My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 911: Moon in the mirror

911 in the mirror moon

"Really rigid."

Gege sighed and finally turned around.

This is a very beautiful woman with a small mole on her forehead, and her eyes are full of liveliness and agility.

"I'll marry you in the future, it must be boring."

"Chen, Chen must treat Gege ..."

Bai Nansheng seemed a little flustered, and Gege covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Look at you stupid. Get up, people who are getting married, what are you doing so kindly."

Gege came over and helped Bai Nansheng up.

"Ching, Ching is guilty ..."

"What's wrong ... treat me well in the future ..."

Gege grabbed Bai Nansheng's sturdy arm with both hands and looked at Bai Nansheng with tenderness in his eyes.

"After we get married, let's make a copy."

Gege said, "I heard that it was very good there, and we passed and no one could catch us."

"But ... will the Lord let us go?"

Bai Nansheng was still a little worried. "Or let me and Wang Ye talk about it."

"Are you crazy?"

Ge Ge gave him a white look. "Ama's personality ... definitely won't agree. He always wanted me to marry the warlord Zhang Cannon, so I don't want to."

"Master Wang ..."

"Oh, he's devoting himself to the restoration dream! According to me, times have changed, Long live the Lord has moved out of the Forbidden City. It's him, the old stubborn one."

"Long live is always our master, he is the true emperor!"

"How do you look like my Ama, every day shouting Viva to return to the Forbidden City."

Gege pursed his lips, and was a little dissatisfied. "Let's think about going to Japan. I plan to go to school. You can open a martial arts hall there, and we will definitely live well."

"I go wherever Gege goes."

Bai Nansheng nodded. "Never give up."


Gege smiled. "Then you accompany me to buy a ferry ticket, we will leave tonight."

"it is good."

Bai Nansheng nodded, but at this moment, there was a loud noise outside.

Li Fan glanced down the window and glanced out. It was found that the gate of the courtyard was suddenly opened, and a group of soldiers carrying long swords poured into the courtyard and kept it here.

A middle-aged man with red braids and long braids walked in aggressively from outside.

"Well, it's Arma ... let's go from behind!"

Gegla said holding Bai Nansheng's arm.

"No ... since Lord Wang has already arrived, it must have been blocked before and after ... let me talk about it. I will fight for many years in the Northern War for Wang Ye, and he will certainly agree."

"You idiot, you can't ..."

Before the Gege words were spoken, Wang Ye stood outside, raised one foot, directly knocked over the door panel, and broke in.


Bai Nansheng knelt down in front of Wang Ye, and arched his hand, "It's not strange that this is the case, all the officials want to take her away."

"Dog minion!"

Wang Ye kicked Bai Nansheng's face and kicked him to the ground.

"Ama, don't hit him!"

Gege hurried up and hugged Bai Nansheng.

"What a shame on me!"

Lord Wang scolded angrily, Bai Nansheng was about to speak, and Lord Wang waved his hand directly, "Come, drag this bold dog slave out and interrupt his dog leg!"

"Ama, don't!"

Gegla was holding Bai Nansheng, but he was dragged away by a few vicious family members.

"Take care of yourself and marry the Zhang family today."

The grandfather said, "I told him all right. You used to be his second cousin. Although he has a wife of eighteen rooms, in the face of the grandfather, you will not be too small. When you marry him, he promises to provide me with 20,000 people, along with the arms. "

"Ama ... I'm your daughter ... Do you give me as a commodity?"

Gerge's tears shed.

"How can it be called sending, this is a political marriage!"

The grandfather said loudly, "As my daughter and Daqing's character, you should have had this awareness. Not to mention, Zhang Dabao is now a strong force, and he will definitely be our Daqing patriarch in the future! To At that time, you will have a good time and you will have a good time. "

"That's not the life I want ... Bai Nansheng and I truly love each other, just let us go ..."

Gege cried to his father.

"Hehe, he's just a dog slave. Although he ’s good, but now he's playing guns. No matter how good he is, can it help me restore the Qing Dynasty! I want guns, not a slave!"

The voice dropped, and two muffled noises came from outside, together with the sound of broken bones.

Bai Nansheng didn't scream, but Gege already knew what happened.

She knelt on the ground without any strength.

"Well, don't be willful, clean up and marry Zhang Da Pao quickly. Long live the Lord is still living outside now, how can this be true?"

"Ama ... then let me dress up ..."

Ge Ge wiped away tears and said.

"Okay, pack up. Anyway, it's also my daughter. When you marry, it must be beautiful."

"Well, it will definitely leave."

Gege nodded, and then invited the lord out of the room.

The Lord ordered people to surround the room so as not to escape.

After waiting for half an hour, Gege didn't come out yet, and the prince was a little impatient, urging people to call Gege.

"Gege, are you ready, Gege?"

The servant knocked on the door for a long time, and no one responded. The prince felt something bad, and he kicked the door open again, only to find that Gege had been hung in the room.

In the process, Li Fan watched Gege hang himself.

She tore off the white cormorant, tied it to the beam, and hung herself from it.

"Bai Lang ... in the next life, willing to be your wife ..."

Gerge kicked the bench and closed his eyes.

And Li Fan could only watch her die, and the next second, Li Fan felt that someone had pinched his neck and made him breathless.

He was pulled into a deserted house, a woman was desperately holding her neck, and blood-red eyes looked at herself.

Li Fan is stupefied, is this a ghost?

Just then, the door was suddenly opened, and a man dressed as a priest stood there.

"He Fang is evil, how dare he act here!"

The priest walked over directly, holding a charm in his hand, and stuck it on the woman's forehead.

The woman screamed and hid in the mirror of the dresser.

The Taoist stepped forward and sealed the mirror with a spell.

"Li Fan! Come back!"

Before waiting for Li Fan to see the mirror clearly, he was pulled back to the real world by Zhou Guifei's voice.

Zhou Guifei stood next to her, and that blue soul mirror was still lying quietly beside her.

What did you just see?

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