join me?"

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