My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 930: Goddess evolution

930 Goddess Evolution

An ordinary god, played by Abe Haruko, is also awesome.

After all, it was Abe ’s most powerful yin-yang division, and Li Fan tasted her awesomeness.

However, Li Fan is a martial artist. Even if this ghost warrior is more powerful, he cannot always suppress him.

When the ghost warrior madly stabbed the sword, the flying lion goddess suddenly caught a flaw in the other side, wrapped in one's vitality, slaps on the other's calf, and directly fell the ghost warrior to the aunt.

The shield of the flying lion goddess was lifted upright, hitting the ghost warrior's face, and knocked it out again.

The flying lion goddess stepped forward to keep up with the ghost warrior who was falling down, and chopped a sword towards its waist ribs, chopping him in two!

But at this moment, I thought something had caught the ghost warrior, dragged him back like that, and stood in front of Abe Haruko.

"Yes, it's a big yin and yang teacher, and it's really good."

Li Fan couldn't help clapping his hands, and the flying lion goddess stood silently, holding the sword and shield.

"You're good too."

Abe Haruko looked at Li Fan, "I should be more serious."

Then, Abe Haruko stretched out his right hand and took off a ring on his left hand.

Abe sister-in-law's pupils contracted a bit. This ring is a seal that seals a powerful god. My sister has even taken off the ring, which shows that the Chinese man in front of him really has the ability to compete with her!

For many years, my sister hasn't removed the ring.

"God formula!"

Abe Haruko aimed Li Fan at the left hand.

A red Tai knife suddenly flew out of her palm, and in front of Li Fan in an instant!

The flying lion goddess immediately lifted the holy sword, pinpointed the movement of Taidao, and swung her sword.

But as if there was life in Yaodao Village, he suddenly drew an arc in the air and shot at Li Fan again.

The statue of the flying lion goddess appeared beside Li Fan in time, and a crane hand was patted to the village.

But Village Zheng once again bypassed the hand of the flying lion goddess and stabbed at the back of Li Fan.

The goddess of the flying lion stayed beside Li Fan, and once again remembered the crane, but emptied again.

The monster knife village is flexible and annoying than mosquito flies. The most important thing is that the ghost warrior moved again, wearing a flame, and came towards Li Fan.

This Abe Haruko could control two gods by one person, and it was 6 flying.

But at this moment, a big **** of war suddenly popped up behind Li Fan.

"Isn't it just two gods, I have them too."

The great war **** caught the flying monster sword village magistrate while the flying lion war **** waved the holy sword and repelled the ghost warrior.

The village is exactly a murderous monster knife, suddenly burst into a strong radon, hit the palm of the **** of war, flew back.

The God of War disappeared again, Li Fan holding his arms and standing there.

This war **** also looks like a god-like state, and there is nothing wrong with outsiders.

"This Chinese is also a dual-type god?"

"So amazing ... I didn't expect Huaxia to have such talents."

"But even so, it is not the opponent of the Great Yin Yang Division ..."

Everyone talked, and Abe Haruko looked at Li Fan more.


Abe Haruko seemed a little excited too, and she stood there and suddenly started dancing.

Li Fan thought she was going to do a dance like war ritual, but she didn't expect that she would dance a ppap ...

Li Fan looked silly, but the surrounding media was a little excited.

"It's ppap!"

"Record this, and be sure to fire!"

"Finally see the original!"

What does the original version mean? Could it be Abe Haruko's first jump?

Abe Haruko suddenly stunned his hands together, and the demon sword village rolled over in the air and fell into the hands of the ghost warrior.


The ghost warrior suddenly slashed!

A black crescent knife light split into Li Fan instantaneously, with strong radon on it!

Li Fan frowned. It turned out that the woman would combine skills.

He did not flinch, and continued to cover the spirit of the flying lion goddess.

Aegis defense!

The flying lion smashed the shield to the ground, and a golden divine shield appeared there, blocking the ghost warrior's sword.


But the sword was wrapped in suffocation, so sharp that it tore the Holy Shield abruptly, cut off one arm of the goddess of the flying lion, and ran to Li Fan.

The flying lion goddess grabbed Li Fan with his other hand and dragged him aside.

This crescent knife smashed the floor of the Dojo, flew out, broke through the back wall, and ejected directly into the air.

Li Fan's hand touched the goddess of the flying lion, and her arms were slowly growing back.

"You have to be careful, the sword of the demon sword, but it can eat people."

Abe Haruko's voice was cold and sounded in Li Fan's ear.

"It's amazing."

Li Fangang nodded his head, the ghost warrior suddenly appeared in front of him, and cut it off with his head towards Li Fan!

But the flying lion goddess wrapped her hands in her qi, stretched out her hands, and hugged it on the waist of the ghost warrior, and then the whole person crossed the bridge and fell!


The body of the ghost warrior smashed heavily on the ground of the dojo, and his body was smashed.

These broken armors flew up and reassembled into a ghost warrior in the air, holding the red demon sword village.

"Your style is full of flexibility."

Abe Haruko said, "It's just too bad."

"Don't talk too soon."

Li Fan exhaled a stale gas, "It's just a warm-up."

Then, his palm rested on the flying lion goddess.

Inverse Dragon Toad **** water!

Li Fan infused the vitality in his body into the flying lion goddess!

The flying lion goddess suddenly raised her head and made a silent growl against the sky!

Zhenqi exploded everywhere, and her golden armor gave out a dazzling golden light!

A ripple spread out and the armor of the ghost warrior was broken again and scattered on the ground.

"Useless, ghost warriors can be reorganized indefinitely ..."

Before Abe Haruko finished speaking, her brow frowned.

A pair of golden wings suddenly popped up behind the flying lion goddess, and patted it. Her fighting power seems to have soared several times, with a strong sense of coercion.

"This ... how did it ..."

Abe Haruko didn't understand. Their yin and yang divisions had to dance a stinky and long war dance if they wanted to strengthen the word of God. But what did the Huaxia people do, just reaching out and letting the God of God strengthen to such an extent?

But while the two of them were standing on a unified straight line, the ghost warrior held the demon sword, threw out a crescent knife, and bounced at them.

The flying lion goddess did not use a shield this time, but swept out the holy sword with golden light in her hand!

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