My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 947: Little Brick Prince

947 slab tile little prince

As soon as Li Fan got out of the car, he suddenly extended his right hand.

A bullet was caught in his hand, and white smoke was still on the bullet.

The bullets of the sniper rifle, although Li Fan has little research on the sniper rifle, but he can still see the bullet a little.

Nearby is an abandoned construction site. The location of the sniper Li Fan has not yet been determined. He must be hiding in a certain floor, waiting to assassinate himself. However, if it was just an ordinary sniper, how could it possibly kill itself?

"You may be mentally disabled."

Li Fan looked at the surrounding buildings, his voice wrapped in anger, spread it out, and scattered in every corner of the building.

"Send a sniper to kill me? And even if you kill me, you can get x? No matter who the person in charge is this time, don't make fun?"

Audi a6 has been far away, Zhou Tai has reminded Li Fan once out of humanity.

But Li Fan is not particularly worried. Even if he wants to kill himself, he has to send someone secretly. They are still law-abiding citizens in their own right, and they cannot do anything to themselves.

Who is this man who secretly kills himself?


Without waiting for Li Fan to understand, a figure was dropped from the third floor and dropped to the ground.

Li Fan glanced over, a man lying on the ground, wearing a black special battle suit, lying in a pool of blood.

He also lost a handful of svds to prove his identity.

"All said, things here can be solved by others alone, so why bother finding a burden?"

Another voice flew out. Li Fan turned his head and saw a man in a red robe, drawing a heavy makeup, with a charming atmosphere, slowly falling down from the third floor.

"Hidden heads and tails don't look like real heroes at all."

"Send him?"

Li Fan looked at Jin Yiwei, who had become the eunuch, and he didn't know what he was doing here.

"Someone was sent to kill you above, and a qualified person was needed. The burden was tossed around and finally fell on others."

Wang's fingers touched his cheek. "It's good to see you."

"Song Wang, now that medicine is developed, I recommend you a hospital that can connect your gadgets again."

Li Fan advised.

"Others don't want it. It's so good now, so don't want that dirty man."

Wang sent a hand to cover his mouth and laughed coquettishly. "Or is it that they are not beautiful enough to make you unhappy?"

In my day, your name isn't beautiful enough, is it good for you to be a pervert?

Mom, a chicken!

"Then I can introduce two strong men to you ... yes, there are handsome men! What about Yan Kai, his small looks will definitely satisfy you!"

"Why, he's really handsome and looks good. But he's not masculine enough to attract people."

Wang Song pointed his orchid finger and looked at Li Fan with a smile. Li Fan was full of hair, and was a little panicked.

"Well, most of them are uniform, shall we have something to say?"

"Come on, talk closer."

Wang gave a hand to Li Fan, Li Fan's body flew uncontrollably towards him!

"Little Wuxiang Shen Gong"!

Wang Xun almost practiced this kung fu to the peak. He used his own energy to drag Li Fan's body and dragged him in front of him!

It's so awesome!

Li Fan pressed his hands to the ground, his body's vitality sank, and he forcibly stabilized his body.


Wang Xuan looked at Li Fan with satisfaction, "It seems that you are very strong now. Remember when you first saw you, you could only be slaughtered by others. If it wasn't for Yu Xi's girl who saved you, you would have disappeared long ago. Be in this world. "

"I'm not Xiao Mengxin then."

Li Fan reminded Wang to send, "If you want to fight with me, you have to weigh it first."

"You did grow a lot."

Wang Song said charmingly, "The last time you fought with Murongbo's old guy, you were already shocked. You have grown so much in just such a short time. I'm afraid it won't take long before you will Become a generation master. "

"It's not bothering you to worry about it."

Li Fan mentioned his true spirit, "Whether you want to fight or do something, let's say."

"Of course I have to fight again."

Wang Xia waved his hand, "The task was given above, and it wouldn't work if you didn't do it. But people couldn't bear you to die, and they just made you crippled, and then they could take care of you for a few days."

Well, this guy is a big pervert!

Li Fan felt that he couldn't tell clearly.

"You can rest assured that people will be lighter. If you hurt, you will pass it."

With that said, Wang Send suddenly appeared in front of Li Fan, one hand dragged towards Li Fan.

At such a close distance, the effect of Qi is stronger. It seems that there is a hand that really dragged Li Fan's body and took him forward.


Li Fan snorted coldly, his vitality seemed to be frozen, and he fell on his legs, making his body stuck to the ground, like an old tree taking root.


Wang Fang was slightly surprised, and it seemed that Li Fan could not block his anger.

"That's great, it's amazing."

Wang Xun said, strengthening his skills, pulling his hands against Li Fan fiercely.

Behind the king's gift, a vague figure suddenly appeared, as if it were a giant. He extended his hands to Li Fan and grabbed him.

The vitality sent by Wang can also be transformed into an entity. Although it is still a bit vague, the strength is real. Grasp it on Li Fan's shoulders and pull him away.

"God of War!"

There was also the God of War popping up behind Li Fan. He held his arm by himself, and the palm of the God of War waved, and he patted the giant's face with a palm and shot the giant back.

Next, the War God took a big bear king seal and sent it to the opposite king.

Wang Xia stood there. The giant became clearer and clearer. He raised his arms and blocked the palm for Wang Xia.

The qi spread out and hit the surroundings.

Li Fan took a step back, and Wang Song took a step back, and the two looked at each other again.

"I still look down on you."

Wang Xun said, "Since that is the case, come up with eight points to deal with you."

Said, Wang sent his arms open, and the whole construction site suddenly shivered. Under his aura of control, all the stone bricks on the surrounding buildings were pumped out. The entire building site was demolished. All the bricks flew around and rotated to form an enchantment!

Even with this exquisite aura control technique, even Li Fan, I'm afraid I can't play so well.

His weak water of three thousand can make Zhenqi divided into three thousand shares, but these bricks have at least hundreds of thousands of millions ...

Wang Wang, the little prince of brick!

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