My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 901: Passionate knife?

901 ruthless knife?

He Qiqi didn't talk to Li Fan for too long, because he didn't go far, and another wave of Jinyiwei stopped in front of them.

Li Fan frowned slightly, why is Jin Yiwei so busy these days?

There are a total of nine people, eight of them are wearing clothes of a hundred households, one is wearing a thousand households, and a bit like the clothes of a black guard, which is a bit strange.

She was a woman, and she wore a one-eye mask, dressed like Yu Xi, and walked directly in front of them.

"People can go and put down the dart."

The woman's voice was cold, like the river water in February sky, cold and biting.

"Oh, several officials, we are darts. How can we keep them?"

Uncle Wang was very embarrassed. He kept talking to several Jin Yiwei.

"Less him nonsense!"

The woman got dirty and yelled, "You have a problem with your dart, let go!"

"No ... we're a small dart, don't take a dark dart. We checked it before this dart came, no problem. Officer, do you see ... Did you catch the wrong person?

"Get off!"

The woman lifted her foot and fell Wang Bozhen to the ground. "Jin Yiwei is doing the work. Can you turn your fingers and draw your feet?"

Uncle Wang touched the painful lower abdomen and didn't dare to say a word.

But He Qiqi was unwilling. The little girl jumped off the horse, rolled up her sleeves, and dared to rush up to the theory, and was pulled by another dart master.

"Dart, don't be impulsive."

"Don't stop me! These people are lawless!"

"Hahaha, that's right, you little girl is right."

The woman laughed, "Our Jin Yiwei is the law, our Jin Yiwei is the sky! When you are in the rivers and lakes, who dares not to live with us Jin Yiwei, that is to find a way out! Come, collect their darts!"

"I see who dares!"

Although he did not dare to run into Jin Yiwei, the five dart divisions stood silently beside the dart car and pulled out their shield knives.

Dart is in people, this is the principle that every dart must obey.

This must be kept in mind even if they are just a little-known dart board.

Bodyguard, this is the soul of the dart master!

"Several old, weak, and sick, dare to pray with their arms!"

The woman waved, "Come on, get me all of them!"

Jin Yiwei pulled out his sword one after another, and all the dart divisions were close to the enemy.

He Qiqi also had a loud voice and shouted at Li Fan, "Brother Li, go now, it's our business to do it!"

Li Fan sighed. If she didn't say so, she would leave with a thick face. But if this sentence is thrown out, wouldn't it seem innocent if he left?

Besides, the old affairs have been managed a long time ago. Since it is to send Buddha, let ’s send Buddha to the West.

"Several officials, why are you so anxious, why not have a cup of tea first, let's have a good chat?"

Li Fan said, took a pot of water from the car and threw some tea into it. Then, he held the kettle, and a white hot air came out of the mouth of the cup, and an aroma came out of the kettle.

This simple hand made several Jin Yiwei look at each other.

This is no ordinary effort! Just casually, it shows how good the man's internal strength is!

"Who is yours, dare to care about my Jin Yiwei?"

The one-eyed woman looks somber and looks at Li Fan, who has great internal skills.

"Brother Li, leave it alone, let's go!"

He Qiqi also said to Li Fan, "These Jin Yi guards are very fierce. You helped me once, I can't affect you!"

Li Fan looked at the one-eyed woman, and then looked at He Qiqi. "Ju Qiqi, you don't have high martial arts. Why do you want to guard your bodyguards? Just give them to them?

"Brother Li, you are also a dartmaster, how can you say such a thing!"

He Qiqi was a little bit angry. "Although my Qi Qiqi has a low skill, since he entered this line, he must have a soul in this line."

With that, she held up the shield knife and shouted, "Today, people are darts, people die darts!"

"well said."

Uncle Wang burst into tears, "How old, your daughter has grown up. You can rest assured that even if you die, your husband must be a full bodyguard!"

Speaking, the five old men roared in unison, and the voices of the five of them were loud and loud.

Li Fan jumped up from the carriage, held a teapot, and walked towards them.

"Okay, I'll help you with this sentence."

"It's up to you, what do you think you are!"

The one-eyed woman sneered, "Take care of my Jin Yiwei, you are also very brave."

"You may wish to talk about first, what exactly is this dart that can make you Jin Yiwei so motivated?"

Li Fan was not in a hurry, but asked first.

"Shit, dare to ask me about Jin Yiwei."

The one-eyed woman didn't answer Li Fan, but pulled out a black knife around her waist and pointed at Li Fan's nose. "Meet my knife, even if you are unlucky today!"


Li Fan smiled, "Are you a knife for love?"

"Like fake replacement!"

The one-eyed woman was impatient and Li Fan consumed it. When she waved the sword, the eight hundred Jinyiwei families rushed towards Li Fan.

"It's not good to spill this tea."

Looking at the eight hundred households before him, Li Fan looked indifferent, and threw the teapot overhead.

Eight hundred households had already rushed to Li Fan, Li Fan was so lucky that he raised his hands slowly.

Li Fan's body seemed to bring out a phantom, and the method of dot crane stabbed it out. The figure of eight hundred households seemed to be slowed down infinitely in front of him. Li Fan poked with both hands, stabbing at the points of these eight hundred households continuously.

For a moment, Li Fan stabbed at least 100 moves!

All eight hundred households flew out and fell to the ground.

"Bang, bang!"

The next second, their bodies exploded and turned into flesh and blood.

Li Fan stabbed their acupuncture points, causing them to go backwards and dying.

The teapot fell down and was caught by Li Fan with one hand. The tea was still hot.


Li Fan seems to have just done a trivial matter, and the one-eyed woman is almost scared.

What is the situation, and who is the other person?

"The love knife has something to do with me, so who is not good for you to pretend to be?

When Li Fan said this, he was already standing behind the one-eyed woman. The one-eyed woman's scalp tingled for a while. This man was standing at least ten meters away from him before. How could he get behind him in the blink of an eye?

The one-eyed woman turned her head and found that Li Fan was standing behind her, sitting on her carriage, not knowing when she had a small tea cup in her hand, and was pouring tea for herself.

"Just tell me, who are you and what do you want to do?"

"Go and ask the King!"

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