927 Ace God

The flash kept shooting, but most of them were shooting Abe Haruko.

Haruko Abe is a big man in the island country and rarely shows up. Young, beautiful and gifted Big Yin Yang Master, the owner of the Abe family. This kind of person is definitely big news, especially if it is a war with a Chinese master, this is definitely the headline!

The media are dying, they are waiting for this battle!

A group of people are waiting to go to war. As a challenger today, Li Aura is not weak.

"Have you heard of this, what a gold medal dartist is in Huaxia!"

"It seems that the nickname is Xiao Bawang?"

"Is there such a person, is he qualified to challenge Abe's yin-yang division?"

"Who knows, I guess I can't get through the first three levels."

The challenge is divided into eight levels, using the technique of gossip.

Each level is guarded by a yin and yang division. If Li Fan wants to challenge Abe Haruko, he must first challenge the first eight players.

"Mr. Li, we can start."

Abe Ayako knelt beside her, and seemed to be the host of this event, and it should be one of them.

She was so beautiful that when she stood there, many people couldn't help but fall on her.

"Who is that?"

"Abe Ayako, Abe Haruko's sister."

"She looks so beautiful ..."

"Well, unfortunately, she is not as strong as her sister. Abe Haruko is the real big yin and yang master! The yin and yang star of our island nation!"

Atsuko Abe seemed to have heard this, and frowned slightly.

And Abe Haruko seems to have long used to listening. She sat there, a little bit uneasy, after all, she couldn't smoke her big cigarette now.

It's too hard to keep a smoker from smoking.

"So, who is the first level?"

Li Fan sat there kneeling and was a little impatient.

"Dear Mr. Li, welcome to Abe's house. Although you are a challenger, you are still a guest of our Abe house."

Abe Abe said, "No matter what level you challenge, I hope you can survive."

Abe's sister-in-law seems to be blessing, but the hidden killing heralds the terribleness of the gossip.

"I hope you will survive."

Abe Aya gave a gesture to a companion. It was a young yin and yang warlock, about twenty years old, with only a hook on his neck.

"A gouyu? It seems that this gossip array is nothing to be afraid of."

Li Fan laughed and was about to stand up, Abe Abe said again.

"Both sides can only use spells and Japanese gods."

"what did you say?"

Li Fan immediately turned his head and frowned, looking at Abe's sister-in-law.

"That's the rules, you said. Come by the rules, dear Mr. Li."

Abe's sister smiled at Li Fan sweetly, Li Fan almost vomited blood.

Uncle Grandpa, he has caught this girl's trap in the end!

"Please start, Mr. Li."

The first yin and yang division stood there, reached out, and summoned a paper man more than one meter high.

This paper man is regarded as the lowest level of yin and yang, but it is still very effective for Li Fan now.

Under the urging of the yin and yang division, the paper man could follow Li Fan repeatedly to attack Li Fan. But Li Fan could only dodge left and right, and could not fight back. This makes Li Fan a little crazy.

"It's nothing like a Chinese dart master!"

"His challenge was a joke, hahaha!"

"Hua Xia's vault monkey."

A group of people laughed, Jiang Ye had raised his fists, and Li Fan felt that she was really angry.

Li Fan immediately lifted his feet and stomped on the ground.


The whole Dojo shuddered, and everyone was startled. What happened?

"If you use infuriating, it means that you have given up, Mr. Li."

Mr. Abe reminded Li Fan.

"Who says I'm going to use infuriating? I'm going to use style god, dear."

Li Fan laughed.

God formula?

Abe Ayako stunned for a moment, how could he have a **** of style?

"Come out, Gold Lion Ares!"

Li Fan felt the good guy's card in his pocket and learned the yin and yang masters to cast a spell.

Abe sister-in-law didn't feel spiritual power, she thought Li Fan was just pretending to be a pretender.

But at this moment, a golden light suddenly fell in the sky, directly slicing the roof of the dojo and hitting it in the center.

A beautiful woman wearing a golden flying lion armor was standing there, carrying a golden sword in one hand, and a golden lion shield in one hand.


Abe's sister-in-law was startled. Is this the **** of style?

This so-called golden lion war **** released a terrible energy, which made Abe's **** scared.

A jade yin and yang division was also frightened, he tried to let the paper man attack the flying lion war god.

But the paper man had just approached the flying lion, and the woman had held up her sword and swept it directly, chopping the paper man in half.


A hook of jade yin and yang spit out a spit of blood, and obviously the injury was not minor.

For the yin and yang masters, their style gods are connected to the spirit, and when the style gods are hurt, their spirits will also be injured.

"This first pass is over."

Looking at the jade-like **** being held down, Li Fan asked, holding his arms.

Everyone around was whispering, this Li Fan ... who is it?

"That golden **** ... wow ..."

"This is a god-level god!"

"too terrifying……"

Everyone was shocked by the flying lion **** of war summoned by Li Fan. Is this stuff too powerful?

Abe Auntie felt uneasy. She thought she could trap Li Fan in this trap, or anger Li Fan!

Hold on to Li Fan, he had to face this kind of rules that can only be used, and then obediently defeated!

Enraged Li Fan, he broke the rules, all the yin and yang divisions can get together and attack!

No matter which way, Li Fan can be killed. But it happened, Li Fan came up with such a thing ... said it was a godlike thing!

Whether or not it is a god, say both! But Li Fan was indeed summoned according to the style of God, but now they are dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, and they ca n’t say it!

Li Fan defeated five yin and yang warlocks in a row by his powerful golden lion war god.

In the blink of an eye, Li Fan reached the sixth level.

At this sixth stage, a handsome man came up, holding the charm directly and pointing at Li Fan.

"You god, it's just a flower shelf. It can't beat my ace god!"

This buddy brought three hook jade, which is the strongest Yin Yang division that Li Fan has encountered so far.

"Ace-like god? Take it out."

Li Fan is really looking forward to it.

"Come out! The strongest god!"

The handsome yin and yang division was full of confidence and summoned his own god, "The Boar King!"

A plump pig man slammed in front of Li Fan.

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