My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 888: Cooking Heroes

888 Brew on the Hero

Lin Yuexian is now Li Fan's dog head military division, and she knows some things about Li Fan.

Hearing Jiang Feng's proposal at this time, Lin Yuexian's little head of melon started to work quickly.

If someone's brain is an i3 processor, and a smart person is an i5, then Lin Yuexian's head has at least 16 cores of i7 configuration.

With a little thought, she understood Jiang Feng's meaning.

So she squeezed her eyes at Li Fan, meaning she could agree.


Li Fan promised, "The second brother's orders can't be resigned as the third brother."

"Thank you three brothers first. I am an idea. I don't know if I will go."

As Lin Yuexian expected, Jiang Feng's words were just a lie to Li Fan. If Li Fan refuses to leave, Jiang Feng will doubt the authenticity of the nursing home.

The nursing home is of course true, but it is true that people are no longer there.

"And the third brother is still busy with his studies. He will have a college entrance examination in June. Are you nervous?"

"What's so tense is to show strength by strength. Don't look at my busy game, in fact, the results are pretty good. Not to mention a famous university, the average university is still fine."

"If the third brother doesn't dislike it, I can help you recommend to Tsinghua."

Jiang Feng talked with Li Fan about worldly things for the first time.

"Oh? Second brother still has this ability?"

"I'm not afraid of telling you a joke. The dean of a college in Tsinghua is my famous disciple."

Jiang Feng said with a smile, "He used to learn martial arts, so I gave him a pointer. So he owes me some kind of favor, and he hasn't paid it yet."

"Brother Jiang makes a world hero and I admire it."

Li Fan raised his glass and said, "Come here, respect your brother."

The two touched the glass and drank the wine in the glass.

"Unfortunately, if the older brother is here, he'd better have a drink."

"The third brother has not answered my question just now."

Jiang Feng's eyes rolled around, looking at Li Fan, "Are you interested in Tsinghua?"

"Of course I'm interested, Peking University Tsinghua University, these are the two best universities in China!"

Li Fan grinned, "But what's the point of it if you didn't take the exam by your own skills? I don't know about Li Fan. How good is it and how big a meal? If I like to listen to people's arrangements How could you break with Murong Mountain today? "

"Speaking of which, the bully is the bully. I really appreciate this."

Jiang Feng deliberately poured a glass of wine for Li Fan.

"Second brother, you are so kind."

"Do not."

Suddenly Jiang Feng looked at Li Fan very seriously, "Maybe I'm usually vain, but today's sentence is true."


Li Fan looked at Jiang Feng. The two of them were drinking alone, but they were not afraid that others would come over and overhear.

Those fellow rivers and lakes were arranged by Li Fan on the other wine tables. They all drank red ears and red ears, and their tongues were big.

As soon as Jiang Feng waved his hand, the noisy sound around him went away immediately.

Li Fan's expression was right, Jiang Feng's ability to wave and drive sounds really good. This is a bit like Li Fan's qi field, using qi to create a space to isolate the sound from the outside. This also requires the subtle control of qi in order to do it.

"On the first day of today, I drank a little wine again.

Jiang Feng displayed a sound-proof network, which seemed a bit relieved. He gently rubbed his forehead and said.

"Among these rivers and lakes, the person I admire most is actually Li Fan."

"Isn't it the second brother to hate me?"

"Hate, it really hates you, but not the most."

Jiang Feng said with a little bit of alcohol, he didn't know if it was true or not.

"But you Li Fan just do whatever you like. I'm really envious of it. And it's exactly envy. That's why I hate it. Isn't it a popular word now? This state. From envy to jealousy, it finally evolved into hatred. "

"That being the case, why is the second brother acting like an individual and obeying his own wishes?"

"Where is it so easy? People are in the rivers and lakes, and can't help themselves."

Jiang Feng pours a glass of wine on Li Fan, "Li Fan, you can talk about, who else in this world, besides you and me, can be named?"

Cooking wine on heroes?

Li Fan took the wine. "What about brother? His kung fu is not under you and me."

"Brother is a hero with strong skill and wide heart. But he is too fierce, so-called steel is easy to fold. The third brother is different from you. Although he is called a bully, but your method is never single. Yang Conspiracies and unreliable convictions make people indefensible. "

"The second brother said, I don't know whether to praise me or hurt me."

"Pride you, absolutely pride you."

Jiang Feng laughed, "You are the only opponent I see with Jiang Feng! What a pity, unfortunately, both Shengyu and He Shengliang!"

"Since the second brother has said something in his heart, then I might as well listen to two words in my heart."

Li Fan also poured a glass of wine for Jiang Feng.

"Oh? Come and listen."

"I don't have the second brother's thoughts. He Shengyu He Shengliang, this sounds too sad."

Li Fan said, "In my heart, I actually want to one day, you and I can really be like brothers without these mustards, sitting here, laughing and joking, talking about women, talking about rivers and lakes, and drinking a glass of wine . "

"All for a glass of wine."

Jiang Feng drank the glass of Chinese wine in one sip and put it down.

"Well, my third brother, I just drank a few more glasses and said a few drunk words. You must take it seriously."


Li Fan nodded, "I'm sober, the words I spoke are true, don't be too drunk."

The two looked at each other, and then smiled at the same time.

Li Fan was about to drink two more glasses. At this time, Ling Tian hurriedly came over.

This buddy originally went to the home of an old comrade-in-arms to pay New Year's greetings. The old comrade-in-arms had some accidents when he left the mission, leaving an old mother to die. Therefore, every year, Ling Tian will go to the home of his old comrade-in-arms and accompany his old mother to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

It stands to reason that he should eat dumplings there now, but he doesn't know why his face came back ugly.

"Sit down for a drink?"

Li Fan raised his glass and asked.

"What did you drink? Something went wrong."

Ling Tian walked directly to Li Fan, and there was another whisper.

After listening to Li Fan, he was in no mood to drink.

"You guys, Lee has some things. Let ’s take a step first. You eat and drink well, Sister Xia, take care of all your fellow colleagues. For me, brother, I left a little in advance, and I will drink guilt wine another day."

"Well, you can get busy, just leave it to me."

Xia Ling nodded, watching Li Fan and Ling Tian leave.

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