My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 923: Customs and culture

923 Custom Culture

One day passed, Li Fan had already landed at Jingdong Airport.

He didn't come alone this time. Chen Junhua, Jiang Ye, and Xia Yan were beside him.

Three big families hit their heads, and Li Fan couldn't sit still.

His destination this time was Abe's house in Jingdong.

As the island's oldest yin-yang teacher, Abe Haruaki founded the Abe family to protect JD. But this time, it was not the demon that invaded, but Li Fan, the little overlord.

"Little sister, what are you doing?"

Li Fan asked Xia Xi when he ran into the duty-free shop next to him.

"Duty-free shops are cheap here, Yang Shuiyue they all asked me to bring something back."

Xia Xuan responded, "Even the water across the corner has asked me for nothing."

Li Fan was sweating for a while. I wiped it. They came to war this time. How could it be like shopping?

"It is the flowering of the island nation right now."

Jiang Ye walked beside Li Fan. In the island country, she didn't need to wear that poisonous snake mask. The exquisite face of the little girl was wearing a school uniform, a black-red check shirt, and a little black skirt, which really attracted the attention of many people around.

"I heard that the cherry blossoms are full and it looks good."

"When you're done with your business, I'll take you there."

Li Fan turned his head to Chen Junhua, who said nothing, "Don't you want to see the cherry blossoms?"

"When did you get the sword ..."

Chen Junhua has no interest in cherry blossoms, and only cares about his sword.

"Relax, someone will bring us over."

None of their weapons could pass the security check of the plane, so Li Fantuo sent it through smuggled channels.

"Sister Xiao, please keep up. When we leave, we will have time to buy."

Li Fan urged Xia Yuan.

"Ah, this is not the time to be afraid to go, don't you go by air."

Xia Ling reluctantly followed, and she had already carried several bags of duty-free goods.

"Rest assured, we come upright, and naturally go back upright."

Li Fan laughed. "We are different from those little devil. Since we are fighting, we will not engage in those hidden tricks."

Jiang Ye blinked and looked at his master.

When wearing a tiger mask, Master is much darker than those little devils.

"This time is different."

Li Fan seemed to have guessed Jiang Ye's mind, reached out his hand, and gently rubbed her hair.

"This time, I came here on behalf of Huaxia Martial Arts. Our martial arts are bright and upright."


Master said everything right, Jiang Ye nodded again and again.

"Boss Li?"

A fat man in a checkered shirt in front crowded into the crowd. He saw Li Fan at one glance, his eyes suddenly became cold, and he waved at Li Fan again and again.

"Here, here!"

"Here we are."

Li Fan took Jiang Ye and they walked over. The fat man must be at least 200 kilograms in height, 1.8 meters tall, and was so sweaty that he wheezed and panted.

"Mr. Li, you're here. I'll be thin when I wait."

The fat man took the salute from Li Fan and enthusiastically led him towards the airport.

"You just don't laugh?"

"Yes, yes, it's me! Tofu has told me, you can rest assured, all arranged well."

This fat man was a comrade in the army when Wang Tofu was a soldier. After retiring, he did some smuggling with Wang Tofu.

When Li Fan came to see the group photo of the two of them, the two sturdy lads stood together, smiling at the sunshine.

But looking at the insignificant smile in front of him, Li Fan was a little bit hard to associate with the eyes of the chubby man who was constantly scouring Jiangye's legs.

"Tang laugh, what about our stuff?"

Li Fan asked.

His extraordinary sword, sister-in-law's sword, and Chen Junhua's epee were all on it.

"It's all in the car, rest assured!"

Tang smiled and patted his chest, his eyes still did not leave Jiang Ye's thigh.

"Look again, I dug your eyes."

Jiang Ye said with a smile.

Tang Xiao shivered, and then he reluctantly regained his gaze.

"be good."

Jiang Ye was very satisfied. Tang Xiaoxin said how the little girl was suffocated.

Li Fan said nothing, he understood men. Occasionally I couldn't help but want to see Jiang Ye's thigh, let alone a wretched fat man. It's okay to look at it, but if the fat man dares to get started, then he will not give Wang Tofu face.

"Miss Li, the car is ahead."

Tang smiled at the Mercedes-Benz MVP in front.

Li Fan raised his eyebrows. Is this fat so rich?

As a result, Tang Xiao passed by in front of Mercedes and opened the door of a small bread in the back.

"Fuck, these idiots are better than the police, I'll post a note after stopping for a while!"

Tang smiled and saw the ticket posted on the front window of the car and jumped angrily.

"How much money I paid for you."

Li Fan got into the car, took out his extraordinary sword from the back, and said while checking.

"Oh, how can this work! You, but our boss, how can we let the boss pay this kind of money!"

Tang Xiao hurriedly laughed. After he invited a few people to the car, he just sat in the car and started the car slowly.

This car also doesn't know what year's old antiques. After pressing the throttle a few feet, it made a loud noise. Li Fanxin said, it's really a dog, and this thing burns soybean oil.

They are all smuggled. Why is this guy so miserable in the island country.

"Some, where are we going?"

"Go straight to the Emperor Hotel."

Li Fan had already booked the hotel, right in the city center.

"A few days?"

"In a few days, someone will come to invite us right away."

Li Fan smiled, he believed that his opponent's intelligence homework would not be too bad.

"That's OK. This emperor hotel is so valuable, it's all fools. If you want me, I recommend you stay in a bed and breakfast. This place is very convenient and has characteristics."

The fat man opened the box while driving, "I heard that Boss Li is here to meet the masters of the island nations. It's a long face for our country."

"It's not too late, don't hurry to say this too soon."

"Oh, what happened sooner or later, I heard tofu, you are so old!"

"There are also many masters of the island nation."

"That's more than China Huaxia. There are many people in Huaxia, and there are many people. Where can the little devil compare? But the color-love industry here is very developed. If the boss is interested, I will take you to walk around?"

"Again, I cut your tongue."

Jiang Ye was furious when he heard it.

"Hey, don't say that."

Looking at the frightened fat man, Li Fan hurriedly persuaded Jiang Ye, "Mr. Tang also wanted to show me the customs and culture of the island country. How can he be so rude?"

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