945 Last time

"This is the Australian lobster of Datura, this is Peking duck of Quanjude, this is the steak of the black general ..."

Yu Feng put a plate of food in front of Li Fan. Liu Yanan sat opposite Li Fan, with his arms around his chin, looking at Li Fan, his eyes were crescent-shaped, full of love.

Lin Yuexian sat beside him in shock, watching the woman who had suddenly come in.

Everyone else in the classroom was choked.

What's happening here?

"Liu Yannan ... you ..."

Suddenly Li Fan didn't know what to say.

"Liu Yannan, what do you do?"

Lin Yuexian calmed down first, and she directly questioned, "This is my boyfriend. I will worry about what he eats at noon."

"Yes, it's your boyfriend now, but it won't be long, will it?"

Liu Yanan didn't turn his head, looked at Li Fan all the time, but said in his mouth, "It won't be long before you two will break up. But Li Fan promised me that I would fall in love after one year."

Lin Yuexian almost got angry.

But after all, she was a woman with an IQ of over 140. After thinking about it, she probably guessed something.

"That was also a year later. He is still mine now. Thank you. Please leave."

"What happened a year later, it would be mine anyway."

"It's different."

Lin Yuexian put forward a concept, "It's as if I have a car now and promised to sell it to you one year later. But now you come to me every day and you want to drive my car. How can this work? You are a business People, can you accept such unreasonable things? "

Fuck, who is the car!

Li Fan wants to scold his mother.

"Little sister, it makes some sense."

Liu Yannan finally turned his head, and his eyes fell on Lin Yuexian.

"You work under Li Fan, Qu Cai. Why not come to my company and be my consultant?"

"Look, do I look like I'm out of work?"

Lin Yuexian smiled, "It's you, this is not where you work. Please respect the school, don't go in and out, thank you."

"Isn't it just a school? Miss Ben is happy and bought it."

"Then wait until you buy it."

Lin Yuexian kindly calculated an account for her. "Our school is a shareholding system. If you want to buy a school, you must buy at least 30% of the shares. After you buy these shares, we are almost It is time to graduate. If possible, buy our university as much as possible. "

Lin Yuexian said that Liu Yanan's face was red and white, but there was no good color.

"Little sister, you really have sharp teeth."

Liu Yannan immediately retorted, "But after college, you will not be together. If you enjoy it, enjoy it now. Drive this car for me first. I will get the car keys when I get there."

"Then you wait."

"Hey, you two are enough!"

Li Fan finally couldn't help but, "Who is the car!"


The two women glanced at Li Fan together.

"Okay ... remember to take good care of me ..."

Li Fan didn't say a word, he confided.

The fighting powers of these two **** girls are not irritating.

"Yufeng, let's go!"

Liu Yanan was a little upset, and a feeling of losing was in his heart.

She ordered, and Yufeng was about to leave.

"Take your food together."

Lin Yuexian reminded her, "My car is still owned by me, and outsiders are not allowed to refuel."

"Take it!"

Liu Yingnan stomped his feet, let Yufeng pick up the food container, and turned his head out of the classroom.

Lin Yuexian made a victory gesture to Li Fan.

"Aren't you angry?"

Li Fan asked.

"What's so angry, eat, it will be cold for a while."

Lin Yuexian took food for Li Fan, but Li Fan looked at her and asked.

"Really angry?"

"What do you want me to do, I'm a weak girl."

Lin Yuexian sighed quietly, "And it is a weak woman who is about to be abandoned one month later."

"This one……"

"Well, like Liu Yannan said, enjoy yourself now."

Lin Yuexian seemed to look away. "Maybe we will have a fate together in the future, right?"

"Uh-huh, right."

Li Fan nodded, Lin Yuexian was so understanding, he was relieved.

The students around were jealous one by one, Li Fan, this bastard, it was not enough to have Lin Yuexian ... even such a beautiful woman was left as a spare!


Li Fan has been through the crisis with Liu Yannan for the time being. In the following days, he is busy preparing for the college entrance examination while falling in love with Lin Yuexian.

After three modes, Li Fan's score is 571, which is basically in this fraction.

Spring comes to summer, and when the little girls all put on super shorts, the college entrance examination also arrived with the scorching heat.

In the period before the college entrance examination, the school was almost equivalent to a holiday. There was no one in the classroom, and even the most favorite students ran to the Internet cafes to vent.

Li Fan followed a few good classmates and went to the internet cafe to play lol wildly for a few days.

I have n’t played a computer for a long time, and lol has also changed for two seasons. Li Fan is a little less familiar with the heroes here.

Lin Yuexian sat next to herself, and she played an auxiliary position to **** Li Fan.

This little girl has an excellent IQ, and she plays everything quickly. After less than three days of playing, her hammer was almost professional.

"Well, Lin Yuexian, you can play the game now!"

The classmates who played lol with Li Fan and saw Lin Yuexian's position and consciousness couldn't help but praise.

Basically Lin Yuexian's hook hit 9 of 10 shots.

"Why is your hook so accurate? Teach me how?"

"It's just observing each other's habits."

Lin Yuexian said casually, "Everyone has their own positioning habits. As long as you figure it out, you can basically get it."

"Bull than ..."

The classmates couldn't help praising, and one laughed at the computer.

"The other's cannon is so bad."

Li Fan glanced at it, and the cannon against the fire was shot dead by a tower just to steal someone.

For a moment, Li Fan was caught in the memories.

This cannon is almost exactly the same as Murong Ying of that year.

Her level is not good ... this is where she played for a while.

It seems that things are right and wrong.

In a dozen afternoons, I hardly lost.

"Go home."

Li Fan picked up his schoolbag and said, "I always win, it doesn't mean anything."

"Your kid is embarrassed to say that it's all thanks to Lin Yuexian! Come and play two more. I want to have a diamond."

"No fight, I will have the college entrance exam tomorrow, I will go home and review for a while."

Li Fan pulled up Lin Yuexian, said goodbye to the classmates, and turned out of the Internet cafe.

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