My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 838: Fight on the tower

Episode 838

All the dart divisions fell on the golden dart flag at the same time.

Towers of more than thirty meters are nothing to their masters of light power. But height is not a problem, the problem is these jealous colleagues around.

Li Fan looked at the darts around him, and did not know why, the blood was slightly accelerated.

I haven't felt this way for a long time, and Li Fan's strength has rarely encountered quite a master.

But it's different here. Many dart masters are really good. There are also golden boats and masters like Jiang Feng. They have to speed up their heartbeat.


Father Jin sounded the gong in person, and the sound of the gong spread through the open space.

At almost the same time, all the dartists moved!

The two dart divisions of Fengyun Dart Bureau seemed to cooperate very well. Both of them wore white clothes, borrowed each other's strength, and approached the tower above them quickly.

Long Ao also quickly jumped over and quickly approached the tower. But the two dart divisions in the Fengyun Dart Bureau suddenly turned around, and both of them had hooks in their hands at the same time, attacking Longao in the past!

Both of them are masters of climbing the peak. Although Long Ao is also climbing the peak, he now lacks a helper and has suffered minor injuries. It is really a bit difficult to deal with two masters who are at the same level as yourself.

However, Long Ao also had some means. He did not choose to confront the two masters of Fengyun Dart, but instead threw a hook lock from his sleeve.

This hook was hooked on the tower, and then the strength of the hook, Long Ao avoided the siege of the two dart masters, and quickly approached the tower.

The fortune darts also chased them up. The two darts of the fortune darts were wearing expensive gold-red clothes, holding a money dart in their hands, and threw them at others.

The two of them seemed to be very good at hidden weapon work, and money darts were tricked by them.

Li Fan didn't move, and Chen Junhua had already jumped up, wielding the heavy sword without a sharp edge and knocking off a money dart.

Jiang Feng and Shui Wuxin also started the tower from the west.

"Are you still on the tower?"

Jinzhou's partner dart division has also gone up, he did not move, stood beside Li Fan and asked.

"What is it, this tower will go up in three or two steps."

Li Fan said, "It's not too late to look at the situation first."

"The third brother wants to go with me."

Jinzhou saw Long Ao approaching the top of the tower, and finally couldn't sit still. "Nearly, I'll go up first."

With that said, Jinzhou leapt forward, jumping to a height of more than five meters, and quickly approaching the top of the tower.

The God of Wealth darts saw Jinzhou and stopped him as soon as possible.

Jin Zhou's partner ignored both men and climbed from the other side towards the top of the tower. Jinzhou himself greeted the two masters of the dart board. He hit a money dart and hit him directly!


The boxers burst, and the money darts were immediately shaken out.

Not only that, the air in front seemed to be cracked, and spider web cracks appeared on the tower.

This boxing method is really powerful!

Li Fan's eyes brightened, no wonder he is called the next generation of gold medal dart master, Jin Zhou's strength is overbearing!

Long Ao and Shui Wuxin first met at the top of the tower, and Long Ao immediately took out his own fast knife, and wanted to cut the beauty directly. But Shui Wuxin is not vegetarian, she took out her sword and blocked Long Ao's fast knife.

With a bang, Long Ao took a step back and landed on the edge of the tower, and Shui Wuxin also flew out one meter backwards and was held by Jiang Feng.

"Brother Jiang ..."

As soon as Shuiwuxin approached Jiang Feng, he softened.

"You're fine."

Jiang Feng said, walking a few steps forward, also raised a sword, looking at Long Ao opposite.

"Sorry, the era of the four big darts is over."


Long Ao was a little annoyed, he approached Jiang Feng quickly, and cut Jiang Feng's neck at the same time!

On the side of Jiang Feng's body, he easily avoided Long Ao's sword. As soon as Jiang Feng waved his hand, Murong Jianqi flung out, instantly forming a wave of moon, splitting on Long Ao.

Long Ao's arm was cut off directly!

Seeing this scene, Li Fan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Why is Jiang Feng's Murong Jianqi so fast? The speed is even faster than Long Ao's knife!

Sure enough, after fighting against himself, did Jiang Feng make a breakthrough?

Long Ao covered his broken arm and half-knelt on the ground, with unbelievable eyes.

He went all the way to the present, just to get the final golden dart flag! This is the symbol of the gold medal dart division and should belong to their Dragon King Dart Bureau!

This pride! He will never give up!

Long Ao suddenly growled, and his anger was completely gone!

His whole body seemed to be illuminated, so dazzling!


Jiang Feng was slightly surprised. This detonation is similar to the disintegration of a demon. It can directly detonate his infuriation, break through the Dantian and meridians, ignite himself, and make himself stronger in an instant!

But it's only this moment. After a short while, Zhen Qi will completely dissipate, and because Dan Tian and the meridians are broken, it will never be possible to practice again.

Li Fan stood under the tower and was surprised at the scene.

He was shocked, shocked by the obsession of the Dragon Emperor!

In order to get the golden dart flag and to bring honor to his own dart game, Long Ao can do this step!

Before that, Li Fanlong was just an arrogant guy, but at this moment, he changed.

Long Ao has something that even Li Fan does not have.


Jiang Feng, with a dazzling light, quickly came to Jiang Feng's body, and then suddenly held up his sword and brought a residual image!


Jiang Feng couldn't completely escape, and the hair of the horns was cut off.

There was a bloodshot on his cheek. Jiang Feng's heart was a little bit embarrassed. This guy was a bit tricky after the outbreak of anger, and it really hurt him.

"Asshole! You hurt my brother Jiang!"

Shui was angry, she lifted the sword and stabbed at Long Ao directly!


With a roar, Long Ao exploded with countless swords, and the screen burst!

Shui's unconscious body was impacted, and he was directly blown out!

All her clothes were cut by knives, and many scars were cut from her body, and blood bleed out.

Shui fell unconsciously down the tower, but Jiang Feng did not care about her, but took the opportunity to step forward and poke **** directly on Long Ao's heart.

Long Ao spit out blood, and the light on his body slowly faded, and his eyes began to dim.

And Li Fan stretched out his arms and caught the water directly below him.

Wen Xiang nephrite was in her arms, and an aroma drifted into Li Fan's nose first.

"You, let me down ..."

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