My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 913: One hundred days

913 100 days

Li Fan arranged for Zhou Guifei to retreat, and let He Qiqi work as a dart master in the dart board and follow Yan Kai's side, so she went to school with confidence.

That's right, just go to school.

The years have passed and the holidays are over. What Li Fan will face next is a continuous sprint for the college entrance examination.

For each senior high school candidate, after the new year, the battle begins.

"There will be a college entrance examination in a hundred days."

At school, Lin Yuexian asked Li Fan, who was sitting there, sorting her schoolbag, "How are you going to live?"

"Of course I have studied hard! My studies have been ruined recently."

Li Fan glanced at the countdown on the blackboard, which said that there were 102 days before the college entrance examination.

Those two extra days can be ignored.

One hundred days later, his high school career was over, and he embarked on a new path in life.

"One hundred days left ..."

Lin Yuexian suddenly looked at Li Fan with some resentment, and then Li Fan was a little cautious.

what's the situation?

"Yeah ... I will definitely study hard, rest assured."

"No, it's another thing."

There was no one in the class at this time. Lin Yuexian stood there cleverly, tilting her head gently. Today she was wearing a side braid and hanging on her shoulder, she looked very playful.

"Look first at me ... has anything changed?"

"Changed your hairstyle?"

"No ... other ..."

"What is that ... oh oh, you brought the school badge today!"

"what the hell……"

Lin Yuexian was not very happy. She pointed to her lips and said, "I ... make up today ..."

Li Fan took a closer look, really. In the past, Lin Yuexian was all plain, and today seems to have a little makeup. She applied a different lip gloss and it looked like it was delicious.

"what happened?"

"Lip gloss looks delicious."

"Go to death ..."

Lin Yuexian is terribly terrible. How can this **** Li Fan not understand romance!

"What's the matter? Tell me, I can help."

Li Fan suddenly remembered why Lin Yuexian was looking for himself, didn't he have something to tell himself?

"One hundred days left ... can you ... be my boyfriend?"

Today is Valentine's Day.

There were snowflakes outside.

Lin Yuexian was blushing, but she had courage just now, but now she was vomiting.


Li Fan was stunned by her words, and suddenly didn't know how to answer.

"Well ... Although you shouldn't say this, your marriage contract with the Murong manager has also been terminated. I think I am qualified to be your girlfriend."

Lin Yuexian tolerated for a long time, finally boldly confessed on Valentine's Day.

"After a hundred days, we may be admitted to different universities ... So, I want to cherish this hundred days and live with you."

After Lin Yuexian's idea was put forward, Li Fan felt that he also understood.

But I didn't expect that after so long, this girl still likes herself.

"May I?"

Lin Yuexian asked with a little plea, "Just a hundred days ... after a hundred days they separated ..."

"Well, I promise you."

One hundred days passed quickly, and Lin Yuexian also helped herself a lot. When the dart board was the most difficult, she was also responsible for managing the account at the dart board, which solved a large part of the economic problems for the dart board.

Most importantly, I seem to like Lin Yuexian a bit.

In this way, few girls in the flower class generally don't like it.

However, Li Fan doesn't know who he really likes. The thing he wants to do now is to improve his strength as soon as possible and enter the level of the true generation of masters.

There are too many enemies, many of them are masters. If they are lazy, they can only be killed ruthlessly by them.

"I knew you wouldn't promise ... eh?"

Originally, Lin Yuexian only expressed her heart with courage and did not hold much hope. Because of Li Fan, she was totally elusive, as if she had the same attitude towards every woman.

In contrast, he is the best to his little apprentice and his auntie!

It seems that he is very concerned about Liu Zhu.

Yes, especially Liu Zhu ...

Lin Yuexian is a girl and is very sensitive in this regard. Every time Li Fan looked at Liu Zhu's eyes, it was different.

Although there was no hope, but Li Fan agreed?

"You, did you agree?"

Lin Yuexian seemed to be blooming in her heart, very happy.

"Yeah, promised."

Li Fan looked at Lin Yuexian's excitement and quickly reminded, "It's only one hundred days ... When you finish your college exams, you go to each school, so you don't count."

Based on Lin Yuexian's results, Peking University Tsinghua University basically chose randomly.

Just casually, almost going to college.

Although Li Fan repeatedly emphasized these conditions and requirements, Lin Yuexian was still very happy.

She squeezed Li Fan's arm, "These hundred days, you are mine ..."

"How do you look like you found a baby?"

Li Fan couldn't help but reached out and gently scratched Lin Yuexian's nose.

"Hum, you were my baby."

There was no one in the classroom anyway, and Lin Yuexian was particularly casual. She pursed her mouth and snorted.

"In addition to Murong Sakura, it was me who liked you the earliest! It was my turn in the order of first come!"

"What logic do you have ..."

Li Fan's cold sweats flowed down.

"I don't care ... send me home!"

It has been a long time since Li Fan didn't send Lin Yuexian home. Lin Yuexian was very missed, two people riding bicycles to and from school.

I thought that those days are gone, but now there are still opportunities, which really makes Lin Yuexian very excited.

"Okay, I asked Grandpa to drive in."

"Don't ... let's go back by bike ..."

Lin Yuexian still insists on cycling every day, and her bicycle is placed downstairs.

"Ah? It's so cold?"

"You won't be cold."

"I'm not afraid you're cold!"

"Holding you won't be cold."

"A little girl's house ... Do you know how shy you are ..."

Lin Yuexian was complacent. "Only in this hundred days, I don't want to be shy. I have to use you properly."

"I ... show off but don't sell myself ..."

"Screw you!"

Lin Yuexian secretly pinched Li Fan's waist, "I won't give it to you!"

"Ah? Really no chance?"

Li Fan deliberately teased Lin Yuexian, Lin Yuexian's little face flushed.

"I, didn't I tell you long ago. I'm not so traditional, you have to be a formal boyfriend ... I can give you."

"Are we not formal yet?"

"Yeah ... let's start with kisses ..."

Lin Yuexian stomped her feet and slowly approached Li Fan.

"Yes, it's not so good in the classroom ... wait for me to close the classroom door first ..."

The two were about to kiss, and Li Fan was already boiling. Just then, Lin Yuexian suddenly pushed him away.

"I won't give it! One hundred days, just a temporary worker!"

Lin Yuexian smiled and ran out.

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