Episode 836

Chen Junhua closed his eyes subconsciously, but his ears were not deaf.

Listening to the wind to identify the position is also a fighting style of martial arts. But sometimes hearing can be deceiving.

Long Ao's sword trembled, making buzzing sounds, echoing everywhere, disturbing Chen Junhua's hearing.

He had already appeared in front of Chen Junhua, and went straight to the opponent's throat, ready to behead Chen Junhua and regain his dart!

Although I just took a trick from Li Fan, at this moment, Long Ao's mind is very clear!

As a dart master, darts cannot be lost!

Chen Junhua didn't like much talk, he closed his eyes and waved the big sword in his hand.

Chen Junhua's swordsmanship is simple and unremarkable. It does not look gorgeous, but it has hidden murderous power.

Long Ao sneered, he couldn't find himself at all, what good is it to wave a big sword!

This knife will definitely kill you!

Long Ao's body moved in the air for a while. He had reached behind Chen Junhua, and at the same time wiped a sharp knife on Chen Junhua's back neck.

But Chen Junhua turned back to be a sword, and that thick, sharp sword broke directly into Long Ao's fast knife!

Long Ao was taken aback, his body fell suddenly to the ground, Chen Junhua's big sword rubbed his shoulder and stabbed out.

Long Ao's shoulder was torn, and he didn't dare to stay a bit. With the power of a roll, the whole man suddenly ejected and jumped into the nearby forest.

"Did you run away?"

Li Fan pouted his lips, "I just admired him a little while when I was a bodyguard. I didn't expect to run away in the end."

"Where there is life, there is hope."

Chen Junhua stole the big sword and kicked open the iron box.

Inside were ten gold bars, which were exactly what they were going to transport this time.

"Whatever it is, things are in hand, let's go."

This time the Golden Dart Conference was really interesting.

Li Fan also wants to know which ten teams will be in city a in the end.

But Li Fan just walked two steps, suddenly turned around and glanced into the forest next to him.

"You've been with me for so long, and you can't say a word yet."

"You were discovered again."

Cheng Mohan wore a black tights and slowly came out of the darkness, looking at Li Fan, his eyes resentful, "I thought it would work."

"You learned some ninjutsu from the island ninja, but you didn't hide your breath."

Li Fan said, "Just take this breath, you can feel it with your breath."

"How can it be so exaggerated."

Cheng Mohan leaned on his hips, looked at Li Fan, and tilted his head. "However, your trouble is here too, and I don't think I can care about it."

"Trouble, what trouble?"

Li Fan raised his eyebrows.

"You provoked Long Ao, he must go back to the Dragon King darts to get revenge."

"Ha, when was my bully afraid of trouble?"

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "Do I eat well now? The whole world now wants to block my darts ..."

"Are you breaking the jar?"

"It's going straight."

Li Fan waved his hand, "The others will go with them."

"Since you found it, it's boring for me to stay here."

Cheng Mohan took two steps back, "But remember, your troubles have just begun ..."

After speaking, Cheng Mohan slowly disappeared into the darkness and hid himself.

"It doesn't look very smooth on this road."

Chen Junhua lifted the box with one hand.

"Not afraid. Welcome to grab it."

Li Fan smiled. "The more people come to grab, the more we can show us. It's not easy to start a dart game, I have to get rid of my fame."


No matter how much Chen Junhua was, he followed Li Fan silently.

Because there is no transportation, two people can only choose to walk. But thanks to their superb merits, the journey was quite fast.

When the sky was clear, Li Fan happened to be at a roadside stall.

This roadside stall sells hot steamed buns. Many darts are already sitting here and are eating early.

When they saw Li Fan coming, many dartists turned their heads and glanced at the little overlord.

"It's not a short walk and my stomach is a little hungry."

Li Fan touched his belly and sat directly at a table. "Boss, come with four drawers of hot buns and two bowls of millet porridge."


The shop owner brought Li Fan a four-drawer bun, and Li Fan seemed really hungry. He picked up the bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chen Junhua was better than Li Fan, and he was watching the people around him secretly.

There are almost all darts players in darts here, and there are people in all darts, big and small, and uneven.

The four major darts are not here, but most of the eight minor darts are here.

Jiang Feng is not here. He should have got a dart and went away.

Li Fan, they were eating buns, and at this time, a strong dart division, holding up a shield and a long knife, walked slowly towards this side.

Shield sword technique, this is also a kung fu of China Martial Arts. This kung fu was learned by the soldiers in the army before, and then spread to the rivers and lakes. After a series of improvements, it became modern shield sword art.

Many dart divisions like this shield sword technique, both offensive and defensive, very easy to use.

"Little bully, isn't Li Fan right?"

The strong man stood with Li Fan in one hand, holding a leather shield, and the other with a fish-headed knife.

The man was tall, almost two meters high, and his clothes had the word Chunguang written on it.

Chunguang Dart, which looks like a small dart, Li Fan has never heard of.

"Don't eat it, put things down, people get out."

"Why, all the cow ghosts and snakes are here."

Li Fan took a sip of porridge, "Aren't you annoying?"

"court death!"

The fishhead knife in this strong man's hand was cut down directly, and it was chopped on the table.

The table was cut into two pieces, and Li Fan took the chair and slid out more than two meters away.

And Chen Junhua stood up directly, the big sword came out at any time.

"Let me do it."

Li Fan stuffed a bun into his mouth and wiped his hands.

"it is good."

Chen Junhua nodded and took two steps back.

The strong man waved the fish head knife across and swept towards Li Fan.

Li Fan raised his foot and opened his wrist. At the same time, he took a step forward, turned around and kicked again, and whip his leg on the strong man's head.

The brawny man flew out, smashing a table behind him.

And all the dart divisions stood up together, pulled out their weapons, and stared at Li Fan with anxiety.

"Why do you want to rob a dart?"

Li Fan reached out and took a puff, and the leather shield and fish-headed sword flew up and fell into his hands.

"Come, just after dinner, to exercise with you."

As soon as Li Fan's words fell, the dartist in front of him rushed towards him.

A dart rushed to Li Fan and was knocked to the ground by Li Fan with a leather shield. At the same time, he added a knife and inserted it into the dart's chest without mercy.

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