My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 841: Three generals

841 Three Majors

Faced with such a huge amount of sword qi, Jinzhou also suffered a little.

Jiang Feng's attack was like a storm and rain, and the sword was overwhelming, attacking Jinzhou madly. Although Jinzhou dealt with a bit reluctantly, his expression was calm and quite a masterful style. He forced him to be strong, and the breeze fought the hills. He followed him, and the moon shined on the river!

However, Jiang Feng's sword strength is getting faster and faster, and he is getting crazy. Soon, Jinzhou was a little bit frustrated, and a few scars were cut from his body.

But Jinzhou still didn't have half fear, but laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha, good job!"

Jin Zhou's body suddenly appeared a blue and white qi, condensed into a coat.

Gathering Qihuahua!

Li Fan was a little surprised. I didn't expect Brother Jin to do this!

This trick is the housekeeping skill of the Twelve Saints of the Dragon Hall, and Jin Zhou displayed it at this time, but there was no violation.

"Gas condensation?"

Obviously Jiang Feng knew this trick, and his eyes began to slowly show red light, which seemed to be the precursor of the unity of heart and demon.

Jinzhou resisted Jian Qi while walking towards Jiang Feng. Soon, the two men met with each other shortly, Jiang Feng's double swords wrapped in sword energy, constantly colliding with Jin Zhou's fist!

"Don't forget me two of you."

Li Fan said, leaped up, jumped over, and directly joined the battle!

Li Fan urged his own skills, and the three started a melee!

A cyclone continued to rotate on the three people, forming a huge true cyclone nest! No one else could approach, these three people almost became the center of hell!

"These two young men can even compete with the young master."

Master Shi stood down and looked at the scene on the high tower, unable to help but a little surprised.

"Someone outside."

Mr. Golden Boy is very calm. "Only rivals of the same level can make Jinzhou stronger."

The fighting between the three men intensified, almost indiscriminately.

Jin Zhou seemed to be more heated, he laughed three times, then raised his right fist.

"Two brothers, do you want to survive!"

The huge anger suddenly compressed against Jinzhou's fist, even Li Fan and Jiang Feng felt a terrible pressure!

Two people lifted two swords one by one to protect their bodies. The other raised his arm, wearing armor, and all were in a defensive posture!

"One punch will dominate the world!"

Jinzhou carried endless domineering punches under his feet!

The boxers quickly spread out, and the bodies of Li Fan and Jiang Feng were lifted off at the same time!

Jin Zhou's fist actually broke this 30-meter-high tower!

The tower began to collapse one after another, and Li Fan and Jiang Feng both suffered some injuries. Jiang Feng was carelessly protected by the water, and the two of them fell towards the ground together. And Li Fan kept stepping on the falling gravel and slowly approached the ground.

Chen Junhua also had no problem.

Jinzhou's body continued to fall towards the ground, his entire body was down, and his fist still carried a golden light!

Jin Zhou seemed to be making another punch. Li Fan and Jiang Feng had just landed on the ground and saw this scene, both of them looked tense at the same time.

Jin Zhou's fist is too overbearing. If he takes another punch, I'm afraid they can't resist it!

"come on……"

However, Li Fan quickly burned with his blood, Jin Zhou's strength was very strong, his boxing was overbearing, and he was just right to fight himself!

He quickly lifted up his energy and gathered in his left hand.

Li Fan's right hand was affected by the deformed bone and began to alienate, becoming like a beast claw. Kirin's palm was ready to start, and the true energy in Li Fan's body followed the boiling, rushing out of the pores on his body and spraying it out, like a steam engine.

Li Fan's heart is also like a high-speed motor, beating quickly, accelerating the circulation of blood and Qi in the body!

Jiang Feng couldn't bear it anymore. If he retreated at this time, he would no longer be in the rivers and lakes in the future!

He lifted his two swords, and the whole man growled!

The black-red innocence immediately wrapped his body, making him wicked!

"It's unparalleled!"

Jiang Feng's two swords flung, bringing a black-red whirlwind! The whirlwind moved towards Li Fan and Jin Zhou, and Li Fan and Jin Zhou had no time to control the whole thing, and the fists of the two of them met together!


"Kirin Palm!"

The strength of the two was in one piece, Jinzhou's domineering force and Li Fan's ice and fire force collided with each other, regardless of the up and down!

The surrounding ground also collapsed, and the power was still spreading out!

At the same time, Jiang Feng's black-red sword cyclone also arrived.

Li Fan split his right hand, and it was covered with pale gold armor, blocking the whirlwind of this sword!

In this way, Li Fan's move against two people at the same time!

However, Li Fan secretly operated Taiji Gong learned from Yan Kai. He extracted the strength of the two people and exchanged them to attack each other!

In this way, Li Fan only needs to output a little power to cope with two people's attacks at the same time!

This clever way was not discovered for a while!

Both Jinzhou and Jiang Feng felt their power like mud cows entering the sea, and then a continuous power came from Li Fan against them!

This Li Fan, the internal force is unfathomable?

Fighting two masters on their own, Jinzhou and Jiang Feng are a little unconvinced!

"Gathering gas! Second floor!"

Jinzhou roared, and the blue and white light on his body slowly turned into gold. His hair stood up, like a Super Saiyan, and his strength was doubled again!

Jiang Feng's eyes completely turned blood red, his anger turned completely red, and the whirlwind became more powerful, impacting Li Fan's right palm.

However, they soon discovered that Li Fan's feedback was also stronger!

It seems that no matter how high the two of them can rise, Li Fan can block it!

How powerful is Li Fan?


Jiang Feng suddenly understood, "This is Tai Chi Gong!"

Being reminded by Jiang Feng, Jin Zhou suddenly realized.

"Good boy, hello means!"

Jin Zhou laughed angrily, "I said how can you stop my second attack!"

The second stage of gathering gas is really terrible. And Jiang Feng's demon-mongery is too strong.

Li Fan pushed with both hands, pushing both of them out, and at the same time took two steps back.

"Two brothers, then I will use my true skill."

Li Fan said, taking a sigh of vitality, pouring straight into Tian Linggai.

The God of War appeared behind him, golden, with dazzling gold armor on his body. This God of War slowly shrank and condensed on Li Fan.

Dragon God will!

Li Fan opened his strongest state now, his eyes glowed with golden light.

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