My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 939: Grand Master's Realm

Chapter 939: Grand Master's Realm

Abe Haruko's strength was dissipated, and she fell softly.

Li Fan supplemented her with a crane, and settled Abe Haruko's body!

"Just take a break first."

Li Fan quickly resolved Abe Haruko and laid her flat on the dojo.

Abe Haruko looked at Li Fan with annoyance, but he hadn't even hit him, hell!

"It seems I still want you to beheaded."

The old devil raised his grasshopper sword and pointed at Li Fan, "Today, here, I will bring down the justice that Yamato Nation has failed to bring down decades ago. To support that person, start with you!"

Talking, the old devil appeared directly as a clone.

He held a grasshopper sword and appeared on top of Li Fan's head, and a sword was cut down towards Li Fan.

This seems to be a capability of Cao Jianjian, but Li Fan doesn't care.

He looked at the cut grasshopper sword, but just stood there, holding his arms.

The God of War bounced from his body, and the first shot was on Abe's body.


Abe's body shakes, but a smile hangs at the corner of his mouth.

The palm of the war **** seemed to harm Abe Yangfu at all.

Abe Yangfu ignores the damage of the war god, and at the same time the grasshopper sword in his hand is severely chopped towards Li Fan!

The powerful God of War was cut in half directly!

However, Li Fan was taken out by Zhenfei and slipped back three or four meters, which stabilized his footsteps.

"You're still a bit powerful to take the sword of my undead avatar."

Abe's body looked at Li Fan and said with a smile.

"You should be a great martial artist among those who support it."


Li Fan shrugged. "There are more people than me."

"Anyway, you are not my opponents."

Abe's body is full of a confident smile, "I have a god-like **** and have cultivated me for decades, and the world is invincible."

"Don't talk too soon."

Li Fan looked at the avatar standing in the sky, and he stretched out his right hand.

Real dragon hand.

The extraordinary sword also flew into the air, spinning slowly around Li Fan.

Li Fan released two sword shadows and stabbed the avatars in the air.

However, the avatar indifferently pulled out the sword shadow on his body, not even a drop of blood remained.

Li Fan's eyes fell on Abe Yangfu again. He released two sword shadows, but the sword shadow passed directly through Abe Yangfu's body and stabbed on the back wall.

Abe's body seemed to be a ghost, and after shaking it a few times, the original was restored.

"Oh, it's useless. As long as there is an avatar, my body is a spiritual state. You cannot defeat my body without defeating it."

Abe's ability is really tricky.

"It's troublesome, but it's not a solution."

Li Fan treats this Abe Yangfu, but will not be polite.

He stretched out his right hand in the shadow of Abe's husband.

"Dragon toad **** water!"

Abe Yangfu's body paused, then quickly flew towards Li Fan.


Abe was surprised, why was his spirit pulled away?

Moreover, he felt that Li Fan's right hand seemed to be a terrible black hole. If he leaned on it, he would completely die!


Abe Yangfu immediately called for the avatar and reunited together!

He also regained control of his body, and then held the grasshopper sword with both hands, chopping Li Fan in the air!

"Support that man! Go to death!"

The space seemed to be chopped off, and Li Fan turned aside and barely avoided the sword.

There are still cracks in the air, and there is still black light inside, and this gap seems to be connected with hell.

"That guy, you're offending me."

Abe Yangfu said, his body had appeared in front of Li Fan. At the same time, his grasshopper sword completely turned into a lightsaber, and one sword was cut on Li Fan's body.

Li Fan ran the gold armor in a hurry, but he was blown out and smashed the walls of two dojos in a blink of an eye. He fell into the yard and smashed the ground out of the yard.

"Sword trick!"

Abe Yangfu's sword pointed to the sky, and thousands of lightsabers fell into the sky at once.

Although Abe's ability was sealed, his strength was not false.

The master of a generation of masters, with the help of Caojian Sword, can exert the power of the seventeen dragons.

"It's really amazing."

Li Fan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and got up from the pit.

The broken golden armor slowly dispersed, and he had several lightsabers in his body, but they were not serious injuries.

"There's still a breath? It's a cockroach."

Abe Yangfu gave Li Fan a cold look, as if he really looked at the ants.

"But you will die in more pain, and today you will definitely be let go."

"Is it?"

Li Fan suddenly burst into a strong spirit, and then a golden light fell in front of him.

The flying lion goddess covered with gold armor emerged from the light, as if an undefeated general, once again entered the battlefield.

"Oh, this impersonal god, what good do you call her out?"

Abe Yangfu and Ben did not see the Lion Goddess take off, "Let her come to witness your death?"


Li Fan stood there, and spit out two words gently.

The flying lion goddess suddenly began to disappear, but the energy in her body remained with her armor.

These armors flew up and covered Li Fan one by one.

Li Fan's eyes flashed with golden lightning. He was dressed in armor, clutching the holy sword of the flying lion goddess, and roared.


A huge wave of air immediately spread out, hitting all around.

With Li Fan as the axis, the ground within 100 meters was lifted up. The surrounding trees and buildings were all shattered by his power.

Li Fan's half-strength in Kowloon was combined with the power of the five dragons of the flying lion goddess.

Close to the power of the fifteen dragons, this is the strength after Li Fan's armed!

"So get mysterious!"

Abe Yangfu quickly approached Li Fan again, and the glowing grasshopper sword slashed at Li Fan!


Li Fansheng sword picked Abe Yangfu's grasshopper sword.

At the same time, he rolled his shoulders and banged his head against Abe's chest.

Abe's body flew backwards, Li Fan kicked, and the whole man immediately caught up.

Abe hurriedly met the enemy, the two men collided with their swords, and each of them made more than ten moves in one second and beat them together.


Abe Ayako can only see the light flashing, her eyes cannot catch up with the speed of two people.

Abe Haruko can still see, but she is unable to intervene, both of them are terrible.

How did Huaxia Li Fan achieve this? In just ten days, he broke through and entered the realm of masters?

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